Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 553: : Now, I am no longer that weak child.

A piece of mica seemed to fall in the pitch black, and the sunlight shone brightly on the tiny reflection surface.

A white body with two wings stretched, roaming in space.

The compact fuselage is based on white, plus blue and yellow, and it looks like a fighter jet.

The driver's red uniform can be seen through the tinted glass shield.

Behind the helmet is a slightly childish and stubborn face; the bangs hanging down on the face are black, and the eyes revealed between the hair strands are as deep as blood.

The driver controls the joystick while reading various data on the instrument panel and screen.

In front of those red eyes, a huge structure shaped like a silver hourglass was approaching.

It was a new generation of colony satellites built at L4 - "Arsenal One" belonging to one of the colonies.

For those who are new to the universe, space can be difficult to grasp the sense of distance between objects.

Without the refraction of the air, distant objects will be clear as if they are close to the eyes.

Even the spectacular colony of constellations became model-like unreal.

Look around the Armory One Colony.

An azure sphere came into view.

Earth - the blue parent star.

Whenever I saw her beautiful figure, there was always a suffocating pain and nostalgia wrapped around the boy's chest.

He subconsciously looked near the equator, looking for the little crown in the clear glass-like sea - the United Arab Emirates.

That was the name of the hometown where he, Shin Asuka was born and grew up as an adjuster.

In the past wars, this small ring-shaped archipelago located just below the equator was undoubtedly the last paradise on earth in the minds of adjusters.

In that era of either friend or foe, the war between regulators and natural humans swept the entire human world.

Only the neutral country Orb does not favor any party and still allows adjusters to settle in its country.

But no one thought that such a position would also lead to the invasion of the Earth Alliance.

Today, in Asuka's head, the screams of the missiles piercing the air are still resounding.

And the low rumbling sound in the distance, and the constant alarm—

"Come on, really."

"Mayo! Hurry up."

In the sound of the explosion that could almost cover everything, the father was panting slightly and the mother's panicked shouts were heard in his ears.

There are state-run military enterprises Shuguangsha and many military facilities on the Canneng Lu Island where they live, so they have become the main target of the enemy's attack.

The sky at the moment was full of huge fighter jets, beams and missiles, and a few thick black smoke rising from the horizon.

Under the leadership of their parents, Asuka and his sister kept on their way through the woods.

In addition, the port can already be seen between the trees in front, and the ships used for escape are parked by the port, and the military personnel are guiding the people to evacuate.

Also at this moment, with a gust of wind blowing.

A white fighter plane with ten blue wings stood in the air like an angel of death.

I saw it whirling past at an astonishing high speed, avoiding the dense artillery fire, and when it turned around, flames shot out from the muzzles of the five cannons, pushing back the body flying from afar.


As the line of sight drifted in the distance, a body flashing dark red light came into view.

That dark red like blood coagulated exudes a suffocating fear - the red **** of death.

As the beam saber flickered, the beam attack was also smashed and scattered, and the suffocating body was not at a loss even in the face of the siege of several enemy planes.

"Ah, someone's cell phone."

Suddenly, her sister Mayu, who had been crying all the time, was holding hands and ran desperately by her mother, screaming at this moment.

Asuka turned around and looked over. A pink mobile phone jumped out of Mayu's backpack and tumbled toward the slope.

"No more!"

Mayu leaned over to pick it up, but was pulled back by her mother, but she was still looking down the **** reluctantly.

After a while, Asuka ran down the **** to pick it up for her.

As long as you move faster, you should be able to catch up with them immediately.

However, Asuka just bent over to pick up the phone when a deafening explosion came from behind him.

Suddenly, the whole world was spinning.

When he regained his senses, he realized that he had fallen down the **** at some point and fell on the asphalt road beside the port area.

He looked around in amazement, and in front of him it was like the stage that had just changed the background, but in the blink of an eye, the world in front of him had completely changed.

The slopes were dug up, the reddish-brown dirt rolled and scattered, and the charred trees fell to and fro.

He got up from the ground in a daze, and saw the soldier in charge of guiding the refugees running over, as if speaking about whether he had any problems.

But at this time, Zhen Zhen didn't know what was launched at all, and could only let others grab his shoulders blankly.

But just as he was taken away, he suddenly woke up again.

Where's Mayu... Where's Mom and Dad?

Only then did she realize what the meaning of the scene in front of her was.

The blood in the whole body seemed to be cold.

Asuka threw off the soldier's palm and stumbled out.

"Dad... Mom? Mayu..."

Asuka looked around in a daze around the **** hit by the beam cannon.

Nothing was moving around at this time.

However, at this moment, Asuka saw a familiar wrist and a blood-stained bear backpack out of a pothole.

"Mom, Mayu—!"

He was suddenly stunned when he rushed to the general level.

Under the familiar cuff, there was only the bracelet that he gave out on Mother's Day, and a blood-stained backpack, and nothing else.

Asuka reluctantly turned his gaze forward, looking at this section of the road that was dug up.

The earth was covered with clods, and what looked like clods was clinging to charred clothes.

Those broken, twisted, scattered... were his dear family. UU Reading

They who have just touched, talked to themselves, and are still moving, have transformed into this appearance in an instant.

As if being paralyzed, Asuka slumped down beside the arm with the bracelet, clutching the familiar backpack tightly on her arm. Even at the end, she didn't let go...

Asuka shivered and stretched out her palm to stroke, only to find herself still holding the pink mobile phone tightly.

Eyes flicker back and forth between the pink mobile phone and the bracelet.

A feeling came from all around my body in my throat.

Grief, hatred, anger, madness - those are impulses beyond words.

It was so intense that it almost burst out.

He roared in the sky like a wild beast.

It was also at this moment that he heard the voice resounding through the sky.

[I am Frey Arstad, daughter of George Arstad, the undersecretary of foreign affairs of the Atlantic Federation. I am currently negotiating with Fang Aube, the representative of the Atlantic Federation, in this battle. 】

[Orb is willing to solve this wartime in a peaceful way, for the peace of the earth, please all the soldiers belonging to the Earth Union stop attacking immediately! Colonel Darles also please stop all fighting behavior! 】


Staring at the blue-blue planet, I was lost in painful memories.

Until the sound from the loudspeaker brought him back to reality.

"Really, it's almost time, it's time to return!"


Zhen Wenyan immediately changed his mood, turned his direction and drove towards "Arsenal No. 1".

Recalling the powerlessness and grief at that time, a cold light flashed in Asuka's eyes.

——I have gained strength.

——The current self is no longer that weak child.

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