Hail the King

: 985, the end of the battle

Updated: 2012-11-21


[Little Pharaoh] hit a ring finger.


A purple flame suddenly spurted out of the mouth of Hering desperately mourning.

Then a more terrible scene happened.

Among the five senses of Herning, even a purple flame was ejected at the same time. The flames of the enchanting flames were like the tentacles of the devil. They could not be stopped from the gaps of this fat body. The whole person was like a Like a burning torch, at the end of the day, the whole body is full of flames everywhere, and no matter how he struggles, it will not help.

Internal combustion!

He was ignited by the fire of the human body.

The field of Salawi is called [Purple Skyfire], an extreme flame country that can control a purple flame that is enough to burn everything, burning instantly in any place, including igniting from the opponent's body.

In this field, any existence is the hottest fuel.

As long as [Little Pharaoh] has a heart, you can burn everything.

Herning’s mad struggle lasted less than a dozen seconds and was completely quiet.

A gust of wind blew and blew the hunting robes of Herning.

The inside of his fat body has been completely burned, but the skin, pores, hair, eyebrows, hair and even clothes on the surface are extremely intact and do not see any burning marks.

Sarawi’s control over the power of the flames has reached the peak.

From a distance, the eleventh ruling of the Holy See made God seem to be alive. In fact, there was only one human skin left.


"From the divine power of the gods, give your people the courage to fight... the field of Saints!"

When the battle was at a critical moment, Corina could no longer care for Tibetan mastiffs.

He screamed and suddenly withdrew all kinds of holy shields floating around his body. A soft white light like a bright moonlight spread from his body, containing an indescribable sense of horror. .

The power of the field.

This highly ranked ruling **** is really a strong man in the half-length realm.

Although the speed of Palacio is almost at the extreme, it is still shrouded in the flame of this white field.


Corina didn't know when to take out a musical class similar to the whistle, at least seven or more steps, mouth blows, a sharp piercing, as if suddenly can tear the soul's voice, passed out .

Visible to the naked eye, Palacio trembled as he heard the sound.

At this moment of a slight stagnation, a huge rectangular giant card with a yellow-orange body flashed out of Corina's hand and shined on Palacio's body.

This yellow giant contains a strange field of law power, instantly arrested Palacio, and also deprived him of the ability to dodge.

In the next moment, Corina raised his hand, and within the field, his power increased a hundred times, and instantly condensed a dozen or so [swords of the gods], turned into a stream of light, flashed away, and shot out.

Booming -!

Palacio's body just broke away from the fixed power of the yellow giant, and was hit by the front of the "Sword of the Gods". The whole person turned into thousands of pieces, like the porcelain dolls hit by the hammer. It broke down in horror.

Corina showed a hint of joy on her face.

However, the next moment, he changed his face.

Apparently aware of what, Corina's physique changed rapidly, and could not avoid the sudden death of a deadly knife that was suddenly coming from the side. Although there was no injury, the robe was separated by this knife.

He frantically spurred the fighters, and the sharp, whistling whistle sounded again.

Among the white soft light, in all directions, there are eight shadows of Palacio at the same time.

It turned out that the blow was just a phantom left by Palacio.

The speed of this [wind chasing wolf] is indeed coming to an extreme, completely surpassing the capture limit of human visual nerves, even the strongest can not capture.

"Forcing -! Forced to force!!!!"

A sharp whistle has the ability to tear everything. In this white field, it is like a godly wrath, which can destroy everything.

The shadow of the seven or eight Palacios, in this whistle, seems to have received a great impact, like a bubble bursting out, only a figure on the western side, extremely strong, just gently Shaking a bit, his face pale, he has to escape...

"Where is his real body."

Corina had a happy heart, and she didn't want to think about it. When she raised her hand, it was a giant card flying out.

This giant card is **** red, contains even more strange power, and even has the ability to automatically track, like a bloodthirsty rainbow, let the figure dodge, and the moment is caught up, Posted on the body.

The power of the red giant is even greater.

A post is not only the ability to evade and the ability to be sealed, but even the vindictiveness and all defensive forces in the body are sealed. The whole person is completely deprived of everything, and the top-ranking strong is like a child who has no resistance.

Corina raised his hand, and four or five [Sword of the Gods] flew out.

Booming -!

This time, Palacio's figure exploded again, it seems to overflow the dripping blood.

"Ha ha ha," Corina laughed wildly: "This time it’s **** it... eh?"

The voice did not fall, and the change suddenly occurred. Corina suddenly felt a cool touch on the waist, legs and throat.

Then I heard another clear and cold voice: "Let you down."

"You... no... dead... you?"

Corina was shocked and inexplicable. He suddenly found himself even hard to talk, and the coolness of the neck became more and more prosperous. He felt his hand and touched it. The feeling of warmth came, it turned out to be blood.

"I am not dead, so you must die."

In front of the three steps, a road like a water ripple in the air, the little nephew Palacio is still a calm face slowly from the squat, the face is still the kind of light smile, this The young supreme does not obviously feel any excitement, as if to kill a semi-god-level powerhouse. For him, there is no difference between killing a chicken.

"You...how...in the field...how could it...not affected........."

The vitality of the semi-god-level powerhouse is really powerful, and it has been seriously injured in three key points. The knife gas invades the body, cuts off all vitality, smashes the source, and even speaks.

However, Corina is back to the light, not far from death.

Palacio did not speak, his body surface, the blue glimmer of light flashed.

Corina widened her eyes and suddenly understood everything.


The first is more.

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