Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 585: : Difficult to do—

The light gray giant ship broke through the waves and sailed towards the distant island.

After passing through the well-ordered long wharf, the giant ship slowed down and entered the port until an open gate appeared in front of it, and the giant ship slowly turned.

Inside the lock is a wide dock, the announcement of the arrival of the giant ship is broadcast, and the operators are running around.

A group of people who were obviously not shipyard operators stood on the edge of the pier and watched the scarred warship slowly dock. A middle-aged man in the front row murmured worriedly:

"Zaft's latest battleship Minerva... I chose this juncture to sit on such a troublesome thing to return to China..."

Unat Loma Shenglan is one of the members of the Aube decision-making council. He is slightly fat, with a slightly bald head, and is wearing a long purple suit.

Fu Shi has a pair of disproportionate orange glasses on his face. He is currently the prime minister and is responsible for assisting the young Cagalli.

A young man standing beside him heard the words and replied: "Is there any way, father, besides, how could Cagalli think that such a thing would happen?"

Although it was a few words to smooth things out, there was a slight insult in his tone - he was Yuna Loma Shenglan, the son of Unat and one of the cabinet staff.

Yuna was also dressed in purple, tall and slender, but his expression revealed a certain self-centeredness and parenting that were unique to children from a wealthy family.

He said to the father next to him: "Besides, they are the ship that escorted Cagalli back to China, so we can't show the slightest negligence at this time!"

In Orb, the authority of the Five Houses remains rock-solid.

This force composed of the South China Sea Islands established a parliament as a decision-making body when it became a modern country. Although sovereignty is handed over to the whole people, the representative of the national leadership has always been held by the Asha family.

Orb's technological level is the highest in the world, and at the same time, it is one of the trade transfer points of the universe and the earth, and the country has prospered because of this.

After hearing the words, Unat looked up at the Minerva, and agreed with his son's words: "It's true, at least at this time..."

Because of his identity, Noel did not go ashore with Thalia and others.

It was only after the battleship entered the maintenance dock that it walked out of the battleship's lounge.

At least now he is still a war criminal belonging to a natural person in a sense, and rashly appearing on Zaft's warships will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

After requesting a sedan from the Minerva.

Noel left the dock and drove towards Lux's residence.

To be honest, he didn't know why he was going to find Lux, but now he seems to have no choice but to find Lux, and he just wants to find Lux.

No reason, just the idea.

at the same time.

Thousands of miles away in Eurasia.

Kira and Frey are doing post-disaster relief work at this time.

The Archangel, loaded with supplies, landed in a ruin.

After distributing the supplies, Kira participated in the rescue work with the Resata MS, which was the only job he could do.

It has to be said that MS can still play a very important role in this kind of rescue mission.

Especially under the operation of a driver of Kira's level, it is much more convenient than the disaster rescue in the past.

Rescue work continued until dusk fell.

The exhausted Kira drove the aircraft and parked near the main angel.

[Watch and help each other to overcome the difficulties together, compatriots on earth, please be strong—]

Durandal's speech came out slowly through the communication broadcast that came with the adjuster.

It has to be said that the Adjuster's rescue efforts to the earth are very large, and almost every disaster-affected location has a Adjuster's rescue force.

However, listening to Durandal's speech, Kira didn't have the slightest warmth in her heart at this time, only cold anger.

In fact, Kiraben is not such a person, he has his own ideas and actions.

However, his environment has changed.

He was surrounded by natural people, with hardly a single adjuster.

At the same time, those natural people also accepted him as an adjuster.

Whether it is the Atlantic Federation, the Eurasian Federation, or those ordinary natural people, Kira has found a familiar sense of belonging.

In fact, the most difficult thing for Kira to accept in the first war between the adjuster and the natural person was not the hostility with Aslan.

It is the collective that can never be integrated. The hostility of natural people makes him unable to find any sense of belonging, as if he is always alone and struggling in pain.

But he had to take to the battlefield to fight his best friend, and finally, with Lux's help, he regained his strength and determined the path - to fight to end the war.

Now, he has found his home and his place - the earth.

The Eurasian Federation, which was not so repulsive as an adjuster, accepted him as an adjuster.

And made him a hero, kids liked him, soldiers admired him, politicians accepted him, people praised him.

Even the people of the Atlantic Federation were no longer hostile to him, but instead accepted him as a friendly force.

Before she knew it, Kira also regarded herself as a part of the earth.

In other words, he was originally a part of the earth, but now he just returned to the earth.

Of course, if it's just a matter of this stance, Kira probably won't have much anger.

What really turned him off was the video provided by Hills Satie.

The one who pushed Junius off the earth—yes.

It was the one who crushed Junius, but also the one who pushed Junius off the earth, and the first one who actively rescued the natural person was—

With Hills Satie's tip, it's hard not to wonder if it was a show.

Even Hills Satie, when Junius fell, had already guessed everything that happened next, and even what would happen when she was connected was similar.

I even know what attitude I will use to face the Earth Union next, and I have even stated the reasons, such as—those people are not strictly speaking, they are just deserters.


Just like this, Kira won't have too much anger towards him. What really makes him unacceptable is that most of the dead are innocent people.

If it's just for the military, he can barely accept it.

But why do they want to affect these innocent people?


Just when Kira looked at the refugee camp in the distance, Frey came to him at some point.

Hearing this, Kira looked back at Frey, looking at her tired face and eyes, Kira wiped the stains on her face with her hands, and her eyes were a little distressed and emotional.

Since leaving Orb, he has seen another Frey.

In the past, Frey was like a daughter of a thousand gold, every day she was dressed in fine clothes and jade, and her ten fingers did not touch the spring water.

But now, she has really changed.

During the war, she called for peace in the war and did her best for peace, even though she faced the threat of death several times, she still did not back down.

During the rebellion of the Eurasian Federation, she not only had to give speeches to appease the anger of the people, but also ran around with the main angel to stop the battlefield.

Now, after the disaster strikes, she continues to run on the front line of disaster relief.

As someone who has been watching her, Kira is very clear that Frey is not for show, but is really participating in the rescue from the heart.

Even without those reporters, without those spotlights, she was still involved in the rescue.

At the same time, she not only had to raise supplies, but also gave speeches to appease the mood of the people, and she also had to discuss the right attitude with those politicians.

Under her reasoning, the Atlantic Federation gave up the idea of ​​direct and war, and turned to the next hope of handing over the people involved in this case.

Although the final answer to this option has been revealed in advance by Hills Sati, it is at least a hope, isn't it?


Noel drove down the coastal road.

The sky in the evening has been dyed blood red. Because of the dust, if I want to see the cloudless sky again, I am afraid it will take a long time.

Below the road is a whole piece of sandy shore, and the waves beat the shoal regularly.

Seeing a few figures on the shoal, Noel slowly slowed down.

Among the playful little figures, there was a figure with long pink hair caressing her. Looking at her laughing appearance, the dark cloud that appeared in Noel's heart because of Junius also dissipated a lot.

After a while.

The girl with long pink hair found Noel standing on the edge of the road.

She said something to the woman with long black hair, and after leaving the children to each other's care, the girl stepped on the beach and walked slowly in the sea breeze.

Lux came to Nuoer's side, did not ask any questions, just stood silently holding her hair blown by the sea breeze.

"There's going to be a war."

After a while, the thousands of words in Noel's heart were condensed into one boring sentence.

"Well." Lux nodded, without denying the answer to this question.

"You know, I actually have a chance to stop Junius from falling." Noel asked back.

Lux heard that and turned her head to look at Noel.

Looking at Nuoer's erratic eyes, Lux reached out and gently smoothed the wrinkles between Nuoer's brows.

Noel looked down at Lux and said calmly, "I've been thinking about the meaning of my appearance in this world these days."

"War, Peace, New Man, Regulator, Natural Man—"

"I didn't save anyone, and I didn't save anything."

"I didn't change anything and I didn't get anything."

"I seem to have been following the flow since I appeared, ignorantly moving forward with the torrent of this world."

"I want to change, but I don't dare to change, I want to move forward but I'm afraid to move forward."

Speaking of this, Noel paused, looked at Lux's face and smiled: "You say, what is the meaning of my appearance in this world?"

Since the problem of the body's genetic breakdown has been resolved, Noel has actually thought that his mission should end like this.

He has always regarded himself as an ordinary person, an ordinary person with no characteristics.

It was just unfortunate that he was chosen by fate to come to this world, and then unfortunately became an experiment of a certain plan.

So he didn't want to change anything or get anything, just wanted to live simply.

After all, the world has not had much to do with him from the very beginning, and he has always been an outlier in this world, whether in soul or body.

But as he struggled, he went from being an ordinary man to a red death god, to Zaft's hero, and even to Lux's boyfriend.

In fact, when he took off Zaft's uniform, Noel was really relieved.

The world has returned to normal, and the aliens have disappeared.

Just wait for the world to follow its original path to the end.

Then he can live this perfect life quietly with the glory of Zaft's hero, the name of Lux's boyfriend.

But the fall of Junius, Sato's final farewell, all kinds of things made Noel's heart begin to ripple.

If he is just an ordinary person, then all this does not seem to matter, after all, he is just an ordinary person.

But he is not an ordinary person now, out of the category of ordinary people.

He had the opportunity to prevent the tragedy, but let it happen.

Yes, the world is back to normal and everything is going its way.

war, then peace—

So what does all this have to do with yourself?

What is the meaning of appearing on your own?

"Has Noel suddenly started to yearn for philosophy?"

After Lux laughed and made a joke, she stretched out her hand and took Noel's arm and said with a smile: "Actually, the answer to this question has never appeared, or in other words, we exist because we don't know why. "

small book booth

Noel fell silent when he heard the words.

Lux saw that Noel didn't speak, UU read www.'s expression suddenly became angry, and said, "You have come to see me for so long, just to ask me such a question?"

"Uh...I can't find anyone to talk about this kind of problem."

Seeing Lux's somewhat dangerous expression, Noel hurriedly replied.

"Really? Then I'm really honored." Lux heard the words and narrowed her eyes.

"Cough cough, it's getting late, let's go back to eat first, don't make them wait too long."

Seeing this, Noel quickly changed the subject.

Lux's black belly attribute is a little bit high.

"Sure enough, people's hearts can change."

Lux heard the words, shook her head and sighed, and said with a melancholy expression: "Noel is no exception."

"No, I came to see you as soon as I arrived in Orb, how can you say that people's hearts are changeable?" Noel hurriedly replied.

"And then ask me the meaning of my existence?" Lux asked rhetorically.

"...Sorry I was wrong."

If you do something wrong, you must admit it, and if you are beaten, you must stand at attention.

"Then do you know where you went wrong?" Lux continued to ask.

Noel was stunned, if it wasn't for the fact that the Lux in front of him was the real Lux, he would have thought that Lux had passed through.


Just when Noel didn't know what to do, a whistle sounded from behind.


"Lux, Noel?"

"Aslan, come and play too."

Seeing this, Nuoer hurriedly waved towards Aslan with a smile, how enthusiastic his expression was.

Seeing this, Lux hugged Noel's arm slightly and squinted at him with a smile.

"Cough, what, the weather is so nice."

Noel said embarrassedly.


Aslan looked at the two of them in astonishment.

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