Hail the King

: 989, not drunk

Updated: 2012-11-22

Fighting against such opponents, Sun Fei tried many different ways of fighting.

Compressed with brute force?

The effect is not big.

Milito, who is known as the [Prince], is taking the power line. In this respect, he is not inferior to him who plays 100% of every move.

Speed ​​is tricky?

Not at all.

The blue and black empire's young and supreme martial road is in line with the line of 'not seeking merit, but seeking nothing', even if it can't catch up with the opponent in speed, but its own defense can't find the flaws, one stroke and one style are closely connected. Completely make up for the disadvantages of speed, and stabilized to the extreme, it is simply impeccable.

Continuously changing several combat styles, Sun Fei still can't find a way to completely control Milito.

This person's martial style seems to be completely flawless.

Pato and other four people are eye-opening and look good.

Rarely can be seen, like Sun Fei, the style of martial arts is ever-changing, and the strongest people who come to the hand – the life span of human beings is limited. In order to pursue powerful power, most people are pursuing a single, most consuming and not refined. Therefore, the real strong, only need to bring their own martial style to the extreme.

But Shampoo is clearly a freak that does not follow this rule.


"Hey? What happened to Diego? Actually... appeared in the flaws?"

On the face of Salawi, she suddenly showed an incredible expression.

Several people suddenly discovered that with the change of a seemingly simple fighting style, suddenly, it was known for its absolute stability, and it was said that the move itself and the connection from the flawless Diego Milito actually turned out to be Like the force of the general, there is a clear flaw between the moves.

Although it is only a fleeting stagnation, for the real master, it is enough to solve all the problems.

This kind of mistake should definitely not be committed by Milito, who is pursuing perfect martial arts.

What exactly happened?

Hey -!

After a series of violent cracks, Milito retireed and put away his sword.

[Prince] his face showed a look of meditation, long time no words, Sun Fei and others were silent, while disturbing the young supreme thought.

It was not until fifteen minutes later that Milito’s face showed a stunned look. “In the world, there is no martial art that is completely flawless. The so-called perfection is just an illusion. The so-called flaws are not necessarily fatal defects. And the so-called shortcomings, the use of, is the victory. Thank you for your guidance."

Sun Fei smiled a little and said nothing.

Milito's martial arts is indeed terrible. However, anything that is too perfect for perfection will fall into an imperfection. There is no such thing as 100% perfection in the world. The same is true for martial arts.

Sun Fei just used a force transfer technique recorded in the book of "The Wisdom of the Devil", which is a kind of force-like means similar to [乾坤大移移], which forced Milito's moves to change. There is a gap in the connection, creating a flaw in life.

Sure enough, when Milito found that his moves were not as perfect as they were in the imagination, they began to become unconfident, like the evil, suddenly fell into an absolute disadvantage.

In this battle, although Sun Fei did not teach [Prince] any martial arts monk, but it broke and made up for the biggest fatality of Milito's 'Perfect Wudao', so Milito's harvest is no better than Cassano or Salad is small.

"But it's useful, never give up." Milito was not good at words, but maybe he had a good promise.

A man who is silent like him, if he speaks, a spit and a nail, will never repent. This promise is the same as the previous two, and Sun Fei is regarded as his closest companion.

Cassano and Salavi smiled at each other.

Among his own pedestrians, Milito is the oldest and most prestigious. Don't look at [prince] in the weekdays, he is silent, and the words are like gold, but every time you open your mouth, it is a shot. If you even say this, it means Every young one in this small group has become a friend of [Northern Emperor].

Cassano and Salawi, who had a short relationship with Sun Fei, had already seen each other as soon as possible. At this time, they were also happy for Sun Fei. After all, it was really not easy to get approval from Milito.

Since even Milito has made such a statement, everything that follows seems to be a matter of course.

[Wind of the Wind] Rodriguez Palacio did not have the slightest embarrassment, with a signature smile on his face, came to Sun Fei, bowed, and started, said: "Please enlighten."


An hour later, Sun Fei had already played with five young supremes from the middle ground.

After the last two games, Sun Fei discovered that Palacio's specialty lies in speed, strength is not too good, attack power is not sharp enough, and opponents who encounter the tortoise shells, if the speed is useless, will be slightly disadvantaged, while Pato is A very comprehensive genius of martial arts, but the body is congenitally weak, and the weakness of the body limits the further development of his martial arts.

His Majesty the King is really bleeding today, and the martial arts secrets are selling tears. They have also connected two secrets to improve the malpractices of Palacio and Patowu. Naturally, from the sword of the demon king, this ancient Mozu martial art Transcription in the encyclopedia, borrowing flowers to offer Buddha.

For Sun Fei, the martial arts cheats are dead, and it is not very useful to keep them, while people are alive.

In particular, the youngest supremes of the five mainland Chinas are all heroes. Sun Fei’s eyes are very accurate. Although they only meet each other, they can feel that these five are heroes worthy of making, naturally. At the expense of the blood, it took a lot of effort to get these people together.

"Ha ha ha, today was originally to kill the mad dogs of the Holy See. I couldn’t think of it, but I was lucky. Haha, there are mountains and waters, lakes and trees, and pleasant scenery. Friends meet, you are in the heart, it is a great thing in life, why don’t we drink a drink here, don’t get drunk?”

Sarah is very proud of her hair, taking out her own collection of wine from the storage ring, and excitedly proposes.

"It's just what I want." Don't look at Pato's feelings that he feels very proud. He has always been a cold and inhuman expression that refuses to be thousands of miles away, but after he is familiar, it is like changing someone. The same, extremely enthusiastic, hooked up Sun Fei's shoulder, smiled and said: "Some time ago, the mad dog chased by the Holy See, have no time to eat a good, haha, today just with Alexander, taste Aier your collection The wine!"


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