After reading the notice, Su Yang downloaded the DDoS attack tool from the group.

Scanned it with antivirus software, confirmed that the tool had no viruses, and saved it to a bot server.

The so-called DDoS attack, also known as flood attack, is one of the most commonly used attack methods by hackers. Its principle is to create a large amount of junk data and bombard the target server, paralyzing it and making it unable to operate normally.

At this time, Su Yang noticed that the large group of 2,000 people was full.

And the Red Hacker Base has announced more than a dozen groups like this, and this action mobilized a lot of hackers.

Su Yang left the chat group and collected detailed information about the exercise on the Internet.

Intelligence is crucial in modern warfare. A large-scale attack launched by hackers is no less than a war. Only by collecting as much relevant intelligence as possible, including target websites, server vulnerabilities, etc., can an effective attack plan be formulated.

Time passed by minute by minute, and before I knew it, it was already past two in the morning.

Su Yang yawned and felt sleepy.

I will continue tomorrow. There are still two weeks to collect intelligence.

Turn off the computer and go to bed.



The scorching sun shines into the room.

Su Yang is still sleeping soundly.

"Beep beep!"

At this time, the phone rang loudly and woke Su Yang up.

"Hello, who is it?" Su Yang reached out to find the phone in a daze.

"Brother, you are still sleeping. It's ten o'clock." The voice of sister Su Ying came from the other end of the phone.

"Ten o'clock?" Su Yang rubbed his eyes and yawned, "I slept late last night."

"Come to my house for lunch at noon." Su Ying said.

My elder sister's house is not far from the school. It only takes more than ten minutes to get there by bus. Su Yang often goes to her house for dinner on weekends.

"Is my brother-in-law back?" Su Yang asked.

"Well, your brother-in-law came back yesterday. We had a lunch at home. Will you come?"

"If there's something delicious, of course I'll come!" Su Yang said with a smile.

"Then come over now."

"Okay, I'll be there right away." Su Yang said, and was about to hang up the phone when Su Ying's voice sounded again: "By the way, brother, I have something to ask you. Do you have any solution?"

"What is it?"

"Xiao Jie, this kid, has been addicted to games recently. He plays at home and at school every day. His academic performance has dropped a lot. I'm almost worried to death! Do you have any way to help him quit his game addiction?"

"What did you say? I didn't hear you clearly. What's wrong with Xiao Jie?" Su Yang had just woken up and his head was still a little confused.

"I said Xiao Jie, this kid, has been addicted to playing games recently..."

"Playing games?"

Su Yang heard it clearly this time.

Xiaojie is my elder sister's son, he is fourteen years old and is in junior high school.

"It's no big deal for a kid to play games." Su Yang said nonchalantly.

"He is not just playing games, he is addicted to them all day long. He even plays secretly during class. The teacher called to complain." Su Ying said anxiously.

"Is it so serious? Didn't you take care of him?" Su Yang asked.

"Why didn't you take care of him? I beat him, scolded him, and took his cell phone away. But he borrowed his classmate's cell phone to play. I gave him lunch money at noon, but he didn't eat. He went to the Internet cafe to play games!" Su Ying sighed at this point, "I really can't do anything with him!"

"What about my brother-in-law? Doesn't he take care of him?"

"Your brother-in-law is often on business trips, and he is away for several months. How can he have time to take care of him!"

"That's true." Su Yang thought for a while and asked, "What game is Xiaojie playing?"

"Miracle MU."

Su Yang has played this game before.

"Miracle MU" is an upgrade online game. Su Yang played it for a while before. It is indeed very addictive.

Su Yang has strong self-control and stopped playing after playing for a while.

Children lack self-control and are more likely to be addicted to games.

However, Su Yang has no good solution for game addiction... Wait!

Su Yang suddenly had an idea and thought of a possible solution.

"Sister, don't worry, wait for me to come over, I will help you find a solution."

After speaking, Su Yang got up, washed up, put on his computer bag, and went out to take a taxi.

"Master, go to Qinghe Community."

After getting in the car, Su Yang glanced at the time on his mobile phone: 10:22.

I remember it.

Ten o'clock in the morning

, Ma Meng said she would start a live broadcast to donate 10 million to charity.

Thinking of this, Su Yang opened Douyin and clicked into Ma Meng's account.

20 minutes ago, Ma Meng updated a video, publicly showing the live footage of donating 10 million to charity. At the end of the video, she also showed the donation certificate to prove that her donation was true and verifiable.

Su Yang smiled.

Teacher Ma really donated 10 million obediently.

Yes, in comparison, the consequences of exposing her scandal of supporting a gigolo are more serious. Not only will she be ruined, her career will be gone, and her family will be gone. It is undoubtedly a devastating blow to her.


The phone notification sounded, and Su Yang received an email from Ma Meng: "I have donated 10 million as you said. Shouldn't you fulfill your promise to me?"

Su Yang did not reply.

He did not plan to delete those materials for the time being.

Let this sword hang over Ma Meng's head, reminding her not to do anything illegal.

Su Yang quit Douyin and put his phone back in his pocket.

A few minutes later, the taxi arrived at the destination, Qinghe Community.

Su Yang paid the fare, came to his sister's door, and knocked gently.

"I'm here!" A man's voice sounded.

The door opened, and brother-in-law Liu Xu appeared at the door.

"Brother-in-law, when did you go home?" Su Yang asked with a smile.

"I came back yesterday."

"How long will you stay at home this time?"

"About two months."

Liu Xu is a geological exploration engineer. His work is special. He often travels around the country and is on business trips for several months at a time.

"Brother is here!" Su Ying tied an apron and walked out of the kitchen.

"Come in and sit down first, and have some fruit." Su Ying greeted Su Yang, and then shouted in the direction of the bedroom, "Xiaojie, your uncle is here!"

There was no response in the bedroom.

"Xiao Jie!" Su Yang called out, walked to the bedroom door and knocked, "Xiao Jie, what are you doing in the room?"

The bedroom door opened, and Xiao Jie walked out, "Uncle."

"You've grown taller." Su Yang smiled and touched Xiao Jie's head. The little guy was almost as tall as his shoulders.

Return to the living room and sit down.

Xiao Jie just sat down, and before his butt was warm, he stood up again and wanted to go back to the room.

"Your uncle is here, why are you still going into the room? Chat with your uncle." Brother-in-law Liu Xu said.

Xiao Jie didn't say anything, got up and went back to the room, and closed the door.

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