Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 342: : Please do not doubt the ability of a world-class intelligence dealer

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"He is Zaft in white, and he is also a strong supporter of the Sala faction. You must know that there are many people in the Zaft Sala faction who do not want the war to stop."

Kenneth flicked the booger off the tip of his finger as he spoke, and wiped it on the soldier's clothes beside him.

Ignoring the constipated expression on the other's face, Kenneth continued to pinch his nostrils.

"He's just in white!"

It still feels a little unreliable. It is impossible for a white robe to start a war.

"Isn't this still you? And who said that there are only people inside who don't want a truce? The blue cosmos guys are not restless at all."

"Blue cosmos? You look down on me too much, I can't do it to that extent."

"What if you add another Matisse?"

"Are you sure she'll be involved?"

"Please don't doubt the abilities of a world-class intelligence dealer."

"Really? Then I hope you don't doubt the ability of Actaeon!"

. After speaking, he directly hung up the communication.

It's not like he can stop if he wants to.

Besides, if Kenneth can really do everything he says, then this thing is not unacceptable.

"It's finally here—"

Looking at the hung up communication, Kenneth extended his fingers to the soldier beside him with a happy expression.


The soldiers jumped into the sea angrily.

Kennoff was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the girl beside him——Alyssa Asana.

"You can try--"

Alisha glanced at the dirt on her opponent's hand and squinted.

"Well, no matter what, it's finally time for me."

Kennoff silently wiped his fingers on his clothes, his expression a little happy.

Alyssa curled her lips in disdain, and said with a sneer, "I hope you don't take it off and put yourself in."

She knew a little about Kennoff's plan.

"It doesn't matter-"

Kenneth waved frantically and roared towards the ocean in the distance: "The world will finally dance under my guidance! The **** of world intelligence is me - Kenneth!"

In addition to the huge potential benefits contained in the combat auxiliary system, there is actually another reason for Kenneth to do all this - ideals, dreams, ambitions...

Or obsession.

He wants to prove that the power of intelligence is the strongest, it is the power that can change the world, and it is the power that can dominate and control the world!

And 'to rule the world with information, to make the whole world turn according to your own imagination-' How wonderful is this?

At the same time, this is the lifelong pursuit of every intelligence businessman.

Just imagine, the whole world is in your hands, right? adjuster? natural person? Phantom pain? logos?

Everything is its own pawn.

I control them like a god, everyone acts according to their own expectations, and the world runs in their own hands. Thinking about it makes people fascinated and excited.

Of course, he also knew that this was an extravagant wish, a life-long unattainable goal.

But just because it's hard to reach, it's so fascinating, isn't it?

And now-

An opportunity that can influence the world and be led by oneself has come.

.The developed combat assistance system, this is an excellent thing that can really affect the entire human world, especially the follow-up version of this system——

No one or any force in this world can ignore its existence.

In the past, I could only witness human history, but now, I will guide human history for the first time.

Maybe it is so insignificant in the long river of human beings, but it has indeed affected the world.

This is one small step for you, and one giant leap for you!

"But your first step went wrong..."


"Noel didn't land as you imagined, but ran away with the body on."

"Uh... I have also considered this, and it is also acceptable."

"But without the threat, the other party will most likely not cooperate with you."

"Um...I have a trump card!"

"Matisse's side won't necessarily cooperate with you, .

"Your salary for this month is gone!"

Kenneth directly interrupted the heart-piercing deputy.

"You think your poor salary is enough for me to buy clothes?"

Alyssa couldn't help teasing.

"What do you mean?"

Kennoff was stunned, why did this feel a little bad.

"Intelligence is valuable only when it is used—" Alyssa said calmly.


Kennoff had a bad hunch.

"I sold the information about the Eurasian Federation's attack on the Imperial Pillar of Heaven that you obtained not long ago. The price is not bad. Would you like to share it with you?"


Kenneth was stunned, and looked at Alyssa with dull eyes.

The news of the Eurasian Federation attacking the Heaven's Imperial Pillar is what he intends to use to trade with Noel.

After all, although the relationship between Nuoer and the Heaven's Domain Pillar is hidden, he still knows a little bit about it.

But now that the information is gone, and the other party has advanced it... No wonder that guy will leave the shuttle in the Heaven's Domain Pillar!

At the beginning, I hadn't figured out what was going on, and after a long time, the problem was in my own home!

"You really are a stingy fellow. You're still holding on to this kind of information. Forget it, there are five hundred federal coins left here. I'll give it to you later." Alyssa glanced at Kennef contemptuously.

"Hey—take it off."

Kenneth took a deep breath of the sea breeze, his expression a little grim.

"Take off? Take off what?" Alyssa was stunned.

"Take off your clothes and let me see, I want to see what kind of ragged clothes are worth so much!" Kennoff said, and reached out to pick up his clothes.

Intelligence trafficking is a lucrative industry, especially for this kind of life-related information, the price is very high.


"Take it off for me! Even the insides are taken off together!"

Click - the pistol is loaded.

"How dare you point a gun at me? You eat mine and use mine, you—you really can't take off the outside..."


The sound of gunfire interrupted Kenneth's words.


Depression sounded.


Trickle of sea water.

"This—it's like a kayak!"

"I can swim, and we all will."


Kenneth stared at the sky silently, silently watching the gradually receding sky and the gradually falling sea level.

Is it really okay for this subordinate to control the world or something?


The trees are lush and the sea breeze is blowing.


There was a sudden roar over a secluded island, startling countless birds.

dong dong——

The steel fell to the ground and the earth trembled.

click -

The Changjian cockpit door opened, and a man in white hurriedly stepped on the elevator to land on the ground.

After landing, it will not run away towards the distance.

Faster than Bolt.

About half a minute Noel jumped into a pothole, and silently began to count down in his heart——

A minute has passed, and the weather is calm—

Two minutes passed without any disturbance—

Three minutes, ten minutes...

After confirming that the fuselage would not explode, Noel returned to the fuselage cursingly.


Body energy lock cannot be activated.

Nuoer paced to the edge of the cliff, looking at the sunset slowly setting in the distance with a complicated expression.

The next morning—

Zaft flew ms Dean to land on the island and dragged the body back to the Kapantalia base with a steel cable.


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