Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 353: : The reaction of the 3-ship alliance

When the outside world is in turmoil.

The Supreme Council was surprisingly calm.

Irene Karnaba ignored the existence of the Supreme Council, gave a private news speech, and made a behavior that was completely inconsistent with the Klein faction.

Faced with this situation, the Supreme Council should have been agitated.

But the reality is true - no one raised any objections, only helplessness and sighs.

Klein faction senator Louise Lightner looked at Erin Karnaba without saying a word.

But the words could not come out of his mouth.

"If nothing else, this is the end of today's meeting."

Erin Canaba smiled reassuringly, a relief that her actions were recognized.

"Is it worth it?"

Just when Erin Carnaba got up and was about to leave, Louise Lightner couldn't help but ask, "Is it really worth it for you to gamble like this?"

The other congressmen also stopped and looked at Erin Carnaba.

The emergence of auxiliary systems for combat use, and the actions of the Atlantic Federation, as well as the various responses of the United States of South America.

Anyone with a clear mind can guess the inside story.

It is nothing more than that, in order to speed up the improvement of the auxiliary system for combat, the Atlantic Federation directed and played a war of independence.

Some people may think this is too absurd, after all, it's just a system, is it worth it?

But if you put it in the Earth United and dual-player camps, it's worth it, very worthwhile.

In international exchanges, force is the cornerstone of everything.

And the strategic significance of this system is, in a sense, even more terrifying than a nuclear bomb.

The reason why they can fight with the Earth United, in addition to the serious internal differences of the Earth United, the existence of MS has played a decisive role.

If the natural person of the Atlantic Federation has obtained the MS combat power of the adjuster.

Don't say yes.

Even the two major forces of East Asia and Eurasia must be completely suppressed by the Atlantic Federation.

After all, something like a nuclear bomb is not something you can use if you want.

Therefore, in order to make the Atlantic Federation dominate the world, let alone the United States of South America, even if it is fighting against other East Asia and Eurasia, the Atlantic Federation will definitely not back down.

Facing the eyes of everyone, Erin Carnaba said with a smile: "It's worth it, I believe in my choice, just as you believe in me."

She had also thought about being an ostrich, but her conscience, responsibility, and obligations could not make her bury her head in the mound.

She is the president of the Supreme Council, so she has the obligation and responsibility to ensure the safety.

Even if Siegel was here, he would choose to do so without hesitation.


Louise Leitner looked at Erin Carnaba's back and said nothing.

In the end, he chose to shut up, and what Irene Carnaba did might not be the right choice.

But it's definitely a good choice.

The earth thousands of miles away—

The island that Orb belongs to - the island of dawn.

Lux and the others gathered together.

In the dreary room, only the sound of TV news mixed with engine and gunfire echoed.

"Why is this--it just stopped..."

Kira's expression was a little sad, he didn't understand, the war with the earth united just stopped not long ago, and those who died have not rested.

But under such circumstances, the fire of war was ignited again.

Having experienced the baptism of the first war, Kira knows the desires of human beings, and also knows that human beings will have quarrels and contradictions.

But what kind of contradictions and disputes can make the war that has just stopped ignited again?

When Aslan and the others heard the words, the expressions on their faces were also somewhat disappointed.

After paying so much, I thought I could live a stable life, but now, just a few months later, a war of this scale broke out on the earth.

The United States of South America occupies one-tenth of the earth's territory and has a population of nearly two billion.

This is why the United States of South America has the courage to jump out and become independent.

At first, they thought that the United States of America would gain independence, but the truth was that the Atlantic Federation went directly to war with a combination of punches.

Everything came so unexpectedly and unexpectedly.

"What I'm more curious about is Speaker Erin's speech—"

At this moment, Andrew suddenly spoke to break the silence.

In fact, he didn't want to say this, but none of the fools Irene Carnaba spoke in the same way, and they definitely had doubts.

But some words can only be said by those who belong to the camp.

I said earlier that I would not participate in the regime change within the Earth United, but I wanted to give humanitarian assistance and not close the trading channel.

Of course, none of the above matters.

The point is that according to reliable information, the United States of South America ordered a batch of MS, and the party took the order and delivered it a few days later.

This behavior completely deviates from the philosophy of the Klein faction.

Not even an ally of the United States of South America.

Because other forces of the Earth United have closed the trading channel with the United States of South America, even Orb.

Of course, the possibility of secret deals is not ruled out, but at least they have done so on the surface.

In the silence of everyone, they looked at Lux subconsciously.

"Earth United has developed a system - the MS Combat Support System."

Facing the gazes of everyone, Lux was silent for a moment and then chose to tell part of the truth.

"MS Combat Support System?"

Aslan and Kira were stunned, how many auxiliary systems are there for combat? a lot of.

For example, the full gun door of the Freedom Gundam is unfolded.

Meteor system, multiple lock system, fire control system, dragoon system - etc., can be called MS combat auxiliary system, but what does all this have to do with this war?

"According to the data feedback from the Heinlein Design Bureau, this system can greatly improve the combat capability of MS pilots. After perfection, it is even possible for natural persons to have MS combat capabilities that are no less than that of adjusters."

Regarding the auxiliary system for combat, Lux has no intention of concealing will reveal all the information she obtained a few days ago.

"How is this possible!?"

"Let the natural person have the MS combat capability no less than the adjuster?"



One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and everyone present knew better than anyone the consequences of the increase in MS's combat power.

The reason why they can do so much is largely dependent on the super strength of Freedom Gundam and Justice Gundam.

Burning text

But if every natural person had the same combat power as the adjusters, it would be the Atlantic Federation that relies on the superiority of numbers to fight——

"Is this kind of system really possible?" Mu La Flage couldn't help asking.

As a person who has transitioned from MA to MS, he knows better than Aslan and others how difficult it is for a natural person to drive MS.

And if we want to build on this foundation, let natural people have the combat power of the adjusters——

He-he was moved.

"The data provider and the person who actually drove the body—it was Noel." Lux pondered.

"It's that guy—"



Everyone heard the words with different expressions, but there was no questioning.

If other people say the actual combat capability of this system, they may be able to refute it, but Noel——

This guy's MS fighting ability can also be in the top three in the world, even Kira, who is known as the strongest adjuster, dare not say that he will win.

Therefore, he said that the system can reach this level, and there is a high probability that there is no problem.

This is not a personal trust in him, but an affirmation of his MS combat capability. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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