Hail the King

: 971, there is snow and rain in the wind

Unlike the speculations of countless people, the Holy See is not powerful enough to completely defeat the Dragons with lightning speed, and has not won the final victory in this war. No one can be sure of the specific outcome of the war because From the beginning of the war to the present ten days, the Mediterranean and Sicily have been completely blocked by thousands of dragons, and it is difficult for outsiders to enter them. Only the bursting of horror energy fluctuations that appear to burst out seems to indicate the fighting. Still cruel

The Holy See is attacked, this is the first time in the millennium

There is no need to call, for the goddess, knights and fanatics on Azeroth, the real beginning, the Southern Region, the Western Region, the Northern Territory and the Eastern Church have been issued in the first time. The call of battle, the saints and the gods of the major parishes, rushed to the middle of the field to support the war in Sicily

Only the Holy See that I reject the dissidents alone is not disappointed by the people who blame it. Sure enough, the dragons were judged as evil creatures in the first place.

The whole continent has set off a frenzy of destroying the dragon statues. Even several empires that used the dragons as totem worships were destroyed by the crazy Holy See Knights of the Knights overnight. Countless innocent people became victims of this war.

This sudden war has completely changed the situation on the entire continent.

In the southern region, as the southern region's parish mobilized more than 80% of its power to the central region to support Sicily, the high-end power of the Terran was greatly weakened, and the help of the gods was lost. Human casualties continued to expand. In addition, the alliance between the Bayern Munich Empire and the empire of Leverkusen and Dortmund is unwilling to make a full effort, so human beings are gradually no longer dominant in the battle with the Goblin family, unable to launch a threatening Counterattack

At this time, for the Terran, things have worsened.

Almost at the same time, there was a shocking news that the dwarfs and gnomes were found among the most extensive, volcanic and flaming mountain ranges in the eastern part of the mainland.

Dwarves and gnomes are also one of the great vassal races of the ancient gods and gods. They have strong fighting power, especially the dwarves. Apart from their ability in forging and smelting, both men and women are born warriors, and they are unparalleled in fighting. Comprehension, and all natural power, while the gnome family is weak, but has the wisdom of the goblin, the talent in alchemy and magic, even the dragon must withdraw from the three points

These two races appear in the Eastern Flame Mountain. For the Eastern Empires, it is definitely a vigilant phenomenon, especially in the context of the emergence of the Goblin and the Dragons actively attacking humans. The emergence of the instinctive rejection and hostility, the Chelsea Empire, the Liverpool Empire, the Arsenal Empire, the Manchester United Empire and other Eastern powers, the first time Chen Bing in the vicinity of the Flame Mountain, to prevent the dwarves and gnomes attack

Also at this time, there are amazing news coming out.

In the western part of the mainland, another powerful race of the ancient demon era, the elves, appeared in the virgin forest on the western edge.

With its unparalleled magical talent, assassination skills and peerless arrow skills, the Elf has once left a rich and colorful stroke in the era of the ancient gods and devils. This is a race with morality and physiology, which is favored by the Creator and is naturally beautiful. And has a long life, a common elf warrior, said to live for five hundred years, the power of the elf priests and elf kings who control the eternal power, it is terrible

The long life span has created the powerful strength of this race. Like the dragon, if the elves are not as prolific as the human and the orc, they can be a powerful race alongside the Protoss and the Mozu.

This kind of thing happens continuously. For the Terran, this early spring weather is really a bit cold.

This situation is like a piglet that has occupied the pigsty for a long time. Suddenly, there are several cows, a few sheep and a group of chickens and ducks to share the pigsty, in order to occupy the trough and sleep. Earth, the inevitable war between different livestock

For the Terran, the only good news in the bad news is that the ancient sacred era is the most horrible, the combat power is second only to the dragons, and the orc family with unparalleled ability to multiply has not appeared yet, and humans have not used it for the time being. Faced with this powerful and highly aggressive ethnicity

It’s been a month since time passed.

It’s hard to imagine that the battle in Sicily has not ended yet.

The Dragons and the Holy See, these two powerful forces have played a real fire, did not give up, did not sit down and talk about a trace

The news from all sides proves that in the past two months, the Holy See has already had hundreds of thousands of gods and **** knights killed, and the strongmen above the monthly strength have also fallen thousands. The big-day honorable person has fallen to 56, the bishop-level high-level degraded eleven, the sectarian branch has a pope-level powerhouse, and 21 people have fallen. It is said that it suffered the most painful loss in the past millennium.

The dragons are better than there. The ordinary dragons have died a thousand heads, and the elite dragons have fallen into a hundred heads. Even the supremacy of the dragon king level has fallen two heads - for the dragons with the ability to breed pale. Is also an unacceptable loss

At this time, almost all the emperors of the entire continent were secretly lucky.

Fortunately, the dragons don’t know whether they are pumping their brains or what happened. They made a madness. They chose the holy church as the target of attack. Otherwise, they would be replaced by any other nine-level empire. Under the dragon's breath, it turned into a fly ash.

On the other side, there is good news.

After some short-lived communication, dwarves and gnomes, and elves, there seems to be no plan to fight with the Terran. After seeing the gossip and the madness of the dragons, humans no longer dare to underestimate the two camps of the ancient times. The power of the empire to make concessions in order to preserve their power, the Eastern Empire’s Empire League announced that it would 'cedge' the flame mountain range, which occupies almost one-third of the Eastern Region, to dwarves and gnomes. - In fact, this mountain region, which is full of active volcanoes and various brutal World of Warcraft, basically has no human empire.

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