Hail the King

: 996, go with me

Having said that, he seems to realize what he is, and the confusion in his eyes is more intense. He said: "No, only the dragon and the orc family have the gift of blood and memory, and, in the orc family. Among them, only the extinct royal family has a **** memory transmission than the Mongolian beast... Is it?"

"Is he a descendant of the Bimeng royal family?" asked the Wolff wolf strongman Ginobili interface on the side.

However, as soon as the words were spoken, Ginobili shook his head in self-deprecatingly: "If it is the descendants of the Mongolian royal family, it should be mastered by the blood of the Bimo family. It has the talents of the Bimeng family and should not have The skills of Bill Bear and Wolf Wolf... What the **** is going on?"

Sun Fei did not speak.

He was thinking about how to deal with the next thing, and hoped that the orc family would not be as aggressive as the goblins, and invade the northern territories.

If there is a way to become a friend with these orcs, it may be useful.

"My identity has already indicated, should I talk about it now, where are you from?" Sun Fei looked directly at Fox's high priest Nash. Through some lists of the orcs, it has already been said that this old fox is the one or more orcs. The core of the strong squad is similar to the role of the think tank. His Majesty the King asked seriously: "Is the Beast Orc family ready to return to the mainland?"

"I noticed that you just used a 'also' word," said Fox, the high priest of Nash, and Sun Fei clearly saw the glare from the eyes of the old fox. He asked: "So to say so And other aliens other than the Terran, returning to Azeroth, right?"

Sun Feiyiyi, thinking about it, did not hide it, and said the situation on the mainland today.

Such frankness has won the respect and recognition of the orc strong.

"So, the original race of the gods and gods, only the orc family did not appear? In the past thousand years, the Terran has always been the master of the entire continent, where the demons, where have they gone? "The Fox High Priest Nash is extremely shocked."

Sun Fei apparently heard some extra-sounding sounds from Nash’s words.

After a pause, the Fox High Priest answered the question before Sun Fei.

"As you can see, we are members of the Beast Orc family, from the mainland of Azeroth, very far away [the place of exile], these are selected among the major races of the Orc. The most powerful warrior, and I am the high priest of a beast temple. The reason why we came to this terrible **** forest is to know if the continent of Azeroth is really like a year-on-year As the ancient Divine Shaman predicted, the law of heaven and earth returned to the millennium, and it is suitable for the survival of the beasts. We are looking for the way home."

When talking about the last sentence, Sun Fei clearly felt that the words of this Fox High Priest were filled with an indescribable sadness and anticipation.

It is like a wanderer who has been wandering for many years, eager to return to his hometown that has been separated for a long time.

Sighing, Sun Fei said: "Now the Azeroth continent has been chaotic, the war is constantly going on, the Holy See is broken, the aliens are rolling, killing and death are everywhere, even the body shape of the long-dead temple of the undead has appeared. The mainland, the gods and the demons, are hiding in the dark, and it will not take long. I am afraid that a terrible mainland chaos will come, the era of chaos will begin, and the orc family has found a place to live. Why do you want to return again and get involved in this boundless war?"

The Fox High Priest shook his head and said, "That's because you don't know how it was spent in the millennium of the Orc, so you will say it. Anyway, even if you pay any price, you will be more or less. Must come back."

"You are coming to explore the road?" Sun Fei no longer persuaded, changed a topic.

"Yes, we are the advance team. After thousands of years, the Monsters don't know the status quo of the mainland. Before the entire race moves, they must be well prepared." Fox High Priest did not deny.

I have to admit that the frankness of Sun Fei and the skills of the giant bear and the giant wolf have won the trust of the orcs, so the conversation went smoothly, and the two sides did not flash their words to hide anything.

The orc family is similar to the one recorded in the mainland.

Although they are not lacking in highly intelligent races such as the Fox Fox, the Rhine Lion, and the Tiger Tiger, they are extremely hospitable, just like a generous knife from the desert, accustomed to sincerity and confession. Instinctively rejects lies and deceptions - this is a race that likes to solve all problems with violence, a race that most often uses fists to reason, and a race that truly views glory as life.

"From the edge of the northern region, there are about 250,000 kilometers. I know the nearest distance, you can lead the way. Do you want to go to my kingdom to have a look?" Sun Fei thought about it and sent an invitation. I don't mind being a 'band. road. party'.

Mutual understanding, the desire of the King to build friendship with the orcs is even stronger.

Many times, to resolve a war, friendship is more useful than a sword.

The orc strongs heard the words and suddenly got excited and eagerly looked at the Fox priest.

Even the honest Bill Bear bears who are as honest as the rafters can hardly conceal their excitement and finally see the hope of returning to the mainland. For a thousand years, the goal of the entire race is to be achieved. There are orc strongmen. There was even tears in the eyes.

In the realm of their martial arts, almost to the point where the heart is shocked, but it shows such excitement...

This is obviously a feeling that Sun Fei does not understand.

Fox High Priest looked at Sun Fei, apparently making a tough decision.

For the orcs, even if they know the origins of the guy who calls himself the king of shampoo, it is still a very risky thing to follow him into human society.

After all, a thousand years have passed, and they have no idea what is going on in the other world of endless forests. It is impossible to be sure what kind of situation is on the mainland today.

Moreover, the powerful strength of Sun Fei also shocked the orc strong.

It is only a king of a dependent country that has such a strong strength. Is the strength of the entire Terran really strong enough to this extent?

"Okay, let's go with you, and you're tired of it." Fox High Priest Nash finally made the decision -


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