After Su Yang finished speaking, he used the virtual phone software to dial the scammer's number.

"Beep... beep..."

After the phone rang twice, Su Yang hung up.

Then he waited for the scammer to call.

Will the scammer call?

More than ten seconds passed, and there was no movement.

"Don't worry, let's wait a little longer. If he doesn't call back, I'll call again..." Before Su Yang finished speaking, the virtual phone software rang.

"Beep... beep..."

Haha, the scammer called back.

"Brothers, it's time to work!" Su Yang was excited.

At this time, more than 60,000 netizens came into the live broadcast room, eating melons with great interest.

Netizens didn't expect that the scammer actually called.

"Brothers, let's watch the show!"

Su Yang said, answering the phone.

"Hello, is this Mr. Liu?" A man's voice came from the other end of the phone.


Su Yang cleared his throat first, and deliberately said in loose Japanese: "Excuse me, who are you, and what do you want to see me for?"

"Mr. Liu, bring your ID card now and come to the Los Angeles City Police Department. My police number is 153201, and my name is Li Yiliang!" The man said in a serious tone.

"Yoshi, Yoshi, I have heard of Li Sang for a long time! Unity is Li Yiliang, and this Li Yiliang is iron! It turns out to be you, Li Sang!" Su Yang said in a joking tone.

Loose Japanese, coupled with Su Yang's weird tone, makes people laugh.



"The host's 'loose Japanese' is amazing! [Thumbs up]"


Netizens were amused and posted comments one after another.

"Fuck you, are you kidding me?!" The man on the other end of the phone heard something wrong and said in a threatening tone, "Do you know how big a deal you've gotten yourself into? Do you know that your case will take ten years to complete? Do you come here by yourself, or do we go find you?"

"Li Sang, you don't have to act anymore, I know you're a liar.

There's an old saying in Longguo, 'He who knows the current affairs is a hero', make a deal with me, I won't treat you unfairly." Su Yang continued to speak in "loose Japanese".

"You don't believe it, right? Okay, what deal are you talking about?"

"The cherry blossoms in my hometown are in bloom, Li Sang, go to the bathroom, I'll take you to see the cherry blossoms in my hometown, the cherry blossoms will remind you of your mother...hahaha..." Su Yang couldn't help laughing when he said this.


In front of the computer, a netizen wearing glasses and a white shirt burst out laughing.

This is too funny!

"Fuck your mother! You idiot! Don't run! I'll go find you now! You're still laughing..." The man was angry and cursed at the phone.

"Li Sang... Li Sang... Hello? Hello?" Su Yang wanted to make a few more jokes, but found that the other party had hung up the phone.


"Laughing and crying! Laughing and crying!"

"Too funny!"

"Anchor, who did you learn your 'bulk Japanese' from?"

"Too funny."

"I laughed so hard that my stomach hurt!"

"I learned a trick, and I will deal with scammers in this way in the future!"

"Anchor, you are so good at playing!"


In the live broadcast room, there was laughter.

Netizens were amused by Su Yang's "magic operation".

You can still play like this.

"Brother Liu, are you comfortable? Have you gotten rid of your anger?" Su Yang asked with a smile.

Brother Liu was still online.

"Haha!" Brother Liu laughed, "It's so refreshing!" Brother Liu smiled and gave a thumbs up, "Boss, you are awesome!"

"Fourth brother applied for a connection."

As he spoke, a new connection application popped up.

Su Yang clicked "Accept".

Another small window opened in the live broadcast room, and a man in his thirties with sparse hair appeared.

"Boss, you are awesome! You are awesome!" Fourth brother said to the camera with a fist.


Then, Fourth brother gave Su Yang a "Cloud Piercing Arrow".

One "Cloud Piercing Arrow" is worth 288 yuan.

"Thank you for Fourth brother's 'Cloud Piercing Arrow'!" Su Yang said with a smile.

"Boss, can I send you a slice of your live broadcast?" Fourth brother said straight to the point.

The so-called "slice" is to edit the live broadcast video into short videos.

Many small anchors and newcomers on Douyin like to copy the videos of big anchors and make them into slices to attract attention.

"Sure, no problem." Su Yang doesn't mind others "copying" his videos.

"Thank you, big brother!" The fourth brother hugged again


"My videos can be freely transferred by everyone." Su Yang said to the camera, "I have another trick to deal with this kind of fraud calls. There are more than 60,000 people in the live broadcast room now. Let's call the scammer or send a text message to blow up his phone."

"This trick is good."

"I'm already calling."

"Let's take action together and blow up the scammer!"


Many netizens responded and began to take action.

In the center of Luocheng, in an inconspicuous advertising company office, a sharp-nosed monkey-faced man in his forties, dressed in a suit, looked angry, as if he was offended by something.

He is Li Yiliang, real name Zhao Hai.

Zhao Hai was very unhappy at this time after being teased by a idiot.





The mobile phone on the table suddenly rang non-stop.

Zhao Hai picked up the phone and was stunned.

It showed that "99+ text messages" were received.

Where did so many text messages come from?

The SMS notification sound never stopped.





200 messages!

300 messages!

500 messages!

"Fuck, what's going on?"

Zhao Hai was shocked.

So many SMS bombardments, this is stirring up a hornet's nest.

"Beep, beep!"

At this time, the phone rang again, and the caller ID was a strange number from Xiangnan Province.

Zhao Hai answered the phone.

"Li Yiliang, you idiot! Grass mud horse!" There were angry curses from the other end of the phone.

"Fuck!" Zhao Hai was inexplicably scolded and quickly hung up the phone.

"Beep, beep!"

The phone rang again, this time it was a number from Shancheng.

Zhao Hai answered the phone.

"You stupid dog..." There was another curse from a strange man on the other end of the phone.


Zhao Hai hung up the phone again, angry and confused.

What on earth is going on? I was completely confused.

"Beep, beep, beep!"

The phone rang again, and it was another unfamiliar phone.

Zhao Hai hesitated for a moment, but still answered it.

"Li Sang..."

Before the other party finished speaking, Zhao Hai immediately hung up the phone.

"Beep... beep..."

Just after hanging up, the phone rang again, as if it would never end.

At the same time, the text message alert sound kept ringing.

"Fuck! It's never going to end, right?!" Zhao Hai cursed angrily.

Then, the phone screen went black and completely crashed.

"Fuck! Which bastard is messing with me?!"

Zhao Hai roared, so angry that his face turned red and his neck became thick.


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