Haikyuu: The Monarch

Chapter 29 - Golden Week Training Camp (4)

"Uwah Sakusa! Aren't you guys supposed to come earlier?" Hoshiumi exclaimed as he noticed Itachiyama arrived at around the same time as Kamomedai

"Oh… hey! Hoshiumi, long time no see!" Komori who was walking next to Sakusa greeted Hoshiumi cheerfully, "Yeah we kind of got delayed cause this guy wouldn't leave his bags behind"

"Shut up… it was a necessity…" Sakusa muttered as he began to walk cautiously to avoid any area where there might be a lot of germs

"Why would he need to leave his bags behind?" Hoshiumi asked in confusion

"It contained over 50 bottle of sanitizer, 40 packs of masks, and 10 pairs of gloves…" Komori answered

"Of course…"

It was at that moment another bus arrived next to both of their teams' bus, it was Mujinazaka

"Kiryuu-san!" Hoshiumi exclaimed as he saw Kiryuu exiting the bus, "I haven't seen you since National where we whooped your ȧsses!!"

'Such shitty words with such a innocent voice, I'm impressed..' Usuri thought as he exited the bus after Kiryuu

Kiryuu, seeing the short white seagull, sighed as he spoke, "tone it down with your senior, would you?", before going to help his team unpack

The the three team finish unpacking their belonging from the bus they walked towards the gym where the training camp is going to take place

"Sakusa, I'll give you the honor of opening the door" Hoshiumi said as he stepped to the side for Sakusa

"Yeah and you can go suck my dɨċk while you're at it- ... germs…. actually no, suck someone else dɨċk, And I'm not touching that door until I sanitized it at least 5 times" Sakusa gracefully decline the offer

"Ugh why is it so damn hard to open a fuċkɨnġ door, people are waiting dumbasses" Komori sighed as he walked up to the door and open it himself, "there was that so h-"

"ORAHHHH!!! IS THAT ALL YOU GOT?!?!?" Kuroo shouted as he blocked the ball with a menacing face

"Grrr" Nishinoya gritted his teeth as he slid his hand under the ball in a quick motion

"Nice save Nishinoya-san!" Kageyama shouted as he moved under the ball and set super quick to Hinata who smashed the ball with all his might

"It getting more predictable, Fallen Crows!!" Shou shouted with a smile as he reached his right hand out for a soft block

The ball bounced off Shou's hand, drastically lost it's initial speed before bouncing back up into the air

"Chance ball!" Kai shouted before receiving the ball perfectly to Kenma

"Sho!" Kenma shouted as he set the ball to Shou

Shou did his approach, kicked off the ground with thunderous boom before soaring high up meeting two-man block who's forcing him to hit a straight

'Tch, what absurd level of body control' Tsukishima clicked his tongue

as he stared at the white haired monarch who is still smiling from the bench

"Grrr" Daichi clenched his teeth as he dived forward to save the ball

"Come on!! Karasuno move your feet!! Positioning is everything!!" Kuroo shouted

"You gotta train your reaction for these type of situation, cause if your reaction is as slow as Kazuto's pull-out game, that's a no no!" Shou shouted with fierce amount of conviction

Kuroo continued passionately, "That's right! Reaction, speed, and coordination is everyt-"

"'That's right' my ȧss, fuċk off ȧssholes!! I'm a pure and proud vɨrġɨn!!" Kazuto shouted from other side of the gym in annoyance, "Just go back to talking about my Fatass cat you fuċkers!!"

"What do you mean Kazuto-san?~" Kuroo and Shou asked with an innocent voice and smile, "We were talking that time we went to the shooting range"

"As if I'll take that for a explanation, you shitty bastards!!!"

"Phew~" Kazuto sighed in relief as he didn't see her anywhere in the gym

"Shooting range huh?…Ah~ those days going around hanging out with your dear friends like there's no tomorrow, truly…this is youth" The coach of Fukurodani, Takeyuki Yamiji, said with a refreshing smile

"Youth my ȧss, old man! Don't listen to those sly bastards!!" Kazuto shouted

"Haizz teen these days have no respect for the senior" Yamiji sighed

'Senior my ȧss, I'm technically older than you, damned geezer…' Kazuto thought in annoyance

"Oh? You guys finally came" Kuroo went to greet the three team as he get subbed out for Yaku

"Thank you for having!!" The three team bowed before entering the gym

"Alright, before you guys go do your warm up, can I get the three captain up here?" Kuroo asked as he pulled something out from his pocket

After a few moments Akichi Suwa from Kamomedai, Kiryuu Wakatsu from Mujinazaka, and Tsukasa Iizuna from Itachiyama stepped up

The captains then proceed to each grab one and watched the result

"We're safe" Kiryuu said as he held up his popsicle stick

"Well I guess we're playing together" Suwa said as he held out his hand

"Good luck" Iizuna said before taking the handshake

"Oi Sakusa, we're against each other first, let's do our best" Hoshiumi spoke before lifting his hand up to pat Sakusa's back

But before any contacts were made, Sakusa dodge Hoshiumi's hand and quickly spun his body, using the momentum caused Hoshiumi's missed attack against him, he quickly sweep Hoshiumi's legs causing him to fall face first on to the ground

Then Sakusa proceed to whip out his sanitizer and sprayed Hoshiumi's hand from all angle before grabbing it and smiled, "Yeah, let's do our best"

"Damned…. GERMAPHOBE BASTARD!!" Hoshiumi shouted as he got up to chase Sakusa

"C'mon quiet down guys!" Suwa shouted at the two

"Oi Korai…" Hirugami called out while doing his warm up

"What is it?" Hoshiumi asked

"Look" Hirugami said as he pointed at court 1

Hoshiumi followed his finger as he watched a short orange haired boy dodging the blocker before running to the other side and jump before swinging his arm

"What is he do-" before Hoshiumi could finish his sentence, the ball suddenly appeared perfectly in the palm of his hand before flying at high speed towards the Nekoma's court

"You guys are too slow, plus Hinata, you're not even aware of where you're hitting! Too predictable!" Shou shouted as he reached out his hand and shut the ball down before it travelled any further

"So they were the one with the same quick as the Miyas" Sakusa, who was doing his warm up a few distance away from the two, spoke

"Wait… is it just me or like was his eyes closed?…. Oi Sakusa! Did you see it?" Hoshiumi asked

"Now that I think it about it… I think it was…"Sakusa answered as he replay the the scene in his mind

"If that's the case, that setter is really something…" Hirugami pointed out

"Alright! Guys time to play! let's go" the captains of both Kamomedai and Itachiyama shouted

"""Yes sir!"""


"UWAH! that was a long day, I'm tired… is it dinner time y-" before Tanaka could finish he felt a hand touching his shoulder causing him to unconsciously shudder

"What are you talking about Tanaka-kun… dinner is in one hour.." Kazuto said with an innocent smile

"B-but a-aren't we done with the matches…? And isn't it rest time?" Tanaka asked while stuttering

"Hmm.. yeh we are done.." Kazuto smile then sudden morphed into a demonic one, "but it's time for Karasuno's special training…"

"Please!! I beg you, have mercy!! Let us rest!!!" Tanaka suddenly dropped down in tears as he desperately cling on to Kazuto's leg and begged for mercy

"Oh don't worry! It's only 45 minutes of hel- I mean training, so you still have 15 minutes to rest before dinner" Kazuto reassured him

"FUCKKKK!!!" Tanaka shouted in despair

"Hey! Mind your language, Tanaka-ku-"


Suddenly a loud noise resounded throughout the gym causing Kazuto to turn his attention towards the noose

"How long has this shit been here? Oh… Sorry! Seems like the equipment room's door gathered a bit too much rust so it just kermit suicid3 !" Shou apologized before turning back and kicking the door to see how much it can withstand more

"For fuċk's sake ….Shou! Stop breaking Fukurodani's shit man!….. and that means stop kicking it, damn it! The fuċk did it do to you" Kazuto shouted

"My bad! It was looking at me funny, had to put it in it's place!!" Shou shouted back

"Haizz anyways let's go, Karasuno!" Kazuto shouted while dragging Tanaka along

"Oh right! Kazu! I won't be there for the Karasuno's special training, can you manage?" Shou asked

"Yeh, yeh I'll be fine" Kazuto answered


"Ha… fuċk damn it… why can't I do it…?" Oikawa gritted his teeth in annoyance while clenching his fingers that's bleeding

"Oika, let's work on your two attack for now… Hisoka-san's technique isn't something you could learn in a day" Shou spoke whole gathering all of the ball

"No! I can still continue…" Oikawa's voice fell into a whisper as he clutched his fingers

"…" Shou looked at the one who being chained up by the Chains of Fate known as the Curse of the Ordinary for a moment before letting out a sigh, "fine…"

"Alright, ball!" Shou called out before throwing the ball up for Oikawa

Oikawa moved according to the ball's position before raising his hand up above his head

He then proceed to position his finger as he was taught to do, which looked a bit awkward but it was necessary to create the spin and trajectory it needs to move in the opposite direction

As Oikawa absorbed the ball, his finger was suddenly ȧssault by a sharp pain, but he ignored it and continued to push the ball

The ball continued to fly in the same direction as the direction he pushed it towards, another failed attempt

"FUCK!!!" Oikawa shouted in frustration as he fell down while looking at his fingers which was drowning in blood and sweat, "one more… just… one more time…

It was utterly quiet for what seems like minutes before a voice broke that silence

"No… that's enough Oika…" Shou spoke

Oikawa clenched his teeth as anger began to build up inside of him, 'Why am I so weak… why can't master it… why… did this damned curse chose me…?'

Shou sighed as he approach Oikawa and sat down next to him, "You know Oika… sometime you just have to remember that failure is a part of success…"

"Must be nice being a genius huh?…" Oikawa who suddenly realize what he just said out-loud immediately regretted it as he quickly tried to apologize, "Sorry… I didn't mean that…"

"It's alright, don't worry about it, but just hear out for sec will ya?" Shou asked


"At least answer dumbass!" Shou said as he smacked Oikawa

"Sure…" Oikawa said as he rubbed the back of his head

"That's better… Anyways, it is true that failing is not what matters, what matter is whether you're going to get back up again, but I know that you know this already, and I also know damn well you have the mentality to not let failure get to your head, so I'm guessing something else is bothering you and causing you to be this impatient, but I'm still going to say this, it doesn't matter if you're a genius or not, but by all means never stop grinding, effort will never betray you"

"Talent is something you bloom, Instinct is something you polish…" Oikawa muttered

"Hard workers are admirable, no matter how much they break down they'll still get back up again, but even if he's a genius or not, it is the moment when they lose sight of their goal and lose the opportunity to do what they love will they truly break down into dust before scattering away…"

"What do you mean…?" Oikawa asked with a hint of confusion on his face

"I always see that lot of good athlete mastered the art of grinding and hard work, and don't get me wrong, that's a good thing, but in most cases they always forget that listening to your body is important as well, working hard is admirable, but I can't say the same about pushing through an injury, although this might be a bit exaggerated, what if you badly sprained your finger to the point that you wouldn't be able to set normally again? What would you do then? Would you quit volleyball?" Shou continued

"No, never….But I'm not really sure if I could continue to be setter at that point…"

"Let me just remind you, hard work is everything, if you fall get back up and continue to move forward, for a diamond to become a diamond it must go through extreme pressure… but if you were lose sight of your goals and what you love to do…you might lose your motivation to work, you might never even get back up again, and you might break under those extreme pressure… "


"To reach the top you must be willing shed blood sweat and tear, but sometimes it is also necessary to make a little sacrifice out of consideration for your body who would take you to a more glorious victory" Shou said with smile

"Alright I get it… I'll stop for today, it's almost time for dinner, let's go…" Oikawa sighed as he stood up and walk towards the gym's entrance, "oh… and thanks… I think I really needed to hear that"

"Alright let's also get you patched up, your finger looks like its just got fuċkėd" Shou chuckled

"Fucked in like fuċkėd fuċkėd or like fuċkėd up?"

"Both of them fit the description and you sounded retarded"

"Tch… the fuċk is that supposed to mean? Pfthahahahah"Oikawa laughed

[A/n: To all those athlete reading this, I'm not sure that I was able to get my message across good enough, but I hope that this message was clear and helped you in some type of way]


After dinner was over the team were to each take a shower before going to their ȧssigned classroom where they'll be sleeping for the night

"Alright! It's 10 p.m. Lights out everyone!" Naoi shouted from outside the classroom

"Shit! Shou! I got knocked! Get his ȧss!" Kuroo shouted

"Hey! Light out!!" Naoi shouted again as he knocked on the classroom door

"Stop getting knocked you dumbass!" Shou shouted as he rushed towards the enemies and clear them before reviving Kuroo

"They were better than I thought" Kuroo grumbled

"Hey g-"

"Better my ȧss, you just ate shit cause you're ȧss!" Shou shouted

"Guys c-"

"Oh fuċk off I'm getting better!" Kuroo retorted

"Then why the fuċk do you bȧrėly have any kills and bȧrėly does any damage even after 5 years of playing this game?!?" Shou asked

"Still a fuċkɨnġ improvment!" Kuroo shouted

"ALRIGHT LIGHTS THE FUCK OUT YOU BRATS!!!" Naoi screamed as he burst into the classroom

"""Yes coach…"""

After turning off the light, Naoi returned back to his room

"Tch what a party pooper" Kuroo said in annoyance as he laid there in his futon

"For real" Shou agreed

"Oi Yaku!" Kuroo called out

"What is it?" Yaku asked

"How did it go with that short haired girl from the kendo club?" Kuroo asked

"Haizz It was a bust, she said that I was like little brother to her, although she didn't admit it I feel like it was because of my height" Yaku sighed

"Damn…that sucks" Kuroo said

"It's alright, how long has you guys been in the talking stage, like 2 months or so?" Kai conforted

"Yeh you're right it hasn't been that long, I'm just getting depress for nothing" Yaku sighed

"So what if it was short time, you were still serious about her, it alright to be sad, but don't let your head drop for too long" Shou said with a calming voice as he was playing flappy bird on his phone

"Haaah… alright let's just drop the topic, now who wants to summon the spėrm demon with me!!" Yaku shouted cheerfully

"Let's do it!!" Kuroo shouted excitedly

"THIS DAMN PEDO GOD KEEP ON FUCKING WITH ME" Shou shouted his game froze before he could get a new high score

[A/n: brothers will always be there for you]


"Hehehehkekekekekkekekekek" a nȧkėd man who was watching tv in a blank white room suddenly laughed creepily


[23:30, Nekoma Room]

"…oi… oi… Shou you awake?" Kuroo whispered as he tapped Shou from behind

"Yeah, can't sleep" Shou sighed

The two stared at at the ceiling in silence before Shou suddenly got up from his futon

"Where are you going?" Kuroo asked

"Let's sneak out, and get some fresh air, I know a place, oh yeah also grab some snack " Shou whispered as he tried to avoid the sleeping member and silently left the room

Kuroo followed from behind with a bag of snack and they left the classroom without anyone waking up

"Where are we going?" Kuroo asked

"The rooftop, it's breezy and view is nice" Shou answered

"Wait aren't the doors locked though? And what about the surveillance? "

"Yeah, last time I checked one of the entrance's lock is broken so we should be able to get in, and also there's no camera on the rooftop, so its alright I guess"

The two walked in silence for a while before they noticed a presence from around the corner

"Oika?" Kuroo called out softly as he turned the corner

"Huh? Sho-chan, and Kuro-chan? What are you guys doing here?" Oikawa asked as he noticed the two after washing his hand

"We couldn't sleep so we decided to sneak to the rooftop to get some fresh air, wanna join?" Shou suggested

"But the time is already almost tw-"

"Ah save that bullshit for later, let's go" Kuroo interrupted Oikawa before dragging him along


"Yup, the lock is still broken" Shou muttered as the door open with slight creaking sound

The three all entered the rooftop, and what ȧssaulted them was the breeze of the silent and peaceful night aglow with the bright city light, The pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw in the night sky, whirling clouds dancing among the wind, and the gleaming stars thats seems like scattered moondust stretched beyond infinity through the frigid moonlit night

"Woah…" Kuroo muttered under his breath

"Kuro! the snacks!" Shou who sat down on the ground while leaning onto the railing stretched out his hand signaling Kuroo to throw the bag

"Oh right" Kuroo snapped out of daze as he passed the bag to Shou before sitting down along with Oikawa as well

The three of them sat in silence as they relish the sight of starry, frigid night sky

"Hey…" it was then that a voice suddenly broke the silence

"Is it possible for me, a talentless player, the one chosen by that damned curse, to become a strong player…?" Oikawa asked as his voice fell into a whisper

"No…" Shou then proceed to pat Oikawa's back as he continued with a smile, "You can even be one of the greatest player in history"

Oikawa looked at Shou with a hint of surprise before letting out chuckle, "Haha, what am I even thinking, that was stupid question…"

"What's with the solemn mood? C'mon spill it you damned son of a bitch, something bothering you?" Kuroo asked as he put Oikawa into a headlock

"It's just… lately, I don't feel myself improving at volleyball at all, and I was just thinking… maybe Ushijima was right… maybe my pride is hindering my growth… maybe I chose the wrong p- UGH OUCH" Oikawa was suddenly interrupted as a strong impact made contact with the back of his head

"Hey, look me, Oikawa…" Shou uttered with cold voice

As their eyes met, chills ran down Oikawa's spine, The Monarch's expression was indifferent, but his cold, silver eyes was piercing through the darkness of the night, seething with rage

Shou grabbed Oikawa by the collar as he snapped, "Don't you ever fuċkɨnġ dare… say that your choice was wrong… you're not improving? So what? Are you really going to admit that Ushijima is right that easily? Are you just going to to give up?"


"Oi! Shou calm down" Kuroo spoke as he was about to jump in if things escalated

"ANSWER ME DAMN IT!" Shou shouted as he tighten his grip

"Then what the fuċk am I supposed to do about this damnable curse?!? these fuċkɨnġ chains… no matter how far I go… they just keep on pulling me back… reminding me of how talentless I am" Oikawa spoke as his heart tightened knowing that Shou would be disappointed

"So what? I might not understand what it's like to be bestowed with the Curse of the Ordinary, but to let's mere chains control your own fate? Pathetic…" Shou scoffed as he let go of Oikawa's collar


"So, what are going to do? Will you give up? Run away? And let those chains drag you around like a puppet?" Shou questioned as he gaze upon the stars

"Why… why are you so stubborn to make me not give up?…Is it….pity?" Oikawa responded with a question

"It's not pity… It's faith…"

"Huh?" Oikawa uttered as he looked at the monarch in surprise

His white hair nonchalantly fluttered in the wind, His eyes pierced through the dark of the night, exuding mystical silver light, although his gaze was calming, it carried great pressure and confident

"I was not lying when I said that you can be one of the greatest player in history… I believe that one day… you will shatter those Chains and reign over your own fate once again…"

It was utterly silent for what seemed like hours, until the light sound of Oikawa's clicking his tongue broke the silence, "Tch, you're right… I'm pathetic… letting this curse decide my own fate…"


"But… I'm sick of it… I'm sick of these chains dragging me around, damn it!" Oikawa uttered as his rage seethed

"So, what's your choice…?" Shou asked indifferently

「I won't let this curse define who I am any longer, I will shatter those damned chains, and overturn my own fate」The Grand Commander coldly declared as his suffocating pressure subconsciously oozed out

"Good…" Shou muttered with a smile

Suddenly, it was at that moment that the trio suddenly heard the door that leads to the rooftop creak open

"We lost him… Uwahhh that was close!"

"Yeah, who's fault do you think that was, you shitty owl?"

"Oh please, if you dumbasses didn't make a scene right in front of the coaches room, we wouldn't be having this conversation"

"Kota-chan? Kazu-chan? And Kyoko?"Oikawa called out in surprise

"Oh, there you guys are" Bokuto sighed before sitting down with the group and grabbing a bag of chips

"Man, you pieces of shits didn't even invite us" Kazuto complained as he sat down and stole the bag of chips from Bokuto

"Hey that's mine!"

"Oh fuċk off, you almost got us in trouble, and plus, should the top 3 Ace of this country be eating something this unhealthy in the middle of the night?"

"Don't give me that shit when you're the top 1 Libero of this country, you're just as guilty as I am, if not even more!" Bokuto retorted as he tried to snatch back the bag of chip

"How did you guys know that we were here anyways?" Kuroo asked

"Oh we couldn't sleep so we were playing some board games, but then he heard your voices, so we decided to tag along" Bokuto answered as he kept on trying to snatch the bag of chips

"These idiots were so loud, they even woke me up, and I ended up tagging along to see what was going on" Kyoko spoke as she sat down next to Shou before making her way into his jacket and snatched some chips for herself, "Then, they proceed to have a whole argument right in front of the coaches' room and Coach Naoi bursted out, so we ended up running for our lives"

"It wasn't my fault! This motherfucker said something really unnecessary, and I had to said something back" Kazuto reasoned

"Oh c'mon it wasn't that big of a deal!" Bokuto retorted

"Guys, shut up and just enjoy the view, you both were at fault let's just leave it at that" Kuroo sighed as he tried to mediate

"He said Harambe-sama is just a monkey, a mere monkey…" Kazuto said as he pointed at Bokuto

It was at that moment, silence fell upon the group for what seemed like hours until a single sentence broke that silence, "tie him up…"

"Well, well, well what do we have here?~" Kuroo said with a menacing face as he held up a bat with nails sticking out

"Oi oi where the fuċk did pull that bat from?!?" Bokuto shouted as struggled to break free

"My ȧsshole"


"Now could you kindly repeat what you said to Kazuto-san in front of the coaches' room?" Kuroo said with a innocent smile

"Uhh I said- Oh look! Theres a JAV model!" Bokuto shouted

"Where!!" Kuroo his head whipped back as fast as lightning to look for the JAV model, and it was then that he realized he's been tricked

"You dumbass, You realized you got a girlfriend right?" Shou said with a raised eyebrow

"Hehe~ I'm so gonna gonna tell Atso-chan about this~" Kyoko lazily said with a smirked as she slithered deeper into Shou's jacket to find a more comfortable position

"Shut up, it was natural curiosity! Anyways… this motherf-" As Kuroo turned his attention back to Bokuto who disappeared from his original position and was running away while still being tied by the rope

"Come back here, you shitty owl!!" Kuroo started chasing Bokuto with his bat

"Hey look! Another JAV model!"

"Whe- I mean… you fool! You can not outsmart me no more, as I Kuroo Tetsurou had remembered that I have a girlfriend!! Now get back here you son of a bitch!!!"

"Huuu man this really give me summer vibe" Kazuto sighed

"Oh I get what you mean" Oikawa agreed

"Just add a bit of firework and this night would've been perfect" Kyoko said with a bit of a regretful tone

"Hmm… summer huh…? Oh, how about we go to the beach during summer, maybe rent a place for a few nights there" Shou suggested

"Really? And firework?!?" Kyoko asked excitedly

"And firework" Shou said with a smile

"Hehe~" Kyoko grin happily

"Ooh speaking of firework, we should also go to a destination where a firework festival is happening, haven't to one since elementary school" Oikawa suggested

"Ayo this is perfect!" Kazuto shouted as he held up his phone, "A beach, with a villa, a grand firework festival during the summer, and even a beach volleyball tournament that happens every week? God damn.."

"That's great! Then it's all set" Shou exclaimed

"Well, I guess that's decided, let put that aside for now and relax" Kyoko yawned as she closed her eyes and used Shou's ċhėst as her pillow

"Oh right, more importantly…" Oikawa then proceed smack the back of Shou's head really hard

"The fuċk was that for, ȧsshole!" Shou shouted as he rubbed his head

"Thanks, Ya piece of shit" Oikawa said with a smile

"You're so lucky she's holding me back like this"

"I know" Oikawa said with evil smile, "Now how does feel to get smacked without a way of retaliating back kekekekekek"

"Grr, Damned Shittykawa"

"*huff huff* now… to execute this bastard…" Kuroo came back while holding the tied up Bokuto who still struggling to break free from the ropes that seemed to be enhanced by double

"Mhmmrrmnrn" Bokuto tried to scream with all his might through the tape as he contined to wiggle violently in Kuroo's arm

"What's wrong with your neck?" Kazuto pointed at the red mark on Kuroo's neck

"I forced myself from whipping my head towards all direction, naturally I almost strangled myself…" Kuroo answered calmly

"Alright then… good for you…"

"Haa… huu man I'm tired from all that running" Kuroo sighed as tossed Bokuto a side and grabbed some juice to drink

"Should we head back now?" Kuroo asked after he took a sip

"Nah, let's enjoy this night a little longer" Kyoko refused

"How about you guys" Kuroo turned to ask the rest

"I'll stay a little longer…" Shou answered with a smile as he gently ċȧrėssed Kyoko's hair

"Same" Kazuto lazily said as munched on some chips

"Same for me" Oikawa answered

"Mmmrmmmrm" Bokuto gracefully and calmly decided to stay

"Thought so" Kuroo muttered with a light smile


[A/n: Hey what's up, everyone, thats right, its your favorite author on this site, who can't write and upload for shit after a whole ȧss month, but yeah I've been really busy this past days, I grinded out this chapter, hope you all enjoyed the wholesome bonding between them, as always, thanks for you patience, I really appreciate it


Goodnight ❤️]

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