The truth is, the truth is that "LittleBoy" was behind all this.

Ma Meng quickly opened Douyin and searched for "LittleBoy", and then saw the live broadcast.

In the live broadcast room, Zhou Jiming was facing the camera, indignantly accusing Ma Meng of various crimes, and the victims behind him also expressed their anger and dissatisfaction to the camera.

"LittleBoy, grass mud horse!" Ma Meng was so angry that she cursed.

"What's wrong, sister?" Liu Min didn't understand why she suddenly cursed LittleBoy.

"It turns out that this guy is the one who is causing all the trouble. Look, he is broadcasting live." Ma Meng shouted.

Liu Min came closer when she heard the words, and suddenly realized when she saw the live broadcast screen, "No wonder Zhou Jiming rejected our conditions. It turns out that someone is backing him up." She said how could an ordinary loser resist the temptation of money.

"How did Zhou Jiming contact so many people?" The female assistant next to him raised a question.

Ma Meng frowned, "Did someone leak our company's customer information?"

Is there an insider in the company?

"Sister Ma, I don't think it's necessarily someone inside the company who leaked the information." Liu Min analyzed calmly, "Don't forget, 'LittleBoy' is a hacker. He may have hacked into our company's computers and stolen our customer information."

A word awakened the dreamer.

"Asshole, 'LittleBoy' this asshole, it must be him, we will report it immediately!" Ma Meng shouted.

"Report to the police? It's useless, Sister Ma." Liu Min shook her head. "'LittleBoy' is not an ordinary hacker. Look, he has offended so many anchors before, but he is still alive and well now."

A hacker hides in the dark. Would he be afraid of you reporting to the police?

Reporting to the police is not an option.

"What should we do? Are we just at his mercy?" Ma Meng said angrily.

"Sister Ma, why don't we contact 'LittleBoy' directly and talk to him." Liu Min suggested.

"Talk to him?" Ma Meng hesitated. "Will he be willing to talk to us?"

"Try it, it's better than doing nothing."

Liu Min opened Douyin and found the account of "LittleBoy", but there was no contact information left on it.

"Sister Ma, he seems to have published an email address in the live broadcast room." The female assistant reminded.

"Email address? Look for it!"

Soon, Liu Min found the email address of "LittleBoy".

Ma Meng immediately edited an email and sent it.

"LittleBoy, I know you are the one who instigated Zhou Jiming to make trouble. I have never offended you. Why are you messing with me?"

After sending the email, Ma Meng anxiously waited for the other party's reply.

If "LittleBoy" ignored her, she would have to connect with him directly in the live broadcast room.


A crisp prompt sounded, and "LittleBoy" replied to her email.

Ma Meng quickly opened the email, "Teacher Ma, did you misunderstand?"


Ma Meng saw the word "misunderstanding" and couldn't help but sneer.

She didn't believe that "LittleBoy" would help Zhou Jiming for no reason.

"I know you must still be holding a grudge against me for saying some unpleasant things to you during the last live broadcast." Ma Meng replied, "If this is because of this, I apologize to you. I hope you can forgive me."

"Teacher Ma, you really misunderstood me. I have no opinion on you personally. I am just helping Zhou Jiming to get justice." "LittleBoy" replied, "I can't help it. I am such a kind-hearted person. When I see someone being bullied, I can't help but want to help."

"Okay, don't pretend with me. Tell me, what do you want?" Ma Meng was too lazy to talk nonsense with him and just showed his cards.

"Pay back the money."

These two simple words made Ma Meng grit his teeth in anger, "One hundred thousand! Give you one hundred thousand, can this matter be resolved?"

The other party did not reply.

This is too little.

"Two hundred thousand."

Still no reply.

"Three hundred thousand."

Still no reply.

Ma Meng was angry and his appetite was too big.

It was too much.

"Give me back my hard-earned money!"

"Ma Meng, you liar

Son! Pay the money back quickly!"


Outside the office, the shouting of the crowd continued.

"Five hundred thousand, this is my bottom line. If you don't agree, I will report it to the police."


"LittleBoy" replied, sending a string of bank card numbers.

Ma Meng couldn't help but sneer, "What are you pretending to be, bullshit justice, or for money."

"Sister Ma, do you really want to give him five hundred thousand?" Liu Min, who was standing by, saw the chat record between Ma Meng and "LittleBoy".

"Money. "Ma Meng looked grim.

She was not afraid of the people shouting outside, they were just a group of ordinary workers who could not make any big waves.

However, "LittleBoy" was different, he was a hacker, and a highly skilled hacker.

If he kept holding on to this matter and hyped it up endlessly, it would be a big trouble.

Instead of doing this, it would be better to spend some money and keep things quiet.

Liu Min transferred 500,000 yuan to the account provided by "LittleBoy".

"The money has been transferred, and the screenshot has been sent to you. Can you let your people withdraw now?" Ma Meng sent a message to "LittleBoy".

"Watch the live broadcast." 'LittleBoy' only replied with three words.

Ma Meng was confused and quickly opened the live broadcast room of "LittleBoy".

"LittleBoy" was facing the camera and said with a smile:

"Brothers, there is an emergency, and the live broadcast may be temporarily over. "

After saying this, the netizens in the live broadcast room were immediately in an uproar.

"What's going on? Why is it going to end so suddenly?"

"Boss, don't leave! We haven't seen enough!"

"What happened?"


However, before the netizens could react, "LittleBoy" laughed, "Haha, I'm just kidding you. Even if the king of heaven comes today, this live broadcast must continue!" Su Yang said with a smile, "However, something very interesting did happen just now, and I will share it with you now."

As he said this, he sent the screenshot of the transfer that Ma Meng had just sent him, as well as the chat records between the two, to the live broadcast room.

"Did you see it? Brothers, Ma Meng just transferred 500,000 yuan to me privately and asked me to stop." Su Yang said with a smile, "500,000 yuan, Teacher Ma is generous when he makes a move."

Ma Meng was stunned when he saw this scene, "Is he... is he crazy? ”

She couldn’t understand LittleBoy’s operation.

The agent and assistant were also stunned by LittleBoy’s operation. They couldn’t understand why he exposed himself.

He had obviously received the money.

What good would this exposure do him?

A voice came from the headset.

Su Yang laughed secretly. You don’t understand, you are confused.

“Brothers, are you confused, why did I receive 500,000 and expose this matter?” Su Yang said to the camera, “I’ll give you a hint. Pay attention to the receiving account on this transfer screenshot. Are there any sharp-eyed brothers who can see any clues?”

“Account? What clues?”

“I don’t understand, big brother, just tell me directly, don’t keep me in suspense!”

“Any great god please explain it!”

The netizens were full of questions.

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