Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 599: : Even at dusk and sunset, let the world be covered with rays of light

Patrick Sarah —

Former member of the Twelve Member of the Supreme Council of p.l.a.n.t, Chairman of the Defense Council of Zaft.

After the election, he replaced Siegel Klein as the Speaker of the House and became the President of the Supreme Council.

'Make a contract in the name of God, drop the hammer of justice on the natural person, win the true freedom of the adjuster, and lead the adjuster to a new life—'

Based on this concept and belief, President Sarah asked the MS R&D and Design Bureau to create the God's Will Gundam, the Covenant Gundam, the Justice Gundam, the Freedom Gundam, and the Rebirth Gundam—

In the final battle, the Battle of Yakinduvi, the Genesis was used to suppress the entire Earth coalition.

Of course, if it all ended there—

He may continue to be a hero, after all, he and Siegel Kleinjean once gained enough right to speak.

It's a pity that there is no if. The last crazy move of Speaker Patrick Sarah made him lose his final prestige as the speaker and died in the control room of Genesis.

A conditioned breeze blows in the afterglow of the setting sun.

Four men in casual clothes stood quietly in front of the tombstone, silently watching the actions of the man in front.

Aslan placed the flowers in front of the tombstone and looked at the name inscribed on the tombstone, the image of the control room of Yakinduwe unconsciously sounded in his mind—

The eyes that will destroy the world until the end will make Aslan unforgettable.

Sometimes he really couldn't understand whether his father was really fighting for the Adjuster, or just for revenge—

"Actively exercise the right of self-defense... Is Zaft really going to act..."

Aslan murmured bitterly: "Why do you have to come this far..."

Yin Zak also looked annoyed when he heard the words, as if someone touched a sore spot.

"What's the solution? Everyone has used nuclear bombs to hit them, so they can't do nothing..."

After a moment of silence, Diaka said, "We also went out to meet the first wave of attacks. Those people... they want to destroy the colony!"

Although Nigel didn't say much, the expression on his face was also a little gloomy.

The last time the colony had disappeared from the universe had it not been for the existence of the neutron disperser.

Aslan looked up at the sky and sighed.

Why does this kind of thing always happen again and again?

His eyes were full of puzzlement and confusion, and he said: "Knowing that it will inevitably lead to more sacrifices, why are you advancing step by step toward the abyss of war, and what you can get from the death of your compatriots is really worth more than their deaths? —”

"If death takes away everything in life, then what can go beyond death and give my life eternal meaning—"

Noel's voice sounded slowly.

Aslan and the others looked over subconsciously, their eyes filled with doubts.

"That's a quote from a certain philosopher, and one that I've only recently seen."

Noel turned his head to look at the sunset while speaking: "Everyone has something deep in his heart that only he can understand, and that thing is also the key that allows him to transcend death."

"For time and the world, our lives are like candles in the wind, swaying in the wind, and one day being swallowed by darkness."

"Death is the inevitable and the end, the ultimate destination of human beings and all life."

"So death isn't scary, what's scary is meaningless life—"

Noel spoke inexplicably, and Aslan and the others listened inexplicably.

"So when you ask what is worth living for them, there will never be an accurate answer. People tend to regard the satisfaction of their desires as happiness, so when you get some kind of 'happiness' in war, when Most people can get 'happiness' in war, and the emergence of war has become inevitable."

What is war, the answer is death.

But you have to ask what war can gain—

There are too many answers.

Dignity, money, rights, dreams, obligations—

When most people find what they want in war, and can only get what they want in war.

The war will also change from a dream demon that makes countless people talk about it, to a holy place that is eagerly sought after.

"Is this how you think about war?"

Aslan heard a strange expression on his face.

"Even at dusk and sunset, I want to make the world my own - this is my view of life."

Nuo Er Dandan smiled, his expression sincere and without the slightest falsehood.

Aslan froze in place, even Yinzak and Diaka looked at Nuoer in surprise.

"This sentence is what I just thought, isn't it very compelling?"

Noel asked back.


Yinzak and Diaka rolled their eyes after hearing this.

"So, what about you, Aslan, what are you going to do next?"

Noel ignored the two pencils, he was more concerned about Aslan's thoughts.

Although many things haven't changed much so far, at least the big things that should have happened have happened.

But he can no longer guarantee that the future will develop as he knows it.

So will Aslan make the same choice as before—


Aslan was silent, he didn't know what he could do in this situation, or even what he was doing.

Came all the way to the colony but found nothing, and failed to prevent Zaft from sending troops.

If he returns to Orb now, he will only become a spy to find out the thoughts of Speaker Durandal.

After a while.

"It's so frustrating, what do you want to say! Under such a situation, why do you have to hesitate?"

In this question from Yin Zak, Aslan felt more accusations, and he forced his eyes away.

"What is Orb going to do?"

Yin Zak still didn't give up and continued to ask.

"Inzak, Aslan he—"

"Nigor, shut up! Don't you know what's going on now?"

Before Nigall could finish speaking, Yinzak interrupted Nigall with an angry shout: .

"Aub...I don't know yet."

Aslan looked bitter.

Unat Emma Selan is pro-Atlantic Federation, maybe Orb will give up the neutral position he has implemented in the past.

Then again, it's only her own efforts—no, it's Cagalli's efforts, because Aslan can't even participate in cabinet meetings.

Thinking about it, it seems that nothing he wants to do and agree with is progressing—

The anxiety and prostration hit Aslan again.

Looking at Aslan's struggling expression, Yin Zak said in an angry and helpless voice, "Come back, Aslan."

Yin Zak's sudden sentence took Aslan out of his thoughts.

Hearing that Aslan turned his head, he saw that Yin Zak still had an angry look on his face, but his eyes were very serious: "—it may not be so easy, but I will try my best to find a way. So, come back, Come back to the colony."


Aslan was deeply moved by Inzak's words.

Nigall and Diaka were also taken aback by Yinzak's words, but after a brief stupor, both of them laughed lightly.

Noel was not too surprised by this.

Although every time they meet Yin Zack, he always has an attitude of not taking Aslan seriously, but Noel is very clear that there is a very deep trust between Aslan and Yin Zack.


Aslan was about to say something when Cagalli's cheek flashed before his eyes, causing him to hesitate.

"—Adults start wars based on their motives, and UU reading finally sends young people to death; if those misled young people are accused of guilt and punished, who will shoulder the future of the colony in the future?"

"Because these people have had painful experiences, I hope that they who know the pain will build a peaceful future..."

These are the words of Speaker Durandall's defense in court-martial.

It was also a passage that moved Yinzak deeply.

Because I know the pain, I cherish it even more.

Inzak saw Speaker Durandal's determination in that trial.

He really wants to make the world peaceful—

-Everyone has this kind of intention, it will definitely save the world.

Aslan also recalled the speaker's words.

People who are also worried about the future may have their voices overshadowed by mainstream voices, but if they are frustrated and turn silent, the world will definitely embark on the same road of destruction.

- I hope that like-minded people can stand on the same front.

So, Inzak and Diego re-contribute their power.

I saw Yin Zak said to Aslan seriously: "Although this is the only thing we can do, it is always a contribution, not only for the colony, but also for the friends who have died..."


Aslan looked at Yin Zak's expression, and suddenly realized that he was the same.

The contribution that he can make is actually not much. No matter how good his marksmanship and his driving skills are, they are useless in the environment he is in now.

Yin Zak stared at Aslan sharply.

"So, do something for me too! Do you want to waste your talents?"

Those icy blue eyes contained regret, and as his straight and firm gaze came, Aslan's long-lost heart was deeply touched.

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