Haikyuu: The Monarch

Chapter 3 - Training camp and practice match

'This is gonna be real interesting' Shou thoughr with a vicious smile as he started letting out pressure of his own scaring some of the kids

The kid with black curly hair noticed this and looked at Shou, his eyes widen for second before returning a vicious smile of his own nd and let out more pressure

The exchange continues until Oikawa walked infornt of Shou and slapped his head

"OUCH! What was that for?!?" Shou said while rubbing his head

"Stop doing that you're scarying the people here" Oikawa said

"Oh right..."

Shou looked at the guy again and felt kind of familiar but he couldn't understand what is familiar and Shou once again dismissed the feeling


The camp started and the kids were just doing simple drills, but these simple drills are to determine each players group

Naturally, Oikawa, Shou, Iwaizumi, the monsters in the original which is Ushijima, the Miya twins and Kuroo and also the kid with the black curly hair got in to a group consisted of high skill player

"Now group 1 gather up!" the coach shouted, and the eight players all gathered in front of him, after he sees that every had gathered he continued, "From what I can see, it seems you guys already have experience with volleyball am I correct?"

The players all nodded and continues to listen to the coach, "Now you guy will be doing a practice match to help me understand your skills better, is that alright?!?"



The players got into the team they were ȧssigned to:

Shou's team consisted of Oikawa, Kuroo and Iwaizumi. The mysterious boy's team consisted of Atsumu, Osamu and Ushijima

The match started with Shou's serve, he threw the ball up the served it to where he was aiming using his [High Accuracy] , the ball flew from his hand at high speed

Ushijima was ready to recieve the ball as he saw that the ball was coming for him, the ball was about to enter their court and it was then that it happened

The ball was flying at high speed and suddenly hit the tip of the net and killed all of its speed and fell down in front of Ushijima gaining the first point for Shou's team

"That was lucky guys shake it off!" Atsumu said with a smile trying to cheer up his team

Shou took the ball again and went back to his position, he looked at Atsumu and smiled and threw the ball up

"Luck?" Shou said as he did his approach and jumped up

The coach looked at the white hair kid in shock as thought, 'Is.. T-that... an elementary school kid... Performing.. A... Jumpserve?!? Shit gotta start filming'

"I don't need such things as luck!!" Shou shouted as he smased the ball

Ushijima was also shocked as he never saw a kid his age performing a jumpserve but he took all of that thought out of his mind as he got ready to recieve the serve

But then once again the ball hit the tip of the net killing it's speed and landed next to Atsumu who had his eyes widen as he thought, 'It wasn't luck?'

"Woaaaa that was so cool Sho-chan" Oikawa said with stars in his eyes

"Hahahaha I know"

It was then that the mysterious boy smiled and spoke up, "Don't mind, don't mind we're all gonna meet and face some monster at some point right, so let's work together and defeat that monster" the boy then turned to Shou and said with a competitive smile, "Now give me another one..... Shou"

Shou eyes widen as he finally recognized why he felt so familiar around him, the surprise and shock on his face then morphed into grin as he shouted, "You sure took your damn time to show up huh!... Kazu"

Kazuto chuckled and went back to his position to get ready for the next serve, Shou picked up the ball and went back to his position and got ready for another serve

Shou got the ball and threw it up, did his approach and jumped up, he twist his body and smashed the ball towards Kazu

"Huh?!?", the players on the court looked at the speed of the ball and exclaimed

"Ayo" Kazuto said casually as he recieve the serve perfectly

'That was such a good recieve, it landed directly in my hand beautifully' Atsumu thought in surprise as he set the ball to Ushijima

Ushijima did his approach and jumped and perfotm his spike, the ball flew towards Kuroo who couldn't recieve it gaining the first point for Kazuto's team

"Nice spike" Kazuto said as he raised his hands up and high five Ushijima who still had a stoic expression


The match continued and the score was now 24-21 in favour of Shou's team it was Ushijima's serve, he perform an overhand serve, Shou recieved it with ease to Oikawa who setted back to Shou

Shou did his approach and jumped up and got ready to smash the ball

Kazuto looked at Shou posture and noticed that his torso was facing towards the right corner, Kazu back himself and got nearer to the corner

Shou who looked at the scene and smiled and shouted, "Gotcha ya bastard", Shou smashed the ball accurately and hit the tip of the net again and the ball fell infront of Kazuto

Atsumu quickly reacted and hit the ball up leaving the last hit to Osamu, Osamu did his approach and jumped up

"Kuroo!! Go for the block!!" Shou shouted as he got ready recieve

"Alright!" Kuroo jumped up and tried to go for the block

Shou looked at Osamu and analysed him, 'Torso facing towards the left corner, palm seems to be aiming straight and head on spike, wait no... Arm swing slowed down it's a FEINT', just like Shou analysed Osamu perform a feint, Shou dived for the ball the saved it

"Tch" Osamu clicked his tongue at the scene

Oikawa got the ball and set to Iwaizumi who spiked it but Kazuto saved the ball again, Atsumu set to Ushijima who did his approach and jumped but it was then that he met with 2 pairs of arms it was Kuroo and Shou

He tried to avoid the block by going for a cross court but Shou noticed his intention and his God-speed impulse sent a jolt through his body and commanded him to move

Ushijima spiked and it was then that Shou suddenly changed his hand arms position to the right and denied the ball's entry

The ball return back and Kazuto team was waiting for it to drop to the ground but it was then that Kazuto dived and save the ball again however it was about to fly back to the other court

Shou looked at Kazuto in shock but then he noticed something there was something coming out of Kazuto's eyes, it was black lightning..... Shou finally understand it, 'He is in the zone...' Shou thought with his eyes widen and smiling unconciously

Shou jumped up for the second time to smash the ball and tried to score once and for all, he spiked the ball towards the corner, immediately Kazuto ran towards the ball at high speed and jumped up and managed to save the ball mid air

'What the hell is this.. ' All the player looked at the exchange in shock and thought as they couldn't kept their eyes off of what was going on, but they already knew what it was, 'This is what true monsters look like'

Atsumu got to the ball and set it to Ushijima again who tried to spike it but he once again got denied by Shou and the ball fell back Kazuto's team court,

Kazuto ran with his full speed and dived towards the ball, but he was too late, the ball already dropped with indicate that Shou's team won

Everyone on the court let out a breath that they didn't know they were holding in. They all had different thought about this match but all of them had the same thought, 'I want to play against those monsters again... '

'What in the fuċk did I just witnesss..... Those kids are crazy.... Gotta send this video to Fuki-san' The coach thought with his eyes widen

Everybody wad told to gather up after the match, everybody walked out of the court but Kazuto and Shou couldn't move an inch due to the fact that Shou and Kazuto overuse their ability which caused physical exhaustion

Oikawa and Kuroo noticed this and went to help them up and walk them to where the group was gathered, Shou and Kazuto looked at each other and chuckled

When everybody gathered up the coach started speaking, "Great work guys, you guys really exceeded my expectation especially you two", he pointed at Kazuto and Shou, "this gonna be a real interesting 7 days training camp"

He dismissed the players and tell them that they can go home. Before anyone went home the player all gathered in front of Shou and Kazuto

"Wha- What is it? ... you gonna beat us up?" Shou said while backing off

It was then that Kuroo spoke up, "How did you guys get so good? "

"Talent and practice I guess" Kazuto answered with a wry smile

"I guess that makes sense" Kuroo said while scratching the back of his head

"Asata Shou, Hiroshi Kazuto I swear one day I'm gonna defeat you guys" Ushijima said before leaving

"Anyways let's play again sometime Asata-senpai, Hiroshi-senpai" Atsumu said with an excited expression while reaching his hands out for a handshake

'Senpai?!?' Osamu looked at his brother in shock

"Yeah sure" Shou and Kazuto both took the handshake

"Sho-chan let's go home I wanna learn how to do a jumpserve" Oikawa excitedly said

"OUCH my body still hurts damn it! "

"Oh sorry hahaha"


In an office a man that seems to be in his 30s was watching a video of a volleyball practice match. He watched and kept on repeating the video 30 times before turning off his phone

"Asato Shou, Hiroshi Kazuto such talent at such a young age how amazing... No it's too amazing, and we also got some monsters behind them as well" The man muttered and suddenly he smiled and said, "The future of Japan's volleyball is gonna be bright"


The 7 days summer training camp ended in a flash and it was almost time for middle school


(A/n: many might ask how Kazuto is able to get into the zone as a 12-13 years old kid, well I guess it doesn't make sense so I just let him get in the zone for only one play

Btw I'm back in school so update wouldn't be coming often please understand)

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