The fire was too strong.

"Don't get close first!" Su Yang shouted suddenly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the mobile phone on the ground suddenly caught fire, and the flames instantly jumped more than half a meter high.

"Wow!" The host Saning retreated in fear.

There were exclamations from the audience.

The staff came forward with a fire extinguisher.

The flames were extinguished a minute later.

When the smoke cleared, the Samsung mobile phone on the stage had turned into a pile of charcoal.

A good mobile phone, witnessed by all the audience and tens of millions of netizens in the live broadcast room, burned.

This scene was shocking.

"Oh my god!" A netizen with the ID "yangdage" exclaimed.

His phone is a Samsung Galaxy, the model is exactly the same as the burning phone on the stage.

At this moment, Yangdage is worried that his phone will suddenly catch fire.

It's a bit scary.

"Fuck, this is too awesome!"

"It really exploded!"

"Damn, my phone is also a Samsung Galaxy [shivering]."

"Mine is a Samsung Galaxy S25, is there a problem?"

"Some time ago, I seem to have seen news that Samsung phones have batteries that are faulty."

"The quality of Korean phones is not good."

"I will never buy Korean phones again!"

"Too scary!"


In the live broadcast room, the barrage was flooding the screen.

At the scene, the camera captured that several audiences took out their phones and found that they were also Samsung Galaxy models. Their faces suddenly changed, fearing that their phones would suddenly catch fire like the one on the stage.

"It's incredible! LittleBoy, what happened? Why did it burn?" The host Saning asked in surprise.

"I just said that it was because of the mobile phone battery. There are quality problems with the batteries of this batch of Samsung Galaxy Note mobile phones." Su Yang explained simply.

"In order to verify whether what LittleBoy said is true, let's take another Samsung mobile phone to test it. Audience friends on the scene, who is willing to provide a Samsung mobile phone?" Saning asked the audience.

"I have it!" A middle-aged man in the third row of the audience raised his hand, holding a Samsung Galaxy mobile phone in his hand.

"Please ask this gentleman to come on stage."

The middle-aged man took the mobile phone and walked onto the stage.

"What is your last name?" Saning asked.

"No need to be surnamed Wang."

"Mr. Wang, are you sure that your mobile phone can be used for testing? If the mobile phone is really broken, won't you feel bad?" Saning confirmed again.

"It's okay, I have two mobile phones. I rarely use this mobile phone. Even if it is broken, it doesn't matter." Mr. Wang explained.

"Thank you, Mr. Wang." Saning looked at LittleBoy.

"Mr. Wang, what's your phone number? You don't need to tell it. Tell the staff. Please ask a staff member to go up and ask Mr. Wang for his phone number." Su Yang said.

A staff member in the audience, Director Ouyang, walked onto the stage, walked to Mr. Wang, got his phone number, and sent it to Su Yang through the work group.


Su Yang tapped on the keyboard.

The first step is to hack into Mr. Wang's phone... No one in the audience noticed this detail.

The audience didn't understand it either.

Only a few expert members whispered to each other, "Old Yuan, how do you hack into a phone if you only know a phone number?"

"There is a way, exploit a vulnerability, but it's difficult. I guess Little Boy knows the vulnerability of Samsung phones." Yuan Jie whispered to an expert in his early 40s from Alibaba Labs.

On the stage, Mr. Wang was holding his phone. When he saw Su Yang tapping on the keyboard, he was a little scared. He quickly put his phone on the table and stepped back a few steps to keep a safe distance from the phone.

One minute later...



There was a cry of surprise at the scene.

Mr. Wang's Samsung mobile phone was smoking.


Then, the phone made a loud noise.

The phone exploded.


Flames gushed out and the entire phone was on fire.

Fortunately, the staff was well prepared and rushed up with a fire extinguisher to quickly put out the flames.

"Wow, it's so scary!" Pan Xiaoting patted her chest, still in shock.


The scene was indeed scary.

Just imagine, if the phone is placed in your pocket, or placed on the bedside when you sleep at night, and suddenly catches fire, the consequences will be disastrous.

In the audience, everyone looked at the Samsung phone on the stage that had turned into charcoal, stunned and dumbfounded.

An audience member stood up, holding up his phone, and shouted loudly: "My phone is also a Samsung Galaxy."

After seeing this, Saning signaled a staff member to pass the microphone to the audience.

"Mr. LittleBoy, I would like to ask, my phone is a Samsung Z Fold6, is there a problem with the battery?" the audience asked loudly.

"Z Fold6 has no problem. The battery of this phone is different from that of the Galaxy Note series." Su Yang explained.

"Which audience member is using a Samsung phone? Please raise your hand." Saning said to the audience.

"Swish, swish, swish..." About fifty or sixty audience members raised their hands.

In the live broadcast room, there are 15 million netizens, and many of them use Samsung phones.

"Wow, mine is a Samsung Galaxy Note model."

"Mine is also [crying]."

"Fuck, isn't this like carrying a time bomb with you?"

"Fuck! I just noticed that I'm using a Samsung Galaxy Note, and I bought it less than a month ago! [Fear]"


Netizens are posting comments.

At the same time, many netizens spontaneously uploaded video clips of the show to major websites and forums.

The news of Samsung mobile phone battery explosion quickly fermented on the Internet.

In just a few minutes, a piece of news rushed to the hot search: "Samsung Galaxy NOTE series mobile phones, the battery has a major safety hazard of spontaneous combustion and explosion!"


Seoul, Bank of China's Seoul Office.

More than a dozen employees are busy at their respective workstations.


A male employee with curly hair suddenly exclaimed. He stood up suddenly and said to a colleague at the next workstation, "Brother Liu, you are using a Samsung phone, right?"

Brother Liu, who is about 30 years old and wears a pair of glasses, raised his head and said, "What's wrong?"

"I just saw a video on B station saying that the battery of Samsung mobile phones has major safety hazards and will spontaneously combust and explode."

"Is it true?" Brother Liu was a little unconvinced, "Where did you see the news? Don't let it be fake news."

"If you don't believe it, look for yourself." The curly-haired man said, handing the phone to Brother Liu.

Brother Liu took the phone, looked at it, and said, "You believe this kind of video? Maybe it's fake."

" also reported it, look." The curly-haired man said, opening the website.

The headline news on the front page of was: "Breaking News # Samsung Galaxy NOTE series mobile phone batteries have a major safety hazard of spontaneous combustion and explosion!"

"Oh my god! It can't be true?" Brother Liu widened his eyes in disbelief.

"Who else in the office uses a Samsung phone? The curly-haired man shouted, paused and added: "By the way, if you have bought Samsung stocks, sell them quickly!"

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