Hail the King

: 970, Sicily War

Updated: 2012-11-16

The sky is full of dragons circling and roaring. These powerful creatures are too many to predict. Both magic and individual strength are strong enough. Some have even landed on the ground, and the huge body is simply It is the destruction of the mobile machine, the breath of the mouth, can melt everything.

Fortunately, in the past one thousand years of operation, the Holy See has designed its own base camp to be extremely strong.

After the initial chaos, with the fierce alarm sounds, a silver-white sacred flame shrouded the entire island, and the central sacred mountain was covered with water-like brilliance, blocking the attack of dragons and magic. Silver-white magic shields were also found throughout Sicily, looming the main buildings on the island.

At the same time, an angry roar rang from the Holy Mountain of the Holy See.

The strong people of the Holy See are like the lions who are suddenly taken away by the spouse, like the dense bee colony, rising from the holy mountain and Sicily, shining with vindictiveness and magic. The flames of the battle, and the sudden invaders fight together.

In the sky, from time to time, a blazing ray of light flares.

The explosion of each light group represents the fall of a human or a dragon strong.

Being able to fly in the sky, at least the top of the month, but at this time, in such a crazy melee, the life of the monthly strong is not much more important than the ants, and the dumplings are generally falling from the sky.

The dragon's embarrassment, the human roar, mixed at this moment, formed a scene of the Sicilian **** scene.

Samaras and his companions experienced the initial chaos and immediately began to act.

"The **** dragon, defending Sicily, we have to fight back!"

The young Samaras is a brave knight who has a firm belief. Although his strength is only eight-star, the long-term glory and sacrifice of education make him face even the invincible enemy. There will never be any retreat, and they quickly locked a dragon that slammed the fire on the ground and rushed over.

Guarding Sicily, guarding the holy mountain, guarding... The girl of the choir, even if I am killed, is glory and satisfaction.

Samaras pulled out his long sword and stabbed his sword to the giant behemoth.

This is just a frame in the thousands of scenes in Sicily.


Legend has it that in the era of the ancient gods and devils, the dragons were powerful races that could stand up against the Protoss and the Mozu, and each dragon was a natural magic or a arrogant arrogant, and the blood force could guarantee every member of the dragon. Even if you don't work hard, as the whole year, you can become a powerful warrior or a magician after adulthood. If you don't have a little lack of racial fertility, the number of races is scarce. I am afraid that the ancient times would be called the 'Dragon Age. 'Yes.

The long-standing myths and legends have made human beings instinctively weak in the face of the dragons.

"Don't dare to invade Sicily. This is the act of blasphemy. No matter what it is, you have to pay the price of blood!"

A magnificent and noble voice on the central holy mountain spread throughout Sicily, a glare of unsightly light, and a loud chant of sings, a huge kilometer of trials, suddenly from the sky The lieutenant fell, and the devastating force that could be broken smashed a huge crack, and hundreds of dragons within a few kilometers of the dragon could not escape, was wiped by this terrible force, and mourned to fly. gray!

On the island of Sicily, countless knights and priests cheered.

On the side of the Holy See, there were finally the strongest shots. One stroke killed hundreds of dragons and boosted morale.

But in the next moment, the distant sky, a roaring roar, a red-red figure swooped down - this is a red dragon that is far more than the same kind, and is fighting with the Holy See. Ten minutes, a scream of screaming screams, the Holy Seeker who had just shown the power of the Holy Spirit, was bitten into two by a huge red dragon, with broken limbs, **** rain, and suddenly Fallen!

The red dragon roared in the sky, and the pride was overwhelming. The dragon was also a morale.

But in the next moment, the white brilliance flashed on the ground, and a series of magical cannon beams slammed into the red dragon. After a dozen or so, the red dragon magic shield was broken, splashing in a dragon blood dragon scale. Among them, the red dragon was hit hard, as if it was drunk, swaying down, kneeling on the ground, and turning over in the future, it was like a low-level knight and **** surrounded by ants. The teachers beat the dog.

Such a scene is being played in every part of Sicily.


Above the high sky.

There is a five-clawed golden dragon like an emperor. Under the arches of hundreds of heads far beyond the dragons of the same kind, arrogantly overlooking the earth island below, its golden red scorpion sparkles with cruel and ruthless gleam. Surrounding the spirit of the atmosphere, from time to time issued a wave of spiritual fluctuations, commanding the battle below.

At the same time, the central part of the sacred mountain in Sicily.

The central pope, who is white and white like a condensed god, is under the layers of guards of the top of the church. He holds the scepter and wears the crown of the god. He must be white, with his eyes in his eyes. Doubt and pity, but also concerned about the changes in the war situation, was beaten by a sacred Holy See, is slowly moving back to the situation.

This will be an arduous war for any party.

The real strongmen of both sides have maintained a temporary silence with tacit understanding, mutual jealousy, and no shots.


Sicily encountered the news of the attack of the dragons, like the 18th-level tsunami that suddenly appeared on the calm sea. It completely shocked the entire continent and spread the radiation across the entire continent of Azeroth at an indescribable speed.

This is a news that is unbelievable to everyone.

The first reaction of everyone who heard this news is ‘Impossible, this is definitely the most ridiculous lie of the year’, followed by ‘No? Is it true? ', again, ‘Oh, my God, is it true, isn’t the dragon family disappearing? "The next thing that comes to mind is 'Where are the dragons coming from? Why are you attacking Sicily?', the last concern is 'What is the final victory of the war? It should be that the Holy See won, after all, the Holy See has always been this The most provocative force on the mainland'.

In contrast, the emergence of the dragon family and the attack on Sicily have caused shock to everyone, and the wars of the Southern Gnome and the Terran have been dull and lost their attention.

Next, a variety of news continues to spread.


Make up the third day yesterday. Seeking red tickets and collections.

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