Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 46: : house arrest



After the two soldiers pushed Noel into an empty room, they directly locked the door completely.

"I was wronged!"

"Hey! I'm not a spy! I'm a good citizen!"

"Ah~ I was wronged..."

Noel leaned against the door, slapped the door with both hands, roaring with grief and anger.


While cursing, Noel pretended to hit the surrounding walls while his eyes kept scanning the surrounding walls and corners.

In five minutes~

Perhaps tired, Nuo Er sighed and walked to the bed that was messed up by him, laying down with his hands behind his head.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the corner of the ceiling, then silently turned over to face the wall and thought.

"Huh, house arrest, it's still within the acceptable range..."

After confirming the result, Nuoer couldn't help but took a deep breath. In fact, the result was still within Nuoer's acceptance range.

After all, in the face of an unidentified adjuster, it is ideal not to be shot on the spot or thrown directly into the prison.

Don't think it's outrageous, the Archangel is a battleship in the stage of combat readiness, plus the MS capture incident that just happened, its level of alertness is unbelievable.

Coupled with the hard-line Earth soldier of Second Lieutenant Bucky Lulu, if he is truly careless, he will be executed in secret.

You must know that the new MS is extremely important to the Earth Coalition. Even the gracious and gentle Captain Mariu shot directly when he first faced Kira and others.

So being under house arrest is a good result.

"But how do I leave..."

However, Noel also knows that this is not a long-term solution. If he doesn't want to leave here as soon as possible, his identity will be exposed sooner or later.

But to get out of here...

"Why don't I just rob the Strike Gundam..."

Noel suddenly had a 'very good' idea in his heart.


"How's it going?"

At the information work station under the bridge of the Archangel, Flagg went to the place where the bridge was in charge of monitoring and asked.

Upon hearing this, Captain Maliu zoomed in on the monitor, looked at Noel's back who was breathing in an orderly manner, and said, "I lost my temper for a long time just now, and now I should be lying down and sleeping."

"The situation is special, and I can only wrong him." Flagg replied after hearing this.

"The captain thinks he is innocent?" Second Lieutenant Bucky Lulu heard the words and asked back.

At this moment, her expression showed obvious disgust.


Flagg recalled what he had found just now and couldn't help but ponder for a while and replied, "I don't know, I can't be sure for the time being."

"Then Captain, you just..."

"It was a special case just now. Under that circumstance, I couldn't say he was a spy, and Kira was there at the time." Flagg replied helplessly.

After seeing Second Lieutenant Bucky Lulu and Maliu both looking puzzled, Flagg couldn't help but continue to explain: "You must know that he was brought by the boy, if he is really a spy, then according to the regulations, the basic Can Ra still drive the Strike Gundam to attack? Without the existence of the Strike Gundam, we might as well surrender directly to save our lives.”

"Besides, we need Kira's help very much now. If we don't take care of his emotions, what if he thinks we hate the adjusters and chooses to refuse to participate in the war?"

"But what if he is really a spy?" Second Lieutenant Bucky Lulu asked rhetorically.

"Isn't his ID card still there? We'll know if we fix it." Flagg replied.

"Fixed? His ID identification chip has been broken, and there is no way to repair it in a short time." Second Lieutenant Bucky Lulu replied.

"Then it's really impossible to hand him over to Artemis. We're not going to Artemis. We'll just hand him over to the Earth Army."

Flagg didn't care too much about whether Noel was a spy or not.

When Noel was exposed, it didn't matter whether he was a spy or not. After all, the most terrifying thing about a spy is that he hides in the dark.

An exposed spy, as long as someone is watching, there is no threat at all.

And recalling the situation and details he had just observed, Flagg did not think that the Zaft Army would send such a person as a spy...

"And now, instead of worrying about him as an adjuster, we might as well think about how to get out of here and go to the Umbrella of Artemis." Flagg restrained his thoughts, he didn't want to get entangled in such a nutritious topic.

Going to Artemis was a decision they had discussed before.

In fact, normally they should go to the lunar base, but it is too far away, and there is a blockade area in the middle. The current situation of the Archangel is not realistic at all. Even if there is no battle, there will be a shortage of supplies. Shut down.

And although "Artemis" is a military alliance base affiliated with the European Union, but in the current situation of the Archangel, there is almost no choice other than where to go.

After hearing the words, Mariu pondered for a while, and then said the plan she had just thought of: "Prepare the lure target! At the same time as the lure target is launched, make the main engine jet to correct the trajectory towards 'Artemis', and then change to inertial sailing, and then the second battle Location! Track control in the shortest time possible."

"In this case, the silent snorkeling before reaching 'Artemis'...about two hours?" Flagg, who often fights in space, quickly calculated the approximate time.

"Well, does Captain Flagg have any other good suggestions?" Maliu looked at Flagg.

Suddenly being called "Captain" and being assigned to this position is a severe postgraduate entrance examination and psychological burden for her, who has little actual combat experience.

At the same time, most of the crew members have no actual combat experience like her, so she feels even more uncertain about the future.

Plus this man named Mu La Flagg and Natal Bakilulu.

Although they knew each other, they had never served in the same unit, and they knew too much about them.

So whether it can successfully control them is also a very troublesome question.

It can be said that the entire Archangel is a problem.

"I don't have any opinion." Flagg hurriedly replied.

In fact, he still agreed with Maliu's plan, in order to avoid the heat emitted by the engine from being detected by the enemy.

First hit the decoy target, use the false information it sends to attract the attention of the enemy, take the opportunity to steer to a minimum, and then rely on the propulsion generated by the first engine jet to carry out inertial sailing.

This method is by far the best solution.

However, the above is an expected situation and cannot guarantee that everything will go smoothly.

You must know that the opposite side is the team leader of Cruze. To be honest, facing Cruzer, Flagg is still a little worried about whether this plan can be Lieutenant? "Maryu couldn't help but look at Bucky Lulu when she heard the words.

"I don't have any opinion either!" Bucky Lulu replied.

"Launch the lure! Engine jet! The ship's channel is corrected to 'Artemis'!"

After hearing this, Mariu took a deep breath and gave the crew the first order in the true sense.


On the other side~

Zaft battleship ~ Vesalius.

"I didn't expect it would turn into this situation..."

On the bridge of the "Wesalis", Adis stood on the bridge and watched the space around "Heliopolis", destroying a colonial satellite... This kind of thing he It's not even a dream.

Seeing that Cruzer had been wandering on the radar map, Adis, after cleaning up his emotions, could not help but leave the command seat and came forward and asked: "Will they leave this area under the cover of the wreckage of Heliopolis? already?"

Because of the heat source emitted by the wreckage of Heliopolis, their radar and thermal detection could not determine that the heat source was the Archangel, so Longfoot may have left.

"No, they should still be here, somewhere quietly..."

Cruzer shook his head. The Archangel departed by accident, and it would definitely not carry much supplies. In this case, they simply couldn't leave too far.

And the closest Earth coalition base is the Umbrella of Artemis, known as the absolute defense!

As for whether they will go to the lunar surface base, it is impossible to pass through the heavy defenses and reach the lunar surface with the supplies and forces carried by the long feet.

Adis didn't know what Cruzer was thinking, but was so shocked by Cruzer's confident words that he was speechless.

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