That won't work. LittleBoy is an account that has been running for a long time and has 4 million followers. I can't just throw it away.

Look at the time. It's 11:40. Let's go eat first.

Turn off the computer and Su Yang gets up to go out for dinner.

After a while, Su Yang showed up at a restaurant he often went to. He chose a seat by the window and ordered two dishes, one meat and one vegetable, and a can of drink.

While waiting for the food to be served, he took out his phone to check the news... Oh, he just happened to see a Weibo post about him.

Ten minutes ago, Xiaomi's official Weibo account released an announcement:

"In response to the incident of 'laser pen waking up Xiao Ai' in the program "I'm a Geek" reported by many netizens, our company attaches great importance to it and immediately upgraded the system patch and fixed the related BUG.

Welcome all users to provide valuable opinions and suggestions on our products."

Not only Xiaomi issued an announcement, but also several domestic mobile phone manufacturers such as OPPO and Honor issued similar announcements, upgrading the system patch for the "laser pen waking up the smart voice assistant" BUG.

After dinner, on the way home, Su Yang saw the announcement of the Weibo security team again. They also upgraded the security patch, fixed the vulnerability, and posted a message to thank the "I'm a Geek" program team.

This is the attitude of a big company.

It's not terrible to find a problem, but it's terrible not to solve the problem.

Compared with the Samsung guys, they are just a bunch of idiots.


Su Yang returned to the rental house.

Sitting in front of the computer, thinking about the content of the next episode of "I'm a Geek".

The first two episodes were a huge success, especially the second episode, which challenged the products of big companies. Not only was the program very popular, but he also gained a lot of points.

In the next episode, we can continue this routine and challenge the products of big companies.

And the scene and scale can be upgraded, so it can be bigger and more exciting.

Well, it's decided... The specific plan needs to be carefully considered.

By the way, there was no live broadcast last week. Should I start a live broadcast this week?

Su Yang has received many messages from fans asking about live broadcasts.

Forget it, I won't start a live broadcast this week.

It's better to keep a low profile during this period.

As the saying goes, "a tall tree attracts the wind." LittleBoy is now famous. In the domestic hacker circle, except for his other name "clown", the name "LittleBoy" is the most famous.

People are afraid of being famous, and pigs are afraid of being fat. When you become famous, you will have more troubles and receive more attention.

Su Yang wants to keep a low profile for a while.

"Beep, beep..."

At this time, the virtual dial-up software on the computer rang.

It was Director Ouyang who called, probably to talk about the show.

Su Yang answered the phone.

"Boss, did I bother you?" Director Ouyang's voice came.

"No, I'm free."

"It's like this, I have a friend who wants to invite you to the World Internet Conference and give a keynote speech." Director Ouyang said.

"Internet Conference?" Su Yang asked, "Are you talking about the 'World Internet Conference' held in Yiwu?"

"Yes, that's it." Director Ouyang said, "My friend is the planner and director of the Internet Conference. She doesn't have your contact information, so she found me."

Su Yang knew about the "World Internet Conference". He had seen several related reports when he was browsing the news in recent days.

"Are you sure your friend invited me to attend?" Su Yang was a little confused. "Why would I, a hacker, attend an Internet conference?"

In Su Yang's impression, every "World Internet Conference" is a gathering of Internet giants. What can a small hacker like him do?

"This Internet Conference has a branch venue with the theme of network security. Big brother, you are a top hacker. In the field of network security, you are an expert. It is normal for them to invite you." Director Ouyang explained.

"Oh, so that's the case." Su Yang finally understood.

"If you agree, I will give your contact information to my friend and let her contact you directly. Do you think it's okay?" Director Ouyang asked.

"Yes, no problem." Su Yang nodded.

Every Internet conference is attended by Internet giants and receives attention from the entire network. Maybe it can bring him a lot of points... Su Yang still thinks of points.

Director Ouyang hung up the phone.

A few minutes later, Su Yang's virtual phone rang.

"Hello, LittleBoy, I am the planning director of Yiwu's 'World Internet Conference', my last name is Yang." A sweet female voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hello, Miss Yang, Director Ouyang has just told me, I'm curious, how did you think of inviting me as a small anchor?" Su Yang asked.

"Boss, you are too modest!" Miss Yang said with a smile, "I started following you when you just started live streaming on Douyin. I am your fan and I knew you were a very skilled hacker a long time ago.

Last week, you exposed the battery failure of Samsung phones and saved countless consumers from property losses. And the day before yesterday, you cracked the security system of Weibo in the program "I am a Geek", which was amazing!

So, you are an expert, and you must know that network security issues are getting more and more serious.

Network security is an important theme of this Internet Conference, so we want to invite a top hacker like you to give a keynote speech. I believe your speech will be very exciting!"


Su Yang smiled.

Beautiful women speak well.

Su Yang readily accepted the invitation.

Next, the two chatted about some details.

Tomorrow, Sunday, is the opening day of the 8th "World Internet Conference".

The day after tomorrow, Monday, there will be a meeting - "Internet Security Conference", and Su Yang was invited to attend this branch meeting.

Of course, Su Yang will not go to the scene, but participate remotely through the Internet.

"Boss, I have sent the specific process of the conference to your email. I will not bother you for the time being. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me." Miss Yang said.

"Okay, thank you!"

End the chat.

Su Yang opened his mailbox and found the email sent by Miss Yang, which contained a process document of the "Internet Security Conference".

Open the file and browse it carefully.

The specific time of the meeting is 9:30 am on Monday. The guests attending the meeting are:

Wang Yun (Cat Factory)

Ma Xiaoteng (Gee Factory)

Lei Busi (Coarse Grain Factory)

Liu Yanlin (Blue Factory)

Zhou Hongyi (360)

Li Gang (Chrysanthemum Factory)


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