The two of them were in a mess, but the two of them were in a mess.

"Chairman." The voice of the female secretary came out from the video window.

"Xiaohui, I'm going to treat a few bosses to dinner tonight. You can transfer 1 million to my card now, and I'll send you the payment code." Su Yang said in a synthesized voice of Xie Dong.

"Okay, Chairman." Secretary Zhang didn't doubt it at all.

Su Yang hung up the video call and sent a payment code to Secretary Zhang.

"Chairman, is it 1 million?" Secretary Zhang sent a message.


"Okay, I've notified the finance department and will transfer the money to you right away."

"Hurry up, I don't have any money on this card."

"Okay, it will be ready right away."


"Wow~~ This is also possible!"

"It's so simple, just a few words."

"This secretary is too easy to deceive, right?"

"This process is too simple."

"The female secretary didn't doubt it at all."


The guests at the scene whispered to each other, unable to hide their surprise and shock.

"Don't worry, Secretary Zhang may find the problem soon." Su Yang said, "Whether she finds something wrong herself or finds that there is a problem with the payment code when transferring the money, she will call Mr. Xie to confirm. So, let's wait and see if Secretary Zhang will call... Staff, please take a close-up of Mr. Xie's mobile phone."

A cameraman carried a camera and approached Xie Dong.

Xie Dong looked at the mobile phone.

Lei Bushi, Wang Yun and other big guys beside him all showed curiosity.

Ten seconds later...

"Beep beep..."

The phone rang, and Xie Dong pressed the hands-free button.


"Chairman, I asked the finance department to transfer the payment code you sent me just now, but they said they couldn't get through. They said there was a problem with the payment code. Chairman, please send another one." Secretary Zhang's voice came from the phone.

"It wasn't me who was video chatting with you just now." Xie Dong's face showed a helpless expression.

"Ah? What? It wasn't you?" Secretary Zhang was stunned.

"It's okay." Xie Dong hung up the phone without saying anything more.


The scene suddenly exploded.

The guests at the scene were all exploded.

Everyone couldn't believe their ears.

Is this a real telecom fraud?

The whole process is simple beyond imagination.

Using artificial intelligence technology and some simple words, it can be done.

It's that simple.

Some guests felt their scalps tingling. They asked themselves, if it were them, they would not be able to escape this scam.

"Oh my god, artificial intelligence is too scary!"

"Even the big guys almost got fooled, do ordinary people like us still have a way out?!"

"LittleBoy, it's amazing, I am completely convinced."

"This demonstration is so educational!"

"I will never trust others easily again."


The bullet screen in the live broadcast room also exploded, and the number of online users exceeded 1 million.

"Pa pa pa!"

Thunderous applause rang out at the scene, and it lasted for a long time.

This was the warmest applause today, and it was also the most exciting scene of this "World Internet Conference".

The biggest highlight of previous Internet conferences was just a few "golden sentences" from a few big guys, which was not as exciting as this scene.

A live demonstration by a hacker, and it was live broadcast.

It was not a pre-recorded video, but a real live broadcast.

Nothing is more real and shocking than this.

In a corner of the stage, several staff members of the organizers were also applauding enthusiastically.

One of the women, who was about 26 or 27 years old, was Miss Yang, who invited Su Yang to attend the conference.

A few minutes ago, she really regretted inviting Little Boy to attend the conference. Especially when she saw that Little Boy dared to confront several big guys and directly hacked into their mobile phones, she almost cried.

But now, seeing the applause from the audience, she laughed again.

Mixed feelings of sadness and joy.

Her mood was like a roller coaster, ups and downs.

Perhaps, the most successful part of this Internet Conference was that she invited a hacker.

Yes, the process was too exciting.

If there is a next Internet Conference... Yang Dan shook her head. She didn't dare to invite LittleBoy again. It was too exciting. Her little heart couldn't stand it.

"The development of artificial intelligence has brought us a lot of convenience, but also new challenges and

Risks, we must face these challenges and risks, take effective measures to prevent the security issues of artificial intelligence, and let artificial intelligence truly benefit mankind..." Su Yang's speech came to an end.

"Thank you, everyone, I have delayed your time. My speech ends here. Thank you. I am LittleBoy, thank you for the invitation of the conference."

"Hua La La!" Warm applause rang out at the scene.



Su Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and the speech finally ended.

Oh my god, my palms are sweating.

Speech is really not a job that ordinary people can do.

However, thinking of the rising points, Su Yang's mouth corners couldn't help but rise, revealing a smile.

This wave, his points increased by a full 5 million.

Still rising.


Su Yang opened the browser with a happy mood and searched for hot searches.

"World Internet Conference, hacker LittleBoy hacked into the mobile phones of Wang Yun, Ma Xiaoteng and other guests at the conference."

"Internet Conference, hackers demonstrated AI face-changing fraud on the spot. ”

“A hacker attack occurred at the World Internet Conference, and security issues attracted attention.”

Fuck, three hot searches.

Su Yang then opened several mainstream news websites, all of which were reporting on his speech.

“Hehe, it seems that I’ve become popular again.” Su Yang laughed.

He looked at the speed at which his points were increasing, and he saw that he had gained hundreds of points in one second. He knew that LittleBoy had become popular again.

Even without looking at the points, he could tell from the number of fans on Weibo and Douyin.

Weibo fans increased from 120,000 to 400,000.

Douyin fans increased by 200,000 to 4.2 million.

“Boss, my admiration for you is like a torrent of water, endless.”


“I’ve become a fan.”

“Internet tycoons dare to confront you, and you’re so domineering.”

“This is the real master!”

“Worship the master! "


The comment area was very lively, full of messages from netizens. Su Yang browsed through them one by one, with a smile on his face.

It was already one o'clock in the afternoon before he knew it.

It was time to go to lunch.

Su Yang turned off the computer and walked out of the room.

On the way, he continued to browse his phone and read the comments.

He was in a very happy mood.


After lunch, he returned to the rental house. It was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

I was a little sleepy and wanted to take a nap first.

Su Yang was lying on the bed, and he was awakened by a shrill alarm just as he fell asleep.

He opened his eyes suddenly and sat up.

The computer screen was flashing red, and the alarm was ringing non-stop.

This was an attack on the broiler chickens. It sounded like it was not an ordinary attack, but a large-scale attack.

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