The old man was very angry.

"Teacher Ma, others don't know your details, but I know them very well!" Su Yang's voice suddenly rang in the live broadcast room.

Although the netizens in the live broadcast room didn't know what Su Yang meant by this sentence, Ma Meng heard it clearly.

"LittleBoy" was reminding her that he knew she was rich, and 10 million was nothing to her.

Ma Meng took a deep breath, tried to suppress the anger in her heart, and sent an email: "10 million, I can give you, but how can I believe that you will really delete the information after you get the money?"

"You have no choice but to choose to believe me." Su Yang said lightly, "and this 10 million is not for me personally."

"What do you mean?" Ma Meng was stunned.

"I'll give you a suggestion. Start a live broadcast and donate 10 million to charity in your name." Su Yang said, "In this way, you will do good things, restore your public image, and gain popularity. There are many benefits."

Ma Meng hesitated.

10 million is not a small amount.

However, if "LittleBoy" really exposed the information in her mobile phone, everything she had worked hard for would be destroyed.

"Okay, I promise you!" Ma Meng finally chose to compromise.

"OK, it's settled then." Su Yang smiled a winner.

He smiled and said to the live camera:

"Brothers, I have good news for you. Teacher Ma just contacted me. She has deeply realized her mistakes and decided to donate 10 million yuan to charity to express her apology! Teacher Ma, am I right?"

Ma Meng's avatar appeared in the live broadcast room. She squeezed out a stiff smile and said:

"Hello, netizens, I am very sorry for what I posted today. I admit that there are indeed some negligence and mistakes in my work, which have caused harm to many fans who trust me. I sincerely apologize to everyone here! In order to make up for my mistakes, I decided to donate 10 million yuan to charity, hoping to help more people in need! Tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, I will make a live donation in my live broadcast room. Please supervise me!"

"Wow! Teacher Ma is so great!" Su Yang took the lead in applauding, "We like Teacher Ma's good deeds!"

No one applauded in the live broadcast room.

Netizens knew clearly that Ma Meng's donation was just a helpless act.

"Teacher Ma, welcome to my live broadcast room next time!" Su Yang said with a smile.

Ma Meng nodded with a fake smile, and then closed the connection.

"Okay, brothers, today's live broadcast ends here. Thank you for your support. See you next time! Bye!"

"Host, don't go! Play for a while!"

"Play for a while."

"I haven't seen enough!"


"Host, it's amazing!"

"It's wonderful."


Su Yang turned off the live broadcast.

The background data of the live broadcast room was quickly refreshed:

Total live broadcast duration: 3 hours and 02 minutes

Average number of online users: 160,000

Highest number of online users: 250,000

Number of fans: +500,000

This data once again broke the record since Su Yang's live broadcast.

And the system points... Wow, a total of 3.6 million.

Su Yang clenched his fists in excitement.

After the excitement, he felt a little hungry.

Too lazy to go out, Su Yang ordered a takeaway.

While waiting for the takeaway, he opened the system mall.

"CVW-2025-1111 vulnerability (four stars), 300,000 points"

"CVW-2024-3900 vulnerability (four stars), 300,000 points"

"CVW-2026-1800 vulnerability (five stars), 600,000 points"


Su Yang redeemed these three vulnerabilities from the [Vulnerability Library].

Among them, two four-star vulnerabilities are divided into CVW-2025-1111, one about the Android system buffer overflow vulnerability, allowing attackers to exploit the vulnerability to execute malicious code or cause heap overflow.

CVW-2024-3900, one about the Android system remote code execution vulnerability, allowing attackers to remotely execute code without additional execution permissions, which increases the risk of device attacks.

There is also a five-star vulnerability, C

VW-2026-1800 is a security component vulnerability in Apple's IOS system, which may cause sensitive user information such as personal identity information and bank account numbers to be leaked.

The three vulnerabilities cost a total of 1.2 million points.

In addition to the four-star Android system vulnerability, a five-star Windows system vulnerability, and a five-star Linux system vulnerability that had been redeemed before, Su Yang now has a total of six powerful vulnerabilities.

Any of the vulnerabilities can be sold for millions of dollars on the dark web.

The six vulnerabilities cover several major operating systems for computers and mobile phones. In other words, with these vulnerabilities in hand, 90% of personal computers and mobile phones in the world are defenseless in front of Su Yang.

Even the world's top hackers dare not make such a boast.

It's so awesome.

Su Yang continued to spend 10,000 points to redeem three professional books in the field of artificial intelligence, "Convolutional Neural Networks", "Generative Artificial Intelligence", and "Deep Learning" from the [Knowledge Base].

In the next two days, Su Yang did not plan to live broadcast. He was a little tired after a week of live broadcast. He took a break and learned to recharge.

"Ding Dong!"

The doorbell rang, and the takeaway arrived.

Su Yang got up to get the takeaway. After eating and drinking, he wanted to have a good sleep, but he couldn't fall asleep in bed.

He simply got up, took his laptop, and went to the school library.


The sun was setting, and the golden afterglow fell on the campus, covering the buildings with a layer of colorful light.

In the library, Su Yang was concentrating on studying the artificial intelligence books exchanged from the system mall, reading and taking notes.


The phone on the table vibrated. Su Yang picked up the phone and saw a notice from the class group:

"@All classmates, there will be a lecture on artificial intelligence in the lecture hall at 7 o'clock tonight. Please attend on time."

Su Yang didn't want to go, but thinking that he was also studying artificial intelligence and might learn some new knowledge from the lecture, he decided to go and listen.


Night fell.

The lecture hall was brightly lit and packed with people.

On the podium, a gray-haired professor gave a vivid lecture.

In the last row of the classroom, Su Yang sat in the corner, staring at a large screen behind the professor, frowning.

At this time, the professor was explaining convolutional neural networks.

Convolutional neural networks are one of the most important algorithms in the field of computer vision.

Su Yang noticed that there seemed to be some problems with an algorithm formula in the courseware displayed on the big screen.

Talent, algorithm, and computing power are the three core elements in the field of artificial intelligence. Among them, computing power involves chips, energy, electricity and other aspects.

The algorithm formula in the large-screen courseware has particularly high energy consumption and low efficiency.

Coincidentally, when studying in the morning, Su Yang happened to see a better algorithm formula in the book "Convolutional Neural Network" exchanged in the system mall, which can not only reduce energy consumption by 60%, but also increase chip computing power utilization by 80%.

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