The opening effect is good, so let's continue to scare them." Su Yang thought to himself.

Continue to "play" a mysterious and powerful hacker, a hacker who despises authority.

Let these big guys taste the taste of being ignored.

No matter where Wang Yun or Ma Xiaoteng go, they are the objects of the stars. They have never encountered such a situation today. Someone spoke to them without being polite.

"I have already said that if a hacker is unhappy, the consequences are very serious. You must see clearly and don't blink." Su Yang said.

As soon as he finished speaking, he stretched out a finger and pressed the enter key.

"This is going to cause trouble!"

"What are you going to do?"

"Are you going to control some big boss's phone again?"


The guests at the scene widened their eyes.

Su Yang pressed the enter key.

The next second -




In the venue, everyone's phone rang at the same time!

Not only that, everyone's phone wallpaper was changed to the same photo at the same time: a red mask, a red hood, revealing only a pair of deep eyes.



"Is your phone like this too?"

"Mine too!"

"Fuck everyone's phone, they're all controlled!"


Exclamations came one after another.

At this moment, many guests felt their scalps tingling.

Su Yang suppressed his smile and cast his eyes on the big boss in the front row.

The big bosses looked at each other in bewilderment.

A few of them turned off their phones in a panic.

Their reactions were no different from those of ordinary people.

"Pa pa pa!" Su Yang clapped his hands.

The applause attracted everyone's attention.

"Everyone, I just want some applause. This request should not be too much, right?" Su Yang's voice sounded again, with a hint of teasing in his tone.

"Pa pa pa!" This time, there was finally applause.

First there was sparse applause, then the applause gradually grew louder and louder, and finally, it gathered into thunderous applause, resounding throughout the venue.

That's right.

"Thank you for your applause. With the applause, I feel much better, haha..." Su Yang's laughter, after being processed by a voice changer, sounded particularly weird.

In the eyes of the guests on the scene, he was a weirdo, full of mystery.

This is also in line with the public's perception of hackers. In the eyes of most people, hackers are a group of mysterious people who pursue the pinnacle of technology.

Su Yang laughed a few times, "OK, don't panic, I'm just doing a little interaction with you at the beginning. You must be very curious about how I control your mobile phones, right?"

The big guys in the front row fell silent, and they naturally wanted to know the answer.

Su Yang's move shocked these well-informed big guys, who had never experienced such a thing.

"In fact, to put it bluntly, it's also very simple. When entering the venue, you all scanned the QR code at the entrance to sign in, and I implanted a Trojan virus in the sign-in program one day in advance." Su Yang explained.

So that's it.

No wonder everyone's mobile phone was controlled.

Who would have thought that the sign-in program of the Internet Conference would be implanted with a Trojan virus.


"I guess, speaking of this, the organizer must be very regretful to invite me to participate in this conference, right?" Su Yang laughed.

The atmosphere at the scene became subtle.

Indeed, the theme of this conference was cybersecurity, but it turned out to be such a big mistake - a hacker implanted a Trojan virus into the sign-in program, and the organizer was completely unaware!

The organizer was hit hard by this slap.

"However, this is also a warning to everyone. Let everyone experience it for themselves, and the impression will be more profound." Su Yang continued, "Okay, don't worry, the Trojan virus has been automatically deleted while I'm talking, so don't worry about your information being leaked."

"Pa pa pa!"

Warm applause broke out at the scene.

This time, the applause was spontaneous.

As Su Yang said, letting everyone present experience a cybersecurity incident in person is much more effective than any preaching.

Every year, the Internet Conference calls on the whole society to pay attention to cybersecurity, but really...

Not many people care about it. Only when you experience it yourself will you understand that network security concerns everyone.

The applause gradually subsided.

Su Yang had an extra piece of paper in his hand.

"Okay, the interactive session is over. Next, I will talk about the real topic of my speech." Su Yang said, "Please look at the big screen."

The theme of Su Yang's speech appeared on the big screen: "Security and Challenges in the Era of Artificial Intelligence - Speaker LittleBoy"

"Today, all the people present are representatives of Internet giants. It can be said that half of our country's Internet is gathered here. In recent years, artificial intelligence has developed rapidly, especially the birth of ChatGPT, which has made generative artificial intelligence the hottest technology of this era. All Internet giants are betting on the track of generative artificial intelligence. However, while technology brings convenience, it is also accompanied by crises..."

Su Yang started his speech, and then stopped, looking at the guests in the audience, "I believe everyone has heard a lot of such speeches. I prefer live demonstrations."

"At present, especially in the past two years, there are more and more cases of fraud using artificial intelligence."

Su Yang's eyes fell on the right side of the front row, a man in his forties with a flat head. He is Xie Dong, the boss of Jingdong Group.

"Hello, Mr. Xie from Jingdong Group." Su Yang called out the name and continued, "I want to use your video and voice to synthesize a voice, then call your assistant and demonstrate the use of artificial intelligence technology to complete a fraud. Do you think it's okay?"

The guests on the scene moved their eyes to Xie Dong.

Xie Dong hesitated for a moment, then raised his hand to indicate his agreement.

"Thank you, Mr. Xie." Su Yang said, "Please look at the big screen. I will now demonstrate how to use artificial intelligence to synthesize a virtual 'Xie Dong'."

On the big screen, a software interface appeared, and the name of the software was smeared.

"This is an open source artificial intelligence synthesis software I use." Su Yang explained, "The first step is to synthesize Mr. Xie's voice. Let's first find a video of Mr. Xie on the Internet."

Su Yang opened the browser, entered "Xie Dong" in the search engine, and clicked search.

Soon, many videos about Xie Dong were searched.

Su Yang randomly clicked on a video.

"Since I was a child, I have lacked a sense of security..." In the video, Xie Dong was being interviewed by CCTV.

This video lasted more than one minute.

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