Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 611: : Destiny Pulse Strike

"The turbine is starting at a freeze frame. The pipeline pole APU is connected..."

"The airtight compartment and the watertight compartment have all been blocked."

"The life support device is operating normally..."

"Active linkage. All systems normal."

"The Archangel is connected throughout the region."

Hearing these recitations, Mariu froze in her heart, she put her chin away and looked straight ahead, as if to see the future clearly.

The time to take the initiative has come again.

Just like Lux said.

They don't know if what they are doing is right or wrong.

I don't know what the future holds.

But it is also a sin to stand still because of fear.

Find peace in this increasingly chaotic world.

Self-righteous, sheep pretending to escape without knowing it, not listening or asking, just watching the situation gradually develop in the darkest direction.

Such silence is also guilty, no different from the crime of causing war.

The world is human, and we are a human being.

They also don't know what is right, but it is also a sin to not seek right because they do not know what is right.

At this time, an elevator door behind the bridge opened, and several familiar figures walked out.

Giro May, Arnold Neumann... are all comrades who fought side by side on the same ship.

Like-minded partners reunite.

In front of them, the white giant ship that was waiting for this day was ready to go.

After changing into the uniform of the Orb Army, the crew immediately started the activation procedure in a very skilled manner.

And in the hangar.

Strike Gundam and Hunt Gundam are ready.

"Main gate, open."

The fixing clips were released, and the hull rocked gently and was sent out by the current.

"Twenty percent of the engine, the Archangel is moving at a slight speed!"

The familiar voice of Mariu echoed in the Archangel's communication device.

The huge body of the Archangel immediately pulled out and sailed forward, slowly passing through the underground waterway, and then began to rise.

The opening of the MS ejection channel slowly opened.

[Mu La Flage - Hunt Gundam, attack! 】

[Andrew Bartfield - Strike Gundam, strike! 】

Looking at the background far away.

A trace of unease flashed in Mary's eyes.

Their purpose is to force Cagalli away.

There may be many inappropriate ways of doing this, but if you can't even protect your personal happiness, how can you protect the happiness of others.

Can the future that Cagalli traded for by sacrificing herself really be called happiness?

Orb's situation cannot be changed by the sacrifice of Cagalli.

Just hope that Mr. Mu and Mr. Andrew can complete the task.

Taking Kagali away from Orb is also a headache.

With anxiety and unease, Maliu sat on the command seat of the battleship and tried to calm down.


In the universe thousands of miles away from the ground, the Nazca-class battleship belonging to Zaft also opened the MS ejection gate at this moment.

[System detection is normal——]

[Ejection system is ready-]

[ZGMF-X56S/01 Destiny Pulse Gundam is ready to attack——]

The voice of the CIC correspondent echoed in the cockpit.

A MS with wings and carrying two ship-killing knives with a blood-colored sickle on its shoulders gradually revealed its shape in the gate.

The VPS system was activated, and the gray-white body was gradually covered with black and red paint.

The azure planet gradually enlarged in the line of sight.

[The landing coordinates are confirmed, please attack the ZGMF-X56S/01 Destiny Pulse Gundam——]

"Noel Cassia, ZGMF-X56S/01 Destiny Pulse Gundam - Strike!"


With the help of the ejection chute, the ZGMF-X56S/01 Destiny Pulse Gundam rushed out of the battleship like an arrow.

Driven by the earth's gravity, the whole body of the Fate Pulse was gradually covered with red fire.

[Coordinates are determined, ZGMF-X23S Savior Gundam, please attack——]

[Aslan Sara, ZGMF-X23S Savior Gundam- Attack! 】

In the rear, the Savior Gundam rushed into the void.

Chase the fiery red light group that landed below and fly away.


The stairs leading to the altar are extremely long.

Before walking up the stairs, Cagalli looked at the Orbu-style fighter M1 Heresy Gundam standing nearby, like a giant statue enshrined here.

This is the Temple of Haumea, the holy temple that has always guarded the people of Orb.

Thick and round pillars hold up the stone roof high, emitting brilliant white light in the sun, filled with an inviolable holy atmosphere.

Did Goddess Haomea, who sat in the depths of the temple, already knew that this day would come?

"Weeping with joy, right? Your tears."

After getting off the limousine, Yuna said this to Cagalli sarcastically.

Cagalli's face sank for a moment, and she glared at him.

The two walked up the long stairs together, and Cagalli almost hoped in the bottom of her heart that the journey would be endless.

The government officials and chiefs who arrived first all sat on the believers' table and applauded to welcome the new couple.

Cagalli didn't want to look at them, because no one here understood Cagalli's mood.

She felt like a lonely stranger, with everything she knew not by her side.

Even Kira didn't show up for some reason.

But that's fine, don't let him see his embarrassed appearance.

The seemingly endless stairs and aisles were also unknowingly finished.

Cagalli and Yuna stood in front of the top altar, facing the priest who had been waiting there.

And in the distant sky.

" What happened to you?"

Aslan looked at the increasingly deviated landing route and couldn't help but ask Noel.

Originally, he thought it was simply a deviation from the landing route due to an operational error.

But now it's getting more and more outrageous.

"Today is Cagalli's wedding day, so you don't plan to go and see?"

Noel asked back in the cockpit.


"Just follow me!"

Without waiting for Aslan to wonder, he saw Destiny Pulse's back engine forcibly start, accelerating in disguised form in the direction of Orb.

At this height, there is no need to hide and tuck.


Aslan looked at Noel who had strayed from the landing route in an instant, and after pondering for a while, he gritted his teeth and followed.

In fact, their task today is to land on the Chuck Thalia base and join the Minerva.

The original planned landing date was tomorrow, but Nuoer had to come down today, and he didn't even submit the report to the military department. It was entirely by force of his identity as FAIH.

"My Healing Game"

Now it seems that Noel has already had this plan.

"Ha ha--"

Noel couldn't help grinning when he looked at the savior Gundam, who also deviated from the landing route behind him.

He accelerated and rushed in the direction of Orb.

Today he must go.

Recalling the encrypted communication from Lux yesterday, a cold light flashed in Noel's eyes.

Although he didn't know exactly why Lux acted, nor why she did it.

But since she wanted to grab it, she grabbed it.

What Kira can do, there's no reason I can't do it.

As for what other effects—

If you have the ability, you can come to me with MS.

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