Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 596: : Cagalli's loneliness and powerlessness

the next day.

The colony's highest council, with the approval of all members, passed the defense committee's proposal for the right to self-defense against the war.

In general, Zaft will only defend himself in battle, and will not take the initiative to unite with any forces on Earth.

The chairman of the National Defense Committee, who was approved for the proposal, showed a relieved expression, while Speaker Durandal, who always held an objection, was very heartbroken.

It was also at this moment that the colony also chose to use force against the Earth United.

Putting down the big stone in their hearts for the time being, the Speakers whispered and looked much more relaxed.

Durandal stood up, attracting the attention of the audience.

"However, I urge everyone not to forget that our move is just an active exercise of the right of self-defense! The right of self-defense!"

Durandal looked around the crowd and tried to remind them: "Emotionalism and excessive expansion of the war will all repeat the mistakes of the previous war!"

The congressmen looked a little bored at his ear and face, and their expressions were a little cold.

But Durandal was right, and the use of force must be carefully controlled.

At least for the moment, they all thought it was manageable.

Finally, I heard Speaker Durandal say prayerfully: "- Now, may the guns we pick up again can truly end all wars... I sincerely look forward to..."

Looking at the 'cowardice' of their own Speaker, even the members of the Klein faction showed a trace of disdain on their faces.

The Kleinists want peace, but not fear war.

But the reason why Durandal was chosen to come to power was not precisely because of his 'cowardice and cowardice'—

It can only be said that there are pros and cons.

Orb, Cagalli is still fighting alone.

Facing the cabinet members present, she shouted angrily: "Don't be joking! No matter what the other party says, how can we form such an alliance now!"

Since the United Nations issued a declaration of war, Cagalli has tried every means to prevent the war, but her efforts have been ineffective, and the war has begun.

The times have gone downhill rapidly, and now she is forced to decide which side of the motherland should be on her shoulders.

What she couldn't believe was that Unat Emma Selan and his ministers were obsessed with alliance with the Atlantic Federation.

"What did the Atlantic Federation do, didn't you see it with your own eyes? One-sidedly declared war on others and launched a nuclear bomb attack!"

Cagalli roared indignantly: "What kind of security are you talking about with that kind of country! Now it's the Atlantic Federation that is threatening the world's security! Why should we join forces with it when we know this?"

The cabinet members spoke out to calm her anger, but Yuna stood up abruptly.

"Such a naive proposition and statement, I hope you can take it back!"

He looked at Cagalli domineeringly and answered her question: "The reason why we are allied is because it represents the kind of country that is spoken of."

Immediately, there was a voice of approval among the cabinet members.

Cagalli couldn't help being stunned, only to hear Yuna's tone of voice being very contemptuous, and said unceremoniously: "The Atlantic Federation's approach is indeed too strong, but this point, please forgive me, I don't have to remind you again and again on your behalf, we are also early. understand."

Cagalli even forgot to refute, just stood there.

Yuna has always been like a follower, but today's attitude has changed 180 degrees. She even feels that she can't understand what he is saying - since she understands, why should she form an alliance...?

Yuna continued to be aggressive: "Then, so? What do you think Orb will do in the future? Reject this covenant, do not cooperate with the countries of the earth, and only recognize the colonies thousands of miles apart in the universe as friendly countries... and want to be self-isolated and self-contained on this planet. A country?"


"As long as our own country is peaceful and safe, don't we need to lend a helping hand to other disaster-stricken countries?"


why is it like this? Cagalli didn't mean that, but she saw that all the cabinet members looked at her with annoyed expressions, as if she was throwing a child's temper.

Why does no one understand such a simple truth?

Why allow those people to divide the world into enemy and foe, unscrupulous, repeating their stupid mistakes—no, even helping the tyrants? She was so anxious that she wanted to cry.

"Then what do you say we're going to do?"

Yuna asked sternly.

Cagalli was almost overwhelmed by his momentum, but she still tried her best to squeeze out the words: "Orbu... Orbu must stick to neutrality as before, and disagree with other countries...!"

"And then let the country fall... like Lord Uzmi."

"—I didn't say that!"

Cagalli snarled her throat and slapped her hands on the table.

No one is allowed to speak of father like that!

"But as far as the current situation is concerned, if it is not handled properly, it is very likely that it will evolve into that again. Allies that the Atlantic Federation and other countries are willing to watch appear on Earth?"

Unat seized the opportunity to cut in and said, "We can understand your desire for peace and national security, that's why you propose an alliance."


As Cagalli listened to their conversation, she gradually understood that no one was willing to inherit the sentiment and spirit of her father's willingness to die at all costs.

"The Atlantic Federation has not asked Aub to take any action, but this is not the way to go. An alliance can relieve anxiety and benefit our country, why don't you think so?"

Unat continued to press him with words: "You don't understand how dangerous it is to stick to your own opinions, make enemies, and fight against such a big country, right?"


So, what about the father's will? Orb's dignity?

Cagalli still resisted in her heart, but Unat's words shattered her will: "We must never allow the country to be ravaged by war again. , I urge you to first consider the safety of the country and the people in front of you..."

Unat's voice fell heavily on Cagalli's heart.

Shin Asuka's red eyes flashed in front of her.

If he continued to resist at this moment, he might create another orphan like him.

She knew very well what kind of existence the Atlantic Federation was, and the war and tragic that swept through Orb at the time was vivid in her mind.

Citizens don't care if you choose the right path.

They only care about what life is in front of them, not that they are 'short-sighted', but because they are in a position where they can only see it all.

And there is always one and only one reason for the existence of national government agencies, and that is to make the lives of their citizens better.

All actions of national government agencies are based on this.

No matter what kind of decision it is, its ultimate goal must be this.

Cagalli knew this, but—

Looking around the people in the conference room, Cagalli sat back decadently, raised her hand to rest on her forehead and said in pain, "Let's decide everything according to your wishes."

At this moment, Cagalli felt endless loneliness and powerlessness.

At this time, how much she hoped that Aslan was by her side, and that Aslan could understand Kagali's feelings without him doing anything for her, or even without words.

Yuna keeps an eye on Cagalli.

Cagalli's expression fell into his eyes, people at this time are the most vulnerable—

However, when he saw a shining ring on Cagalli's left hand, Yuna's eyes couldn't help flashing a cold light.

Maybe it's time-

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