Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 669: : Archangel intrudes

"Anti-air warhead - launch!"

"Beam Cannon - Reflection!"

"Anti-beam thunderstorm - launch!"

"The automatic attack system starts!"

"Avoid - turn left rudder 10!"

Although the Minerva was bruised and bruised due to the SS warhead, it still fought tenaciously.

During the roar of artillery fire, a thick barrage was laid around the battleship.

With the support of Luna Maria, Ray Za Barrell, and Shin Asuka, the Minerva even faced the siege of the three Gadi Lu battleships, as well as the Orb and the combined MS forces. Still persisted.

But judging from the degree of damage to the battleship, if you don't find a way to break the situation as soon as possible, it will be a matter of time before the Minerva sinks.

"Hey! Tell the second battle group to move forward a little further! Step up to kill it!"

Seeing that the battle was not as expected, Yuna cried out impatiently.

What the **** are these people doing!

His tactical plan was so perfect, and if he followed it, he should be able to sink the enemy ship!

In contrast, Colonel Lugo watched the battle without changing his face.

Hearing Yuna's shouting, he just glanced here and objected coldly, "The Minerva's weapons still work, so it's not advisable to act rashly."

The battle situation is indeed beneficial to one's own side, but it does not mean that the other side has no power to fight back.

There is no need to use human life to kill the opponent.

"What is the Murasame team doing? Why don't you hurry up—"

Yuna still wanted to lose his temper, but was interrupted by Colonel Lu Gao irritably: "This is different from the electric toy you are good at, the actual combat is not so simple, and because of your previous orders, the Murasame troops have been trying to do it for a long time. Destiny-type Gundam suffered heavy damage during the battle!"

Having said that, Colonel Lugo is very angry.

The Murasame squadron is Orb's elite unit.

As a result, due to Yuna's random orders, nearly half of the fifty Murasame troops were lost.

Yuna closed her mouth angrily.

Indeed, this problem does blame itself.

But who does this guy think he's talking to?

I am the supreme commander of Orb!

It's just an officer who can't even command a fleet, how dare he take such an attitude!

These guys must be angry that I ordered an attack on Cagalli in Dardanelles, so they took the opportunity to resist.

Yuna thought so, but did not reply, because he found that the soldiers seemed to be only willing to obey Lugo's orders now.

No matter how exquisite the tactics he proposed, these soldiers regarded him as a transparent person, completely ignored his words, and only blindly sought Lugo's instructions.

never mind. Anyway, these soldiers only know how to follow orders, and their vision is of course different from their own.

Yuna laughed at these dead brains in his heart, and pressed this grievance for the time being.

——If this battle ends in failure, it is because these people refuse to obey themselves.

When the time comes, who will take this responsibility is already decided...

He squinted at Lugo and snickered to himself.

The person in the upper position has to have a wide horizon, and the layout after the war has to have a panoramic view...

Above the Minerva, where the lines of fire were fiercely intertwined, a Murasame formation in flight form was quietly approaching.

The captain of the horse farm, who was in charge of the command of the squad, gave a stern instruction to the aircraft that followed:

"Let the Earth Army deal with their ms! We just have to take care of the Minerva!"

That killing **** was restrained by the people of the United Earth, and now is the best chance.

Although there were three MSs on the upper deck of the Minerva, they were restrained by the three battleships of the Earth United, and the guerrilla attack with a blind spot was worth a try.

"As long as you can sink it, it's over!"


Everyone returned in unison.

As long as the Minerva is sunk, Orb's obligation to the Union will be fulfilled.

It is also equivalent to indirectly protecting Orb.

With this thought in mind, Murasame of the racecourse raised her white wings and flew firmly towards the battlefield below her feet.

He dashed to the starboard rear of the Minerva in a rush, and the enemy ship's automatic attack system immediately sent a rain of bullets from below.

"Drink ah ah ah!"

The racecourse roared and continued to charge, and saw the red Zaku on the deck turning around and firing the extended cannon on his waist.

He dodged the artillery fire with maximum dexterity and continued to accelerate, his fingers already ready on the missile launch button.

At the same time as the air-to-air missile behind Murasame was fired, the horse farm immediately reflexively left the airspace.

The next few Murakami followed suit, dropping missiles and scattering in all directions.

The missiles they fired exploded on and around the Minerva, and bright red flames erupted, reflecting on their fuselages.

Fortunately, none of the friendly planes seemed to be missing.

"here you go!"

The horse farm shouted proudly.

After the smoke of the explosion was blown away, I saw that the gray ship had several armor cracks, cracked and deformed, and the left arm of the white Zaku Phantom was also blown off and fell to the ground.

However, the bridge does not appear to have been damaged.


He was about to give instructions, but saw the red Zaku on the deck of the enemy ship raising the muzzle to the sky, the beam swept across, and brushed the tail end of the horse's wing.

The power of the enemy aircraft was still not to be underestimated, and the Murasame formation immediately dispersed to avoid its pursuit.

At this moment, a beam of light suddenly shot out in the air, penetrating the cockpits of the two friendly aircraft.


The sudden attack made the horse's eyes slightly congeal.

"court death!"

I saw Impulse Gundam flipped over and detached from a Gadi Lu battleship, and shot over continuously with guns.

However, the battleship he abandoned soon turned its guns on the Minerva.


True Asuka was helpless, and had to return again to contain the battleship Gadi Lu.

"let's go!"

Seeing this, the horse farm shouted, rolled the fuselage, and dived down toward the enemy ship again.

"This time we must-!"

"Orb Army! Stop fighting and retreat immediately!"

Kagali Yura Asghar's voice echoed over the battlefield again.

"valientmk8 baliente 110cm linear railgun - fire!"

"gottriedmk71 Goldfeldt High Energy Beam Cannon - Fire!"

"Anti-air warhead - launch!"

At the same time, there was also a diversionary attack directed at the three battleships.

The Archangel, which suddenly joined the battlefield, disrupted the rhythm of the battlefield, and also gave the Minerva, which was stubbornly suppressed, a breather.

"Are those guys here again?"

Looking up and seeing the scene behind, Ma Asuka said subconsciously while driving the body from a high altitude.

At some point, a white battleship, the Archangel, appeared over the distant battlefield.

The red landline that Cagalli was driving also appeared above it.

"Orb cannot participate in this battle! Nothing can be protected like this! Don't be at the mercy of the Earth Army!"

"Recall the idea of ​​Orb! Without it, where would the country be?"


Aslan repelled Fukiyuki and looked at Yanhong Strike and Archangel, as well as the body guards around Yanhong Strike, with a stunned expression.

Why are you here again?

"Oh, it's really dedicated."

Preia also smiled dumbly, and said with paradoxical emotion.

"Ship... Captain."

Seeing that the Archangel appeared on the battlefield again, this time saving the life of the mothership at a critical juncture, the crew members looked confused and turned to look at the commander.

Thalia was also confused and irritated and didn't know what to and could only stare at the white giant ship that was killed halfway.

To be honest, the appearance of the Archangel this time is more critical than the last time.

At this point, Thalia was finally convinced that Cagalli's group really just wanted to stop fighting.

She could see that although they had the intention to protect the Orbu Army, they had no intention of helping Orbu at all.

However, dealing with such a person is really troublesome.

Are they enemies or friends?

If we can't be sure of this, how are we going to face them on the battlefield in the future?

But you have to let yourself define them directly as enemies, and it doesn't seem to work, after all, they saved themselves twice in a row.

But allies—

Thalia was annoyed for a while, and said solemnly: "They don't have a clear will to hostile, but they killed our soldiers in the last battle. For the time being... classify them as enemy ships, as to whether they should be Launch the attack and see the follow-up progress!"

To be honest, Thalia doesn't know how to define the Archangel either.

But at least they won't be allies.

Unless the war stops one day, a battleship with the idea of ​​stopping the battle will definitely attack itself.

With Talia's order, everyone immediately held their breath.

In fact, this reaction has already shown their perception of the "enemy ship".

Knowing that he is his savior, who would like to be hostile to him?

However, it would be wishful thinking to treat them as friendly troops.

If something like the last time happened again, it would really cost my life.

In general, the risk of seeing them as the enemy is relatively low.

At most, it should be considered as not seen until the other party does not show hostility.

For Talia at this moment, this is also the limit of her judgment as a soldier.

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