The new battery is still in good condition.

"I read the news. Samsung issued a statement denying that the battery has safety hazards." Su Yang said.

"I also saw the statement issued by Samsung. This is their routine operation. In order to maintain their stock prices, large companies will not care about the rights of consumers." Director Ouyang replied.

"Then how do you plan to respond?" Su Yang asked.

"Ignore them. All our challenge processes are open, transparent, reasonable and legal. We are not afraid of them. Who can be scared by a lawyer's letter?" Director Ouyang said with a smile, "We are still considering whether to use the lawyer's letter to get another wave of popularity."

"This is a good idea. It's a waste not to get the heat of the stick. Moreover, we are also upholding justice for the majority of consumers." Su Yang smiled.

"Yes, that's the truth. We are speaking for consumers!" Director Ouyang laughed. "Speaking of which, the safety hazards of Samsung mobile phone batteries are serious. The battery spontaneous combustion or even explosion will not only cause property losses to consumers, but also endanger personal safety.

These Koreans have poor mobile phone quality and poor attitude when they encounter crises. How can we consumers buy their products with confidence?!"

Director Ouyang said indignantly.

"Yes, Koreans are like this!" Su Yang complained.

"Let's not talk about Koreans." Director Ouyang said, "Boss, we are already preparing for the next program. I will send you the specific script by next Tuesday at the latest. Regarding your personal performance project, please confirm it before next Tuesday."

"Okay, no problem."

Today is only Sunday, there is still plenty of time.

"Then I won't bother you."


Su Yang hung up the phone.

After finishing breakfast and putting the cups and plates back in the living room, Su Yang went back to the computer.

First register a Weibo account, with the nickname "LittleBoy" and the notes "hacker, programmer, blogger".

After registering, Su Yang posted his first personal Weibo:

"#Samsung Galaxy mobile phone battery self-ignition hazard#


I am LittleBoy. When recording the "I am a Geek" program last night, I demonstrated that the Samsung Galaxy NOTE series mobile phone battery has the safety hazard of overheating and self-ignition.

Hereby, officially announce to the whole network the failure of the Samsung Galaxy NOTE series mobile phone battery...

(Attached with the attack program source code)"

Samsung has just issued a statement denying that the battery has safety hazards, and Su Yang's Weibo directly slapped them in the face.

If you don't say that the battery is not a hazard, then I will directly disclose it to the whole network.

Su Yang not only disclosed the cause of the battery failure on the Internet, but also disclosed the attack code.

This is not the end.

Su Yang logged into his Douyin account again and posted a video statement with the same content as the statement on Weibo.

In less than a minute, a large number of comments appeared under Su Yang's Weibo and Douyin accounts:

"Support the anchor to expose the truth!"

"I went to Samsung's after-sales service this morning to change the battery, but they refused to change it! From now on, Samsung will be black for life!"

"Samsung, this is a murder for money!"

"How can I return the Samsung phone I just bought?"


Netizens expressed their support for Su Yang and condemned Samsung's irresponsible behavior.

Many netizens also left messages under Samsung Electronics' official Weibo to complain about the battery problem of Samsung phones.

Half an hour later, the official Weibo of the "I'm a Geek" program team reposted Su Yang's Weibo.

Then, the Weibo of several major mainstream media such as and Yinlang also reposted Su Yang's Weibo.

The popularity of the topic rose rapidly.

At noon, under the "bombing" of comments from netizens, Samsung Electronics' official Weibo had to turn off the comment function.

"Haha, you still turn off the comments, right?" Su Yang laughed.

He just likes Samsung's toughness.

The tougher they are, the more fun things are and the more popular they are.


At three o'clock in the afternoon, Su Yang took a nap. After waking up, he turned on his computer and Weibo.

The Weibo post he posted in the morning has been forwarded more than 300,000 times and has reached the top three of the hot search list.


Su Yang smiled, opened the system screen, and checked the points: 65 million

Sure enough, the points have increased a lot.

An afternoon

Time, it has increased by 3 million.

Thanks to the Koreans!

It is comfortable to take advantage of the popularity of the Koreans!

Su Yang smiled and opened the official Weibo of Samsung Electronics. The comment function was not turned on, and so far, no response has been made to the matter.

The topic has been hyped to this extent, but Samsung has not responded at all. Are they slow to respond or too arrogant?

Who cares, just keep doing it.

How to do it?

How can a hacker "kill" a multinational giant with a market value of 100 billion US dollars?

Moreover, Samsung is not an ordinary company. They almost control the economy of the entire Kimchi country and are the pillar industry of the Kimchi country.

Not to mention a hacker, even an organization, it is like a mantis trying to stop a chariot to fight against such a behemoth.

However, Su Yang is not an ordinary hacker.

It is too easy for him to "kill" Samsung. He can exchange a super virus from the system mall and type a few lines of code to make all Samsung phones explode on the spot.

Samsung mobile phones have sold more than 100 million units worldwide.

In other words, if Su Yang wanted to, he could make 100 million Samsung mobile phones explode.

Of course, this cannot be done.

Su Yang is not concerned about Samsung's strength, but about hurting innocent people.

Think about it, if more than 100 million mobile phones suddenly catch fire, how many people will be accidentally injured or killed, which is not good.

There is no need to play so big.

So, how to "kill" Samsung without hurting innocent people?


Su Yang fell into deep thought.

Alas, a flash of inspiration came to his mind and he had an idea.



On weekends, Wangfujing Commercial Street is crowded with people.

Samsung's flagship store is located in the most prosperous section of the commercial street. At this time, a long queue formed in front of the store, extending to a hundred meters away.

"Why are there so many people?" A couple passed by the Samsung flagship store and saw this scene and couldn't help but be surprised.

The girl stood on tiptoe to see what was going on ahead... There were so many people that she couldn't see anything.

The tall boyfriend wearing sunglasses stretched his neck, looked ahead, and said, "It seems to be Samsung's new product launch." After a pause, the man in sunglasses muttered, "Is it necessary to queue so long to buy a mobile phone?"

"These people, they probably didn't watch the news?" The person who spoke was a boy wearing a hat behind the couple.

"What news?" A girl next to the boy in the hat asked curiously.

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