I got up and washed up.

I went downstairs to buy breakfast, returned to the room, and turned on the computer while eating breakfast.

I clicked on a monitoring program, and Ma Meng's voice came out from the computer speakers.

"Baby, say goodbye to mom."

"Goodbye, mom!"

Ma Meng has a six-year-old son. Hearing the voice, Ma Meng sent her son to school.

That's right, Su Yang installed a monitoring program on Ma Meng's mobile phone, which can monitor her every move in real time.

At noon today, Zhou Jiming will take other victims to Ma Meng's company to defend their rights. If he can know Ma Meng's every move, he can respond in time.

This is called knowing yourself and knowing the enemy.

"Goodbye, baby!"


As the car door closed, Ma Meng got into the driver's seat.

"Beep beep..."

A quick ring of the phone echoed in the car.

"Haven't I told you many times? Don't make this call!" Ma Meng said impatiently.

"Sister, your other phone is turned off..." A young man's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Turn off?" Ma Meng was stunned for a moment, "Oh, maybe I forgot to charge it..."

Hearing this, Su Yang's eyebrows slightly raised.

Ma Meng has another phone?

This is something he didn't know before.

"Forget it this time, remember not to make this call next time, my husband will check my phone." Ma Meng said in a low voice.

"I know, sister...but, I need money urgently..." The young man's tone was a little "coquettish".

Something's going on.

Su Yang suddenly became interested. He put down the milk in his hand, sat up straight, pricked up his ears, and listened carefully to the sound coming from the computer.

"You need money again? Didn't I just give you 200,000 last week? You spent it so quickly?"

"Sister, you also know that it is very expensive to decorate a house. A toilet alone cost more than 10,000..."

"How much do you need?"


"Okay, I know, I'll transfer it to you later."

Su Yang's mouth corners slightly raised, and his ten fingers quickly tapped on the keyboard.


This is the number of the young man on the phone.

In the past two days, Su Yang has investigated almost all of Ma Meng's ancestors, but he has never seen this number.

He has a strong premonition that the relationship between this strange man and Ma Meng is definitely not ordinary. Perhaps, this is the key to opening a breakthrough.


Successful invasion.

The interface of the strange man's mobile phone appears on the computer screen.

Opening WeChat, a familiar avatar came into view in the address book:

"Baby (Ma Meng)"

This strange man set Ma Meng's WeChat note to "Baby".

For a woman to be called by a man like this, Su Yang couldn't think of any other possibility except a lover relationship.

Clicking on the chat record, as expected, the various ambiguous chats between Teacher Ma and the man were unbearable to watch.

The case was solved. This young man named Li Kai was a gigolo kept by Ma Meng.

Su Yang didn't expect that Ma Meng, an emotional mentor who showed an intellectual and elegant image on the Internet, was so playful in private.

Playing the game of hiding a beautiful woman in a golden house.

You know, Teacher Ma is a family person, and her husband is a senior executive of a large company.

Su Yang downloaded all the chat records of Li Kai and Ma Meng to his computer. At the same time, he also found that in Li Kai's mobile phone chat records, there were dozens of records of Ma Meng transferring money to him, ranging from thousands to hundreds of thousands, and the total amount was as much as millions.

"Teacher Ma is really willing to spend a lot of money on this pretty boy!"

"With these things, I don't believe I can't cure you!"

Su Yang's mouth was laughing, now there is something to play.

"Ding Dong!"

A new message popped up in the lower right corner of the computer.

"Boss, we plan to leave at 11 am and go to Ma Meng's company. What do you think?"

It was a message from Zhou Jiming.

"Are all of you here?" Su Yang replied.

"All of you are here, 70 people, not one less!"

"I have another suggestion. You can contact the local TV station and make a big fuss. The bigger the better, the more pressure will be put on Ma Meng." Su Yang replied.

Hey, I can also do a live broadcast!

Brush up some points.

A few days ago, Teacher Ma took advantage of his popularity,

Now it's his turn to take advantage of Mr. Ma's popularity.


It was decided so happily.

Do it right away.

Su Yang logged into the backstage of his Douyin account and posted a video preview:

"Brothers, see you in the live broadcast room at 10 am today. I'm going to do something big for you."

As soon as the video was released, it immediately attracted many netizens to watch and comment.

"Wow! The boss is going to do something again!"

"Look forward to it! I've moved the small stool and waited for the broadcast to start!"

"Boss, I like watching your live broadcast."

"Boss, when can you take off your mask and let us see your true face?"


Time flies, and it's 10 am in the blink of an eye.

Su Yang sat in front of the computer early, put on a mask, and changed into a baseball cap.

He put an earphone in his ear, and the earphone data cable was connected to the laptop to listen to the monitoring sound at any time.

After everything was ready, Su Yang clicked the "live" button.

"Here we go!"

"Ms. Lin sent flowers to the anchor *6666!"

"I've been waiting since 8 o'clock in the morning, and it's finally live!"

"Boss, what big news are you going to make today?"

"Looking forward to it..."


In the live broadcast room, barrages flew, and the number of people online quickly exceeded 50,000.

This popularity is comparable to that of millions of big internet celebrities.

Su Yang looked at the dense barrages on the screen and said with a smile: "Brothers, the content of this morning's live broadcast is absolutely explosive! I'll connect with a friend first and let him tell everyone the ins and outs of the matter."

As he said, Su Yang answered Zhou Jiming's connection request.

The next second, Zhou Jiming's avatar appeared in the live broadcast room.

"Brother Zhou, say hello to the netizens in the live broadcast room and briefly introduce yourself."

"Hello... everyone, I... my name is Zhou Jiming..." Zhou Jiming was obviously a little nervous and stuttered.

"Don't be nervous, just treat it as chatting with a friend." Su Yang encouraged.

Zhou Jiming took a deep breath, tried to calm himself down, and then said:

"My name is Zhou Jiming. Two days ago, I sent an email to LittleBoy for help, and I didn't expect to get help from him. The thing is, I spent 18,888 yuan to buy the "one-on-one" course of Douyin emotional anchor Ma Meng, but I was cheated by her. I want my money back. I have gone to her several times and visited her company, but to no avail. Today is my second time to go to her company, and I must ask her to give me an explanation." Zhou Jiming recounted the whole story.

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