Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 628: : it's done

On the pier of the Persian cat, Zaft officers were waiting in line.

As FAITH, Aslan and Noel did not wait on the ship like Shin Asuka and the others, but went to the pier together with Thalia and Arthur.

"I'm the Captain of the Minerva, Thalia Kuradis."

"I'm Vice-Captain Arthur Thorien."

Following the two, Aslan stepped forward to salute and reported his name.

"Belonging to the spy team, Aslan Sara."

"—Aslan... Sarah?"

The officer who came forward read the names of the two, as if searching for something in his memory.

However, some non-commissioned officers reacted, looking at Aslan with a slightly different line of sight.

However, before waiting for the other party to react, I saw Noel followed closely and saluted: "The member of the same spy unit, Noel Cassia, Commander Zuo Kim, long time no see."




When Aslan and the others heard the words, they looked at Noel subconsciously.

Arthur and Captain Thalia are also stunned, long time no see?

"Haha, it's been a long time indeed, Captain Noel!"

Facing everyone's gaze, Zuojim Lando smiled and saluted: "We didn't quite believe it when we first heard that Captain Noel, you rejoined the army, but now you're back."

"Hehe, don't bother, I'll be like that when I come back."

Nuoer smiled dumbly, so what if he came back, he was blind if he didn't have enough brains to say anything.

Listening to the conversation between Nuoer and Zuojim, Aslan and others were stunned in place. This dialogue——

"It's better than never coming back."

After Zuo Kim finished speaking, he also found that he had neglected Captain Thalia and others, and hurriedly said with a smile: "Everyone, don't stand here, please come with me, although this place is not as rich as outside, but here's The coffee beans are still very good.”

After speaking, he seemed to think of something, and smiled at Nuoer: "Of course, the tea that Captain Nuoer likes is also available here, and it tastes good."

"Hehe, then I'll thank you in advance."

Noel smiled when he heard the words.

Talia and the others looked at the two people they knew and didn't know how to respond.

Completely incomprehensible.

Even Aslan was puzzled.

"He spent some time at Chuckantalia Base before."

Facing the doubts of several people, Nuoer explained with a smile.

However, after listening to Noel's explanation, several people were still confused, or the confusion on their faces became more intense.

"I used to be the military chief of the Chuckantalia base, and Zuo Kim was my adjutant at that time."

In fact, instead of saying that Zuo Kim is an adjutant, he is a full-time post, it is better to say that he is the overall military leader of the Chuckantalia base.

Because Noel was also part-time leader of the special team.

Basically, he has been fighting and collecting data in the South American battlefield, and he has no time to manage the Chuck Talia base.

Therefore, many things are almost handled by the other party, at most they need their own authorization in order.

"Captain Noel, you used to be the commander of the Chuckantalia base?"

Arthur listened to Noel's explanation and felt a little bit.

Isn't the military person in charge the commander of the base, after all, this thing is not divided.

By the way, how old is Noel?

Now he is only 18 or 19 years old, but someone of this age has actually been the commander of Zaft's base on Earth?

It's as if someone told you that a child who just went to college suddenly became the mayor of a super city in the country, which can directly shatter your three views.

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The position of the military chief of the Chuckantalia base is already the limit of what Zaft soldiers can achieve.

Even members of the Supreme Council do not necessarily have as much power as they do.

Even the former Captain Cruze was able to get to this point.

The Chuckthalia base is completely different from the normal base, both before the last war and now after the war.

The Chuck Talia bases are all Zaft's largest and most central bases on Earth.

This is the same as the mayor of an ordinary urban area and the mayor of a first-tier city, both in terms of name, but the actual rights and status of the two are vastly different.

"Not the commander of the base, just the military chief."

Noel shook his head, his expression a little complicated.

In fact, the fact that he was able to sit in that position at the beginning was largely due to the light of the Sara faction.

After all, the original Sara faction was already on the verge of madness under the suppression of the Klein faction.

If they can't find a way to appease the emotions of the members of the Sara faction, the soldiers of the Sara faction are afraid that they will be turned upside down.

It's a pity that a big hole was buried in this appeasement, and two young leaders of the Sala faction were buried in one wave.

Noel seriously doubted that the main factor that made him the military leader at the beginning was not only to appease the soldiers of the Sala faction, but also to give himself enough weight to take the blame.

After all, the captain of a special team is really incapable of being accused of 'provoking the South American battlefield'.


Durandal is so dark-hearted.

"That's awesome too!"

Arthur didn't know how to face this fact.

Thinking about myself, I was almost thirty years old before I managed to get into the position of a deputy captain, and Noel——


It's so sour.

"Ha ha--"

Noel smiled and said nothing.

Some things cannot be said.

Under the leadership of Zuo Kim, Noel and others came to the headquarters.

At this point, the aroma of hot coffee and a pot of tea have been placed here.

The desktop itself is the strategy panel, showing the adjacent map.

Looking at the strategy panel on the table, Talia said slowly and conservatively: "The situation here seems to be a bit tricky!"

"Yes, after all, Su Yinshi's strategy should not be underestimated, and we do not dare to act rashly."

Zuo Kim answered generously.

In the previous World War, Su Yinshi was also listed as one of the priority targets by Zaft, because this place was the hub for the coalition army to transport important supplies.

Of course, the defense of the Union Army is also extraordinarily tight.

"If you want 100% capture, it's best to have a large-scale combat operation with orbital airborne, just like in the previous war... But for some reason, the parliament seems to disagree."

Seeing his wry smile, Thalia shrugged.

"Probably our side has already shouted a slogan, saying that we have no ambition to expand our territory, so it's not good to start a large-scale war!"

"Ah... The Supreme Council and the Speaker are not willing to easily expand the I have always supported this policy."

Zuo Kim replied with a smile, probably because he was afraid of misunderstandings, and then continued: "However, it's also a problem for people to mess with us when they see us keeping ourselves safe..."

Hearing something in his words, Talia hurriedly asked, "Listen to what you mean, did something happen? Is it somewhere other than Su Yinshi?"

He saw Zuo Kim stretched out his hand and clicked on the map on the table with a light pen: "The Earth Army originally planned to use Su Yinshi as a stronghold to take down Mahamur and the Gibraltar base at the exit of the Mediterranean Sea in one go."

"The enemy is centered on the fire factory in Carnahan, and has built a large bridgehead in this mountainous area. On the one hand, it is used to intimidate or suppress the resistance movement of the Eurasian people, and on the other hand, it also wants to barely keep this place to Su Yinshi. transport line.”

The Earth Army has a stronghold in Karnahan, south of the Caspian Sea, just at the position that separates Maham from the western side of Eurasia.

"Because of it, the rebels in this area not only have to face the attack from central Eurasia, but also dare not turn south - they can only be trapped there and be beaten, the situation is very tragic..."

"But, on the other hand..."

"...If you can capture this place, in addition to blocking the transportation route to Su Yinshi, it is also equivalent to supporting the rebel army and indirectly hitting the Earth army..."

"But the other party also knows this, and of course we won't let us win it easily."

"So the other party not only installed a positive electron gun here, but also placed a strange MA with a reflector next to it."

"Our army also tried to break through before, and it was beaten to the ground..."


The conversation that followed didn't have much to go into.

All in all - it's done!

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