The first time, the second time.


"LittleBoy, keep going!"

"Boss, I came to watch this show just to see you."


In the live broadcast room, the barrage scrolled, and many netizens came for LittleBoy.

Su Yang's mouth corners slightly raised.

With so many netizens supporting, today's work must be done well and not let everyone down.

"Next, please invite LittleBoy to accept the challenge, the challenge time is 20 minutes..."

Before the host Saning finished speaking, Su Yang interrupted him, "No need, I have completed the challenge."

"Ah?!" Saning was stunned, "Finished, so fast?" He didn't even shout to start.

The staff on the side of the stage quickly refreshed the official website of Tsinghua University Library.

"Huh? The page can be opened normally?" the staff member asked in confusion.

"Host, I can paralyze the network of Tsinghua University Library by just pressing the Enter key." Su Yang said as he stretched out a finger and hovered over the Enter key.

Host, the audience's eyes were all focused on LittleBoy's finger.

The next second, LittleBoy pressed the Enter key.

In the small window on the big screen, the voice of the network engineer of Tsinghua University Library came: "Hey? The network is disconnected! The network is disconnected!"

"The network is disconnected?"

"It's really disconnected."

The engineers of Tsinghua University Library found that the network was suddenly disconnected and panicked.

"Wow, it really can't be opened!" The staff on the side of the stage exclaimed.

Saning hurried over to check.

"404 Not Found." A line of web page error prompts appeared on the computer screen.

The computers in front of the ten jury experts could not open the official website of Tsinghua University Library.



"That's amazing! It's over before it even started."


There was a cry of surprise from the audience.

"Isn't this amazing?" Qi Wei exclaimed.

"Yes, it's amazing!" Guo Linlin was also amazed.

This speed is too fast.

It's even faster than the last program "Unlocking 13 mobile phones in 5 seconds".

"The network is back to normal." A bespectacled engineer's voice came from the small window on the big screen.

The network of Tsinghua and Peking University Library has returned to normal.

"Don't worry, it's just starting." Su Yang stretched out a finger again and pressed the enter key.

"Wow! Why is the network down again?" The bespectacled engineer's voice came out of the small window again.

"No way?" Saning was standing behind the staff, and he quickly looked at the computer screen.

"404 Not Found."

"Wow, is the network really down again?"

Saning couldn't believe his eyes.

"The network is connected again." The staff refreshed the page and said.

The official website of Tsinghua and Peking University Library can be accessed normally again.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Su Yang.

Su Yang smiled slightly, stretched out a finger again, and gently said a word:


Press the enter key.

"The network is disconnected again!"

"No way?"

"It's really disconnected again."

"What's going on?"

An expert on the jury tapped the keyboard, he was checking the network situation... but he found nothing.

Other experts were also checking, and they didn't find any abnormalities either.

"Why can't I find it."

"Why is this happening?"

"Did you find any problems?"

"No, I didn't find any problems."


Several experts whispered to each other, their eyes were confused and shocked.

They are experts in the field of network security, and they can't find out what caused the sudden network interruption.

"The network is connected again." The staff said loudly.

The network of Tsinghua and Peking University Library has returned to normal again.

It was disconnected and connected, and then disconnected again.

It happened over and over again.

Several experts still couldn't find the cause of the network interruption.

The two participating teams from Tsinghua University, Peking University, and Green Alliance were also looking for the cause of the network interruption.

A member of the Green Alliance technology team checked the logs and gateways of the Tsinghua University and Peking University library servers and found no signs of intrusion.

He looked up at the "LittleBoy" avatar on the screen, and his heart was full of doubts:

"How did he do it?"

At this time, Su Yang still stretched out a finger and gently said a word:


"The network is disconnected again! The network is disconnected again!" On the side of the stage, the staff shouted loudly.

A tall member of the Green Alliance Technology Team was confused.

It's amazing!

I'm convinced!

Even Yuan Jie couldn't find out the reason for the network interruption, and he could only shake his head helplessly.

He guessed that Su Yang must have used an unknown vulnerability to do this, otherwise, he couldn't think of any other way to do it so "unnoticed".

"What a show!"

"LittleBoy, awesome!"


"LittleBoy, I kneel down to you!"

"This operation is simply amazing!"


The live broadcast room was filled with bullet comments, and countless netizens were posting bullet comments.

"'LittleBoy', can you tell us what happened? You said it would break?" The host Saning said, he was so curious.

He also asked the question in everyone's mind.

Su Yang's eyes showed a mysterious smile.

You can't guess it.

You are all dumbfounded, haha.

"Do you want to know the answer? If you want to know, just tap '1' on the big screen." Su Yang said with a smile.

He regarded the studio of "I am a Geek" as his live broadcast room.





The big screen was instantly filled with "1", and even Guo Linlin, who was in the guest seat, raised his hand and shouted: "1."

"Haha!" Qi Wei, who was sitting next to him, laughed.

"It seems that everyone wants to know the answer." Su Yang said with a smile, "Then please look at the big screen."

Then, Su Yang had a microphone in his hand and shouted, "Hello? Brother Zhang, can you hear me?"

"Yes." A man's voice came from the big screen, and a small window appeared:

It was a computer room with several servers placed inside. The fans of the servers rotated at high speed, making a "buzzing" sound.

A man in his twenties, wearing glasses, appeared in the window.

"Brother Zhang, say hello to everyone." Su Yang said.

"Hello, everyone." Brother Zhang, a man with glasses, waved to the camera.

"Brother Zhang, do you see my finger?" Su Yang stretched out a finger.

"Yes." Brother Zhang said.

Su Yang pressed the enter key.

In the picture, Brother Zhang stretched out his hand and unplugged an Internet cable!

That's right, he directly unplugged an Internet cable.

"The network is disconnected again!" A network security engineer in the office of Tsinghua University and Peking University Library shouted loudly.

Brother Zhang plugged the network cable back in.

"Try it again." Su Yang stretched out his finger.

Brother Zhang unplugged the network cable again.

"Oh my god!"


"Is this the reason for the network interruption?"

"So, it was unplugging the network cable!"


The audience and guests were all dumbfounded.

They never expected this result.

They thought Little Boy used some advanced hacking technology, but in the end, he just unplugged the network cable.

This contrast is too big.

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