Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 363: : A heart that has never really been close

Dawn Island underground base.

squeak, squeak, squeak—

Rapid alarms echoed across the base.

Wearing the uniform of the Earth Alliance, Mariu and the others walked quickly into the bridge of the Archangel.

[System detection is normal! 】

【The route has been cleaned up! 】

[Engine ignition starts! 】

Thanks to the experience of the members of the Archangel, even in the absence of personnel, the Archangel was still launched in an orderly manner.


MS accommodated the library, and Lux's voice sounded in the free cockpit.


Kira, who was preparing to leave, stopped and looked up at the video communication.

"be careful."

Lux pondered and said with a smile.

This time, Lux didn't say that again - wait for you to come back.

"Well, I will."

Kira smiled hesitantly and replied, "Thank you."

Kira didn't say that when I got back—

The two just laughed and closed their respective communications.

[System detection is normal! 】

【The route has been cleaned up! 】

[Freedom Gundam - You can attack! 】

Mirialia's voice sounded in the hangar.

At the same time, the gate of the accommodating warehouse also opened with the red light flashing, revealing the blue ocean in the distance.

"Kira Yamato, Freedom Gundam - Attack!"

Kira pulled down the mask while speaking and started the Freedom Gundam engine.

The ps armor was activated, and the Freedom Gundam crossed the sea and flew forward.

"Archangel! Ready to go!"

Inside the bridge, Captain Maliu picked up the walkie-talkie and ordered.

"Do you really think this is a good choice?"

Inside the manor, Cagalli came to Lux who had taken off her earphones at some point.

She really couldn't understand why the two of them came to this point.

"It was never me who made the choice—"

After speaking, Lux walked slowly to the window and looked at the gradually disappearing Freedom Gundam.

Feeling a little more complicated.

"But it's not over yet, Kira-"

Cagalli said hesitantly, "He just went to see, he went to rescue his companions!"


Facing Cagalli's words, Lux shook her head and said, "I should know Kira better than you."

"Yes, but are you willing to separate like this?"

Cagalli couldn't help asking.

"Be willing to part-"

Lux couldn't help but shake her head with a smile and said, "Maybe my heart and Kira's hearts have never really moved closer to each other."

Emotion is something that cannot be expressed in words.

Between Lux and Kira, there was always a wall blocking the approach of the two.

The relationship between Lux and Kira is more of two like-minded comrades-in-arms, and there may be opportunities to continue to sublimate.

But with her appearance, that opportunity also disappeared.



The sea water boils in the high-heat beam, and the mist covers the range of the beam's impact.



High-energy beams mixed with several beams and flew into the air from the mist.


The engine roared, and the Covenant Gundam body rotated and climbed, while turning the dragoon muzzle to the left.


The dragon cavalry shot, interrupting the Goddess Gundam, who was preparing to attack.

"Go to hell!"


The beam strikes again, and Maudie growls and pulls the trigger.

At the same time, Swain also drove the slaughter dagger, raised the gun and pulled the trigger.

"Beep beep-"

"Annoying stuff!"

Noel listened to the alarm and subconsciously chose the route arranged by the system to avoid it.

The result is naturally avoided, but the posture is very awkward!

At least that's how Knoll feels to himself.

bang bang bang-

The high-energy beam of the Fire God Cannon shot from below.


Listening to the piercing alarm, Noel abandoned the system guidance, chose to forcibly brake the body, and then turned to avoid it.


"Huh? Interesting—"

In God's Will, Cruze, who locked the attack in advance according to the system plan, couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

"This system is really killing people without paying for their lives!"

In Saint Covenant, Nuoer resisted the strange impulse in his mind and scolded his teeth angrily.

The combat assistance system is really useful, at least its detection and response speed is more than one grade higher than that of the ordinary system.

But its shortcomings are also obvious - the mode curing is too serious.

If he was really stupid and followed the system's guidance, I'm afraid he would have been beaten by God's will long ago.

Maudie looked at the covenant that climbed again, turned around and flew towards the Mir battleship below.

Don't you like to run?

I'll tear down your home first!

Thinking of this, Maudie raised his gun and aimed directly at the side of the battleship.

"You think I don't exist!"

Thanks to the excellent induction of the system, the high-energy beam of the Covenant Gundam flipped at the moment when Maudie had an abnormal behavior.

While the body stood upside down to avoid the beam, two high-energy beams shot from the muzzle.


Boom - Gu Bong

The high-energy beam fell into the sea ahead of time, and the crashing waves were mixed with water mist to shroud Maudie.


The mist filled the sight of the Slaughter Dagger, and Miudi had to give up his desire to attack.

beep beep-

"Maudie - get out of the way!"

Before Maudie could leave the mist, a piercing alarm mingled with Swain's reminder sounded.


Maudie looked at the radar and couldn't help but turn pale in shock, and hurriedly turned to look in the direction of the siren.

A beam saber appeared mixed with boiling water mist.


boom -

The beam saber swept across the room, and the red and black bodies flashed alternately.


Maudie's terrified screams echoed through the communication.


"Get out of the way!"

At the same time, Shi Wen, who came to support, also rushed in front of him.

As he swung the beam saber, he swiped towards the Covenant Gundam, who was preparing for a second attack.

At the same time, a high-energy beam burst out from the gun-loaded massacre muzzle.


Noel was speechless, driving the Covenant Gundam to retreat and evade, and at the same time the muzzle on the back flipped.


However, it was still a bit slow.

Shenyi Gundam seized the opportunity, and dozens of beams galloped from a distance between the muzzles of the dragoons.


Noel raised his shield to block the beam and retreated from the beam rain.

"Maudie, are you alright?"

As Swin raised his gun to attack, he asked towards the slaughtering dagger that had been cut off by half.

"It's okay! I can't die!"

In the cockpit where the red light was flashing, Maudie scolded and replied, "I must kill him today!"

Shi Wen did not refute when he heard the words, but just analyzed the situation in front of him for himself.

As for Maudie's rhetoric, he should not have heard it.


However, just as Swain was thinking about how to leave the covenant, Matisse's voice was radioed into the cockpit of the four.



Except for Cruze, the other three all looked stunned. Although Maudie's body was damaged, it was not impossible for him to continue fighting.

beep beep-

Radar found an abnormal body, and a harsh alarm came.

bang - bang -

Before the three of them could check it out, several beams came galloping from the direction indicated by the radar.


"Freedom Gundam?"

"Why is this guy here?"

In the stunned eyes of the three of them, a blue-and-white machine with a full-body muzzle appeared on the sea in the distance——


The waves suddenly rolled and roared, and a white battleship with two long legs broke through the waves and rushed out.

"Anti-air warhead - launch!"

bang bang bang-

Almost at the moment when the water came out, Maliu roared and ordered.

Countless artillery shells flew towards Shenyi Gundam with tail smoke.


Seeing this, the three slaughter daggers hurriedly raised their guns and retreated, and while shooting down the missiles, they converged towards Shenyi Gundam.

As for the previous incomprehension of retreat, I also realized at this moment.

Freedom Gundam, Covenant Gundam, plus an Archangel—

This configuration is no longer a question of whether you can shoot down the opponent, but whether you can survive.


In Freedom Gundam, Kira glanced at the beautiful woman on the life raft. She was still dazzling, even the waves of the ocean could not cover her light.

After a moment of indifference—

Kira's eyes flickered to accommodate the muzzle, and he pulled out the beam saber with his backhand and rushed towards the three.

"It's a familiar scene, but I can't let them die here right now—"


Accompanied by Cruze's soft whisper, a dozen beams shot from the back of Divine Will Gundam.


The Freedom Gundam braked to a sudden stop, flipped over, and avoided the beam.

"God's Will is Gundam!?"

However, when Kira looked in the direction of the attack, the whole person froze, the familiar body and the familiar feeling - he was right!

But he wasn't--

Did he join the Earth Federation?

But isn't he Zaft in white? How did you join Earth United?

For a time, Kira's thoughts fell into chaos.

If there are people in this world who have caused the biggest psychological shadow on Kira, Cruze is definitely the first.

The battle was not won, at least according to Kira.

Quarrel - it's fine if you don't quarrel, and you were almost told by the other party that you were autistic.

"Mission failed, retreat."

Cruzer may have recalled the glorious years, and subconsciously ordered.



"Come- huh? What did you say?"

Maudie subconsciously prepared to answer and suddenly reacted, what qualifications do you have as a scout to order me?

Cruzer turned a deaf ear to this, just glanced at the covenant and freedom, turned around and drove away.

He found things more and more interesting.

In the covenant of God, there was no joy on Noel's face when he saw the four bodies that flew away, but he was more solemn and puzzled.

After several twists and turns, it still achieved its goal.

But for some reason, Noel always had a sense of disobedience lingering in his heart.


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