Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 430 Special Rewards, Practice Space


Yamato smashed his mace to the ground.

At this moment, the way she looked at Rozi seemed a little surprised.

"You man, you are quite powerful."

"It was able to beat me to this level."

"The Beasts Pirates now have a strong man like you?"

Saying that, Yamato frowned slightly.

Although she is Kaido's daughter, she is also on the opposite side of Kaido and Beasts Pirates.

A strong man like Rozi becoming a Beasts Pirates is not what Yamato wants to see.

Although the battle was short, Yamato could clearly understand that Rozi "Two Nine Zero" in front of her had at least similar power to her.

In other words, a more powerful force zone than her.

"you misunderstood."

Just when Rozi was about to say something, Black Maria stepped forward.

She walked up to Rozi and looked at Yamato sincerely:

"Master Rozi is not a member of the Beasts Pirates."

"I'm not someone that bastard Kaido arranged to come in with ulterior motives."

"To tell you the truth, this cell was specially built for some powerful beings."

"You are powerful, so Kaido will imprison you here."

"And Rozi-sama is equally powerful, that's why he was imprisoned here."

"Like you, Kaido wants Master Rozi to do things for the Beasts Pirates."

"But Master Rozi refused to do this, so he was imprisoned in this special cell as a minister.

"To prevent his escape."

In order to avoid continuing to fight, Black Maria said as much as she could in one breath.

However, when it comes to Kaido being an asshole, only Black Maria knows that she is really complaining about Kaido.

Complaining that he put himself on a real explosion collar with seastone elements in it.

After feeling the influence of the seastone factor in the explosive collar, Black Maria further determined that the explosive collar on her neck had the function of exploding.

What made Black Maria even more disturbing was that she didn't even know the conditions under which the explosive collar on her body exploded.

The explosive collar around Yamato's neck will automatically explode when she tries to leave Oni Island.

So as long as Yamato doesn't leave the island of ghosts, he doesn't have to worry about life problems.

But Black Maria was different, she even felt that it was possible for her to leave Rozi to a certain extent.

The collar around her neck will activate the explosive function, separating her body from her head.

Rozi, who was standing behind Black Maria, saw her come forward to justify his presence in the cell.

So he leaned against the wall without worry, embracing his hands and watching her perform leisurely.

That's right, in Rozi's eyes, Black Maria's behavior at the moment is acting.

At the same time, Rozi single-mindedly opened the personal panel that came with the Forbidden Space Challenger.

He still remembered that there was a diamond-level treasure chest that he had just obtained hidden in his personal space.

'Open the special treasure chest!'

With a thought in Rozi's mind, the treasure box shining with diamond light on the props column of the personal panel was immediately surrounded by a burst of strong light.

In the next second, a mechanical sound from the forbidden space sounded in Rozi's mind.

[You open the "Diamond Treasure Chest", congratulations on getting "Training Room Diamond" x1; congratulations to Chu Guo on getting "Intermediate Observation Haki Card" x100.]

[Challengers will be able to choose two people to enter the special practice space with themselves after opening the "Cultivation Space Diamond". …

In this space, the speed of practice of the challenger and the person chosen by the challenger is accelerated. During the practice, even if they die for some reason, they will be resurrected in an instant.

Practicing in this space has a certain probability of breaking through the bottleneck of ability, and the training of wandering between life and death can also help practitioners break through the bottleneck. The maximum can break through the bottleneck of the advanced level ability, so that the ability can reach the special level.

In the diamond-level "practice space", you can choose crew members or non-crew partners to enter the space for practice.

If you choose a crew member with the fleet badge engraved on the body, the challenger can directly pull the partner into the practice space through the badge regardless of the distance.

"Practice Space·Diamond" lasts for one month, and during this month, the time velocity of the real world is zero.

Due to the problem of time flow, when the challenger enters the practice space, the live broadcast room in the real world will not be able to watch the challenger in the practice space. 】

[The "Intermediate Observation Haki Card" in the real world requires a physical fitness of 2000 points before it can be used. 】

Rozi's eyes widened slightly, his plain expression could hardly conceal the 2.5 excitement in his heart.

‘Huh! Another new thing, “Cultivation Space·Diamond”?’

When entering into the cultivation practice, the outside world is equivalent to a static state?

'Wait, can you also pull people who are not partners into it to practice?

'That is to say, I can pull Yamato into the practice space?

Thinking of this, Rozi looked with great interest at Yamato who was frowning listening to Black Maria explain Rozi's situation.

‘Forbidden space, really gave me a timely reward. "

'If it is Yamato, with this thing, it should be able to safely pull it into the fleet.

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