Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 632: : The Battle of Loang Green (4)

With the dispatch of Noel and Aslan.

The Zaku Phantom piloted by Ray Za Barrel and the Zaku Warriors of Luna Maria also left the battleship one after another to serve as artillery batteries.

Desmond and Bagley were also dispatched by Baku, Gardswood, and Desert Keene, and formed a formation in front of the mothership.

"The Minerva lifts off, the battle begins!"

Captain Thalia gave the order.

The Minerva, which had finished the MS launch procedure, rose to the front of the two land battleships.

Ahead, the dagger L unit that came to meet has completely covered the air.

[MS heat source signal confirmed - 137 in number! 】


"How come there are so many?"

Arthur exclaimed in disbelief.

According to Radoer, the number of MS units here is only about fifty units, and now it has more than doubled directly.

"It was a grand welcome ceremony."

As Talia spoke, she held back her uneasiness and opened the communication between Noel and Aslan and said, "I'll leave it to the two of you next."

To be honest, more than 130 MSs.

Even with the restraint of the ground troops, this number is extremely alarming. Talia is inevitably a little uneasy about whether Noel and Aslan can complete the sheep attack task.


"no problem."

While Noel and Aslan were talking, the two MSs flipped and moved to both sides.

"The Yang Electron Cannon is activated, the target - the local Luanglin Fort!"

Seeing the actions of Noel and Aslan, Thalia felt a little relieved and began to give orders to the crew.


"The Yang Electron Cannon is activated!"

"Charge starts!"

In the confirmed lines, the Minerva bow slowly opened.

The huge gun muzzle sticks out of the bow, and gradually lights up with a charging light.

"It doesn't matter how many soldiers come here!"


The prototype Destiny Gundam throws a beam boomerang backhand.

There are more than 100 short swords L, it looks like a lot, and it is very scary to cover the sky.

But for Noel and Aslan, it was like a paper tiger.

When the body is not limited by energy, the performance of the body is crushed, and the driver's strength is sufficient.

Without the restraint of the other party's elite pilots, it is only a matter of time before over 100 ordinary MSs can be wiped out.

Of course, if there were four or five hundred MSs, it would be a qualitative change caused by quantity.

People's energy is also limited, unless it is a MS with the firepower of Freedom Gundam, or Noel can't guarantee complete annihilation, but there is absolutely no problem in self-protection.


The Savior Gundam flipped to avoid the beam and changed into the MS form. The muzzle on the back and waist was flipped, and four high-energy beams were shot in the direction of the beam boomerang.


For a while, the flames were reflected on the sky.

A relatively tight facelift does give people a sense of oppression, but correspondingly, this kind of facelift also limits the mobile range of MS.

With the cooperation of the two, the six short swords L were instantly detonated.


Then another high-energy beam shot from the front of the trial-made Destiny Gundam.

The beam cannon pierced through the battlefield and shot in the direction of the mountain.


In an instant, two short swords L fell again.

"Aslan, I'll go first!"

After Noel finished speaking, without waiting for Aslan's response, the trial-type Destiny Gundam's back engine roared, and each hand clenched a ship-cutting knife and charged straight towards the dagger L army.

Aslan looked at Noel's actions and opened his mouth, but didn't say anything in the end.

It only slightly reduced its speed and approached the Minerva.


The power of the ship-killing knife is beyond doubt. It can be said that the destructive power of the ship-killing knife is definitely the strongest among all the MS melee weapons.




In a crisp sound.

The dagger L unit was torn apart by the trial-type Destiny Gundam.

Then the trial-type Destiny Gundam rushed into the core area of ​​the short sword L unit without hesitation.

"court death!"

"kill him!"

Seeing the mobile suit suddenly rushing to the core of the unit, the driver of the dagger L unit was stunned for a moment. ,

Immediately there was unspeakable anger.

One MS ran to the middle of more than 100 MSs?

"Sheep attack? Hehe, let you know what a real sheep attack is today!"

While speaking, the trial-type Destiny Gundam Ship Slashing Sword flipped and swept away.


The ship-cutting knife stumbled slightly on the shield, but before the driver was happy, a huge force suddenly came from the shield that blocked the ship-cutting knife, and the short sword L was instantly swept away.

"The Age of Rebirth"

Seeing that his teammates were frustrated, a dagger L hurriedly rushed towards him.


However, in the next second, as the trial-type Destiny Gundam turned around and swept his legs, a beam dagger suddenly appeared and slashed the dagger L across the middle.


At the moment when the explosion light lit up, the trial Fate appeared on the face of a dagger L with an afterimage.

In the driver's terrified eyes, the dagger L was smashed by the ship-cutting sword.

Soon, a strange picture appeared on the radar.

An MS identification signal affiliated with a friendly army struggled and flickered in a dense group of red identification signals.

In the mid-air in the distance, the rumbling fire of the MS explosion flickered brightly.

Some of the daggers L that were not involved in the siege flew in the direction of the Minerva.



However, before they even got close to the battleship, they were screened by the beams falling from the air.

Rolled and fell into the desert.

Even though two MSs rushed out of the beam range, with a flash of red, the two MSs instantly broke into two pieces.


In the sound of the explosion, not a single dagger L came close to the Minerva's anti-aircraft artillery range.

The crew of the Minerva, who had already prepared for a tough battle, were directly reduced to spectators.

The Minerva, whose guns were fully deployed, became somewhat embarrassed for no apparent reason.

The crew members of other departments on the Minerva also stared blankly at the fire that was constantly lit up on the big screen.

"Isn't it a bit too strong?"

Luna Maria stood on the left plywood, looking at the prototype Destiny Gundam surrounded by the enemy, couldn't help but murmured.

More than 100 MSs could not break through the line of fire of the two MSs.

Even, judging from the actions of the Savior Gundam, Aslan seems to have a feeling that he is not using his full strength.

Lei Za Barrel didn't answer when he heard the words, but just looked at the trial-type fate with a dignified expression.

For a while, he wasn't even sure if Zhen Asuka could reach Noel's level.

In the mid-air behind the Loanglin Fort, the Gardi Lu floated quietly in mid-air, giving a panoramic view of the battle below.

"Should I say it's really him—"

Prea sometimes has to admire Noel's strength, although Noel Cassia's presence is really annoying.

But you have to admit his strength. To be honest, there is such a friendly army on the battlefield, and the morale improvement is extremely high, but if there is such an enemy, then-

"If we don't go out, Roan Green will not be able to hold on."

Nia Matisse sat aside and asked.

"Do you think you can hold him back in this state?"

Preya asked back.

Nia Matisse fell into silence when he heard the words. Can he hold back Noel Cassia in this state? The answer came very early.

"But you're right, Roan Green really can't be handed over to them like this."

After Prea finished speaking, he reached out and pressed the communication button in the MS hangar, saying, "Stin, Stella, Or, you all get ready to attack."


"I can finally go out."


The three answered.

"I won't ask how the three of you want to fight, but you have to remember that this time the mission is simply to defend Luoanglin, understand?"

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