Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 561: : Zaku Warriors vs Abyss, Gaia

boom -

In midair, a red Zaku warrior was knocked back by the shock wave generated by the missile.

Drop drop-

Under the reminder of the combat assistance system, Luna hurriedly controlled the body to raise the shield and place it in front.


The beam arrives in an instant, and the sparks generated by the beam particles are particularly dazzling in mid-air.

bang bang bang-

But just after confirming that the beam disappeared, before Luna could adjust the body, two missiles appeared in front of Zaku Warriors again.

boom -

Accompanied by the violent explosion, the Zaku warrior was knocked down from the air by the shock wave.


Lei Za Barrel looked at the Zaku warrior who fell towards the ground and called out subconsciously.

"Am I allowing you to be distracted?"

Drop drop-

However, an unfamiliar voice entered the cockpit through a short-range sync channel.

Chaos Gundam transformed into MA form suddenly appeared in front of the white body.

The two fiery red pliers in the front section exude a dangerous aura.


In the face of Chaos Gundam's attack, Lei Za Barrell restrained his mind and raised his gun continuously.

But as the MA shifted from left to right, he found that his beam couldn't hit at all.

Instead, because of the pause in firing, Chaos Gundam came to the front of the body.

Look at the fast approaching big pincers - MA-XM434 beam fighting claw.

Lei's eyes turned cold, and he drew out the beam battle axe.

"give me--"

Drop drop-

Just a second before the big pincers approached the Zaku warrior, a beam battle axe suddenly flew from the ground on the left side.

clang clang-

Two crisp collisions sounded, and the Chaos Gundam MA flipped over to avoid the sneak attack of White Zaku, and transformed into the MS form again.

"You guys are finished today!"

As Sting roared, he raised his gun and aimed at the Zaku warrior standing on the ground and fighting the Abyss Gundam in close quarters.

He was really angry, to the point of death.

Three times in a row, the attack was interrupted at a critical moment three times in a row. This feeling is really uncomfortable.

"Boy in the way! Die for me!"


Following Steen's roar, the three beams flew towards the green Zaku warrior below.

In the face of Chaos Gundam's attack, Green Zaku, who suppressed Abyss Gundam, had to retreat to avoid it.

"Damn you!"

However, the Zaku warriors kept themselves safe, but they also let the Abyss Gundam break free.

With a roar, Abyss Gundam, which had been suppressed for a long time, opened all the muzzles around him.

Looking at the action of Abyss Gundam, Zaku Warrior turned around and jumped up without hesitation, and the engine on the back made the most output, and took Zaku Warrior straight into the air.

"You can't escape!"


In an instant, the muzzles of the Abyss Gundam rang in unison, and the light beams rained towards the retreating Zaku warriors.

However, in this rain of beams, the Zaku warriors drifted and moved like a swift in the rain.

In this beam—


In the next second, the Zaku warrior could not dodge as long as his left leg was hit by the beam.

"Death to me!"

Seeing this, Orr's morale was instantly boosted, and he drove the Abyss Gundam, grabbed the MX-RQB516 beam spear, and rushed forward with filial piety.

"What the **** is going on here!?"

In the cockpit of Zaku Warrior, Nuoer looked at the abyss Gundam flying down below and couldn't help but groan in his heart.

This situation is completely inconsistent with the scene in my impression.

It doesn't matter if a Stella becomes stronger, how can this chaos and abyss become so strong.

The strength of these three people doesn't look like ordinary elite pilots, and even Bidiaka and Yinzak are not far behind.

But the original Zhongjira faced the three of them basically with a knife and a child. How could he fight for a long time with himself, but it didn't work.

With such a comparison, doesn't it mean that Kira's later attack on himself is also a slash?

Thinking of this, Noel felt that the whole person was not well.

I was drugged and mutated, but in the later stage I was chopped by Kira with a knife...

Or is the effect of this gene enhancement really so strong?

Strong enough to make the three Xiaoqiangs who just came out of the oven become so fierce!

Drop drop-

However, there is not much time left for Nuoer to wander around the world.

The sound of radar locking pulled back Noel's thoughts.

As he bowed his head, Abyss Gundam deployed his double shields again.


Six beams flew up again from below.

"Damn it! You really don't know how high the sky is!"

While Noel scolded, he drove the Zaku Warrior and raised his shield sideways.

Rush down against the beam.

Although I don't know what brand of genetic enhancer these guys are eating to become so strong.

But judging from the battle just now, the three of them are still not their opponents.

Even though they may not be able to completely suppress them because of the body, this is not the reason why they can be so rampant.

"It's you who's waiting!"

A cold light flashed in Or's eyes when he saw this, Roar Xiaojian's engine output was the most powerful, and he held the beam spear and charged straight up to meet the Zaku warrior.

Whatever **** this guy is, he must die here today!

The two machines approached rapidly, and Al Nida was highly concentrated.

"You idiot-"

Suddenly, just when Or thought the Zaku warriors would collide with him, a familiar voice came.

Two things suddenly fell out of the Zaku warrior, two ZR20E high-performance explosive bombs.


Then, without waiting for Or to finish speaking, Zaku Warrior took advantage of the moment when Abyss Gundam was distracted, turned around and crossed him, and charged straight down towards the ground.


boom -

The high-performance explosive bomb exploded at zero distance in front of Abyss Gundam.

The violent shock wave even swayed the Zaku warriors who were flying downwards.


In the midst of the earthquake, the Zaku warrior roared and flipped to the ground.

Then, without hesitation, he turned and jumped out of his standing position.

boom -

The ground burst instantly, and a high-energy beam MGX-2235 "Agni" complex-phase beam cannon fell directly from the thick smoke in mid-air to where the Zaku warriors just stood.

The shock wave generated by the explosion knocked the Zaku warrior straight out.

"Damn, what the **** is that guy Durandal thinking about!"

Looking at Abyss Gundam, which was almost unscathed in midair, Noel couldn't help but scolded.

There is a high probability of Durandal's acquiescence in the matter of the Armory, and Noel even suspects that this MS **** incident was even managed by himself.

The purpose is to create the illusion that Zaft is forced to counterattack to occupy the righteous name in advance to facilitate his follow-up plan.

The result is now good.

The three machines were indeed taken away, and he did have an excuse.

But the problem is that it is no longer the three bullying northern Xiaoqiangs in the original book, but the three southern Xiaoqiangs who have grown thicker.

Even at first I couldn't take it anymore.

Drop drop-

However, before Noel finished scolding, the alarm sound suddenly came from the left.

Turning his head, a quadruped Gaia Gundam charged straight towards him with two beam saber on his back.

Seeing this, Noel hurriedly drove the Zaku Warrior to start the engine.

At the same time, jump up with both legs forced to the side.

He managed to dodge the attack a second before Gaia Gundam rushed to his side.

However, it was also at this moment that the Abyss Gundam above also recovered.

The muzzle opened again and aimed at the Zaku warrior.

boom -

Under the attack of the beam cannon, the ground was filled with thick smoke.

In the cockpit of Zaku Warrior, who was tossing around to avoid the beam, Noel suddenly missed his Covenant Gundam.

The body doesn't really work.

If personal talent determines your lower limit, then body performance determines your upper limit.

Even Kira is the same, give him a Resata, no matter how strong the technology is, he can't beat the three small players in front of him.

The gap in the performance of the body is really not something that can be made up by simply relying on technology.

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