The news editorial department of

More than a dozen editors are busy working.

"Fuck!" A male editor wearing black-framed glasses suddenly shouted, attracting everyone's attention.

"Brother Wei, what's wrong?" a young male editor asked.

"Big news! Big news! Big news broke out in Xiaorizi's exercise!" Zhang Wei shouted excitedly.

"What news? Tell me!"

"Could it be that our warship killed Xiaorizi?"


Several editors looked over curiously, and some editors were already searching for related news on their computers.

"Wow! A helicopter of Xiaorizi crashed into the sea!" a female editor exclaimed.

"Is it true?"

"I saw it too! The news said it was caused by hackers!"

"No way? How is this possible?"

"Is it fake news?"


The editors were talking about it, all of them found it a little unbelievable.

"The BBC's official website has released the news and released a video. A helicopter of Japan has indeed crashed into the sea!" An editor in a plaid shirt raised his mobile phone and said loudly.

The surrounding editors gathered around after hearing the words.

"It's true!"

"This is a video shot by a BBC reporter at the scene. It can't be fake."

"Haha! So cool! Japan, you deserve it!"

"This is retribution!"


At this time, the editor-in-chief of the editorial department came over and said loudly:

"Don't be stunned, release the news quickly, we just got the news that a helicopter of Japan crashed into the sea." The editor-in-chief also saw the news.

A few minutes later, the front page headline of was updated, "Breaking news! A helicopter crashed into the sea during a Japanese Coast Guard exercise!"

In Xingcheng, a dozen teenagers were working hard in front of their computers in a street-side Internet cafe. The smell of cigarettes and betel nuts mixed together and filled the air.

Wang Yu had just finished a game and opened B Station to watch a video to relax.

A video with a striking title immediately attracted his attention:

"Hackers invaded the Japanese exercise and a helicopter crashed into the sea!"

The video was recommended on the top of the website and has been played more than 300,000 times.

Wang Yu curiously clicked on the video.

In the picture, a helicopter rolled violently in the air and then plunged into the sea...

"Haha, the little devils deserve it!" Wang Yu was in a good mood when he saw this scene.

However, he wondered in his heart, are hackers really that powerful?

He opened the comment area below the video, and there were many comments:

"Celebrate together!"

"The people of Guangzhou sent a congratulatory message!"

"The clown is awesome!"

"Fake news, right? How can hackers be so powerful?"

"Excuse me, is the news true or false?"

"Just came back from the Red Hacker Base, the news is absolutely authentic!"

"You can go to the Red Hacker Base, which has announced the entire process of the hacker intrusion. I just want to say one thing: Boss clown, awesome!"


In the comment area, many people said that it was done by a hacker named "clown" from the Red Hacker Base.

Wang Yu curiously clicked on the Red Hacker Base website.

Sure enough, the homepage of the website pinned the video of the helicopter crashing into the sea.

"Wow! It was really done by hackers, so awesome!" Wang Yu was amazed.

He continued to browse other websites, all of which were reporting related news.

"Dragon hacker codenamed Clown invaded Neon military exercise -"

"Mysterious hacker Clown invaded the exercise, causing a Neon helicopter to crash into the sea - Damai News"

"The Red Hacker Base launched the '4.18 Action' to paralyze many Neon websites - Tiexue Military Network"


The news was overwhelming the entire network. This day, April 18, is destined to be remembered by history.


Su Yang shouted excitedly.

Why is he so excited?

Haha, the total points accumulated to 12 million, an explosive increase.

In just a moment, from the time he posted the video to the Red Hacker Base to now, only one hour has passed, and the total points have soared from 3 million to 12 million.

In one hour, he earned 9 million points.

This is simply an explosive growth.


Su Yang laughed so happily.

It was indeed the right choice to publish the video.

Let the points come more fiercely.

Time passed by, and the points increased rapidly.

By 12 noon, the total points had exceeded 2000.


At this rate, it is not impossible to earn 100 million points a day.

"There is a girl named Xiaofang in the village. She is pretty and kind, with a pair of beautiful big eyes and thick and long braids..."

Su Yang was in a good mood and hummed a little song.

With so many points, we must celebrate.

Open champagne? Forget it, if there is no champagne, then open a bottle of drink!

Su Yang took out a bottle of iced drink from the refrigerator, returned to the computer, drank the drink, and browsed the web.

At this time, whether it was Douyin, Bilibili, or major portals, the whole network was hotly discussing the Xiaorizi helicopter crash.

Netizens were discussing whether this was done by hackers.

Some people believed it, some questioned it, and more people were skeptical.

At the same time, new news came out that Xiaorizi's exercise had been interrupted.

The helicopter crashed, so of course the exercise could not continue.

However, Xiaorizi has not yet made any official response to the incident. It has not announced the reason for the interruption of the exercise, nor the details of the helicopter crash, nor the casualties.

Su Yang is also paying attention to the official news of Xiaorizi. He wants to know what happened to the people on the helicopter.

If all of them died, it would be worth setting off firecrackers to celebrate!

At 3 pm, CNN, the external network, took the lead in publishing a news report, reporting the Xiaorizi helicopter crash into the sea, and saying that all the people on board were killed.

This news quickly spread on the global Internet, causing an uproar.

Media around the world are waiting for the official news of Xiaorizi.

At 6 pm, the press conference hall of the Tokyo Coast Guard in Neon.

Hundreds of reporters from all over the world gathered here, with long guns and short guns, ready for battle.

A male BBC reporter was broadcasting live: "Dear viewers, I am now at the press conference of the Coast Guard..."

Su Yang was watching the BBC live broadcast, holding a bowl of instant noodles in his hand. He didn't even have time to eat lunch, and he was always browsing the news online.

After a while, the press conference began.

A female spokesperson walked up to the podium.

Reporters rushed up and surrounded the spokesperson, vying to ask questions.

"Spokesperson, did a helicopter crash into the sea during the exercise?"

"There is news online that it was done by Dragon Country hackers. Is this true?"

"Spokesperson, were there any casualties in the accident?"

"There are reports on the Internet that Lieutenant General Hirata Yasushi was also killed in the helicopter crash. Spokesperson, can you confirm this?"


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