Hail the King

: 973, is this a reward?

The strange feeling of familiar time and space shuttles to cover the body. The next moment, when the eyes are bright, Sun Fei has come to a strange world.

In front of it is a patch of fresh grassland, and under the gentle breeze, the grass with deep knees is like a rolling wave, and it is beautiful. There are lush trees in the distance, and then carefully If you look at it, there are faint and colorful flowers in the grass that bloom in the air. A group of bees don’t know where to fly, and the flowers are flying between the flowers.

The sky is blue, a breeze, no cloud

Birds are heard from time to time, and the sound of flowing water in the distance is singing cheerfully. Birds with beautiful feathers play in the sky, carefree, and the sound is as sweet as the sky, as if it can melt. Heart

The air is clearer than ever, and I gently take a breath. I only feel that an aura instantly spreads over my limbs. Every pore is revealed.

"where is this place?"

Sun Fei slightly frowns

The beautiful scenery and the pleasant air show that it is definitely not somewhere in the world of Diablo, because the world has been completely polluted, and the power of the law between the heavens and the earth, but with Azeroth The mainland is completely different. It seems to tell Sun Fei again. This is not the space of the jungle law that I am familiar with... Is it really the legendary gods?

The mental energy radiated out like a tide in the first time. Sun Fei took a light breath and did not feel the slightest threat in this strange space.

Looking around, everything is so peaceful, so beautiful, it seems to be heaven

He turned and looked, a deep purple portal flame, floating quietly about ten meters behind him, silent, like the cold light of the same group does not exist, the glamorous is not true

Probably determined his own position, Sun Fei vacated, his body and mind were like electricity, and flew away in the direction of the distant forest.

The vastness of the world is shocking to His Majesty the King.

With his current strength, for five or six hours, he couldn’t find the end. This size has completely replaced the seal space under the emperor’s capital, and the seals in the seal space. Space, and, in this world, the existence of living bodies such as running water, green grass, forests, trees, beasts and birds, on the rank of space grades, is thousands of times stronger than the seal space.

“Where is it here? Why is there a portal to come here after Diablo’s seven major customs clearances? It’s unreasonable, it seems to have nothing to do with the evil and dull dark world...”

It took a long time to return to the purple portal, and Sun Fei couldn’t understand it.

“Is this space the reward after the seven major customs clearances? But this reward is also too incomprehensible. What is the use of this space for me? Although the environment is beautiful, the spirit is abundant, but the thirtyth Compared with the core small world in the six-level difficulty area, it is not as high as it is. For me, it is totally meaningless. It is not as good as the original and three great skills."

"Why is this happening? Or is it... this space represents another layer of meaning, its real role, in fact, I have not found it?"

Sun Fei is thinking hard and can't find the answer.

After a long while, he made a decision and walked into the purple portal. His eyes flashed and he returned to the constant shaking and collapse. Finally, the blood of Boss Barr’s body was not dry. Fortunately, he could return to Diablo. world

The purple portal still exists and has not disappeared

Then, he thought about it and, as usual, quit the dark world.

The light in front of the eyes flashed, the figure of Sun Fei appeared in the Temple of the Gods.

This made the King’s Majesty a little relieved, and the most worrying thing did not happen, he still can still return to Azeroth.

The sky is already full of red clouds, sunset

Calculating the time, more than ten hours have elapsed, and the total amount of time added to the Diablo world and the mysterious space is exactly the same—that is, the flow of time in that mysterious space, It is exactly the same as the real world.

Perhaps because of the battle with the final boss Barr, and the high level of tension in the mysterious space, Sun Fei felt the tiredness like the tide.

He went back to the bedroom and lay in bed, not three or four seconds, and fell asleep.

Then he dreamed

This is the first time that Sun Fei dreamed after crossing the Azeroth continent. His Majesty the King dreamed that he was a bystander and witnessed a terrifying battle of gods. Countless high-level god-level masters fought together. , the land is continually degraded, the earth is broken, the sky is torn, the ocean is evaporated, everything is buried in it, among the blood and the white bones, one of them shines with glare, it is difficult to see the supreme existence of the body shape, issued Angry snoring...

The dream came here and suddenly stopped.

Just like the TV screen with the antenna removed, suddenly the screen is full of snowflakes, no image

At this moment, Sun Fei suddenly woke up and violently turned up to get out of bed. His body was completely soaked, cold and sweaty, a kind of sorrow and anger from the depths of the soul, just like the supreme being in the dream. The roar is filled with Sun Fei’s body, which makes him feel like an unprecedented heart and despair.

"Fly, are you okay?" The familiar voice came.

Sun Fei looked up and saw Angela and Elena wearing white palace skirts and looking at themselves with sorrow.

Sun Fei shook his head: "Reassuring, nothing, just a nightmare, yes, a nightmare, it’s weird, I actually have a nightmare." He said here, he suddenly turned around, and it was discovered that it was already the morning of the second day. The sun on the horizon couldn’t wait to jump out of the horizon, a golden glow outside the hall, and the sound of the birds’ crisp sounds.

Was the short dream that lasted for such a long time?

Giving a comforting look to the two wives, Sun Fei habitually went to the pool next to the bedroom for a few laps, washed off the sweat, then washed his face, brushed his teeth with homemade toothbrush and toothpaste, and replaced Angela. A comfortable robes that have been prepared for a long time. When you come to the restaurant, the breakfast is ready.

Shaking his head and dispelling the doubts in his heart, accompanied by two beautiful wives, Sun Fei’s mood soon became better.

"Maybe it is too tired during this time, so I have to do nightmares. I have to do anything in these few days and have a good rest." Angela rarely spoke to interfere with Sun Fei’s action arrangement, and Valkyrie Irina also joined Support, Sun Fei thought for a moment, nodded and promised, it should be a good rest for a while, think that since he came to Azeroth mainland, it seems that he did not take a good rest for a day, away from the dream of 'being a stunned genius' It seems to have gradually drifted away.

Who knows that His Majesty the King is a natural life, and if he has not finished eating a breakfast, he will have trouble finding things.

"Under the beginning, according to the reports of some adventurers and businessmen, there seems to be some strange things in the endless forests of Houshan."


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