Hail the King

: 1036, Zenit victory

In the face of the flames in the sky with the smashing atmosphere, Lampard is still a tepid sword.

The movement of his sword seems to be very slow, but when you think that your sight has captured his sword, what you see is nothing more than a phantom of nothingness.

At the same time as the sword is being waved, a series of subtle squats are like the sound of the fire from the sword of the black giant sword. There are countless irregular electric plasmas, and the black sword is completely wrapped.

Then, a thick silver-white spurt of the arm, shot from the tip of the sword, greeted the sky like a meteor-like flame.


At the moment of the impact of the two terrible forces, the heavens and the earth seemed to suddenly quiet down.

Even time and space suddenly solidified.

Just when people are wrong, why aren’t the horrible bursts of imaginary waves spread out, a late rumbling sounds through the heavens and the earth, and then the silver serpent’s plasma and the red-red smoldering fire are mixed with each other, like It is a beautiful and deadly fireworks that gives a shock to people's thinking.

This moment is like the destruction of heaven and earth.

The coalition soldiers who were fighting directly underneath felt that a hurricane was blowing. Thousands of soldiers, like the rice in the hurricane, danced in the sky and immediately screamed and fell.

The fight between the two powerhouses finally spread to ordinary soldiers.

Many of them have had a hard time forgetting this terrible scene.

Frank Lampard also stepped back three or four steps under the influence of the anti-seismic force, and then slowly stood firm, and the blue veins on his arms were exposed, and a trace of blood was revealed.

In the sky, Pedro apparently did not have any discomfort. In the next moment, Hasselbaink, who was attacked and killed, hit another punch and spurted a blood arrow.


He roared like a trapped beast, his body flashed, and immediately pulled back a distance, then raised his hand and did not know what potions he had swallowed, and his injuries were instantly restored.

Seeing Lampard’s innocence, Hasselbaink finally felt a loose heart and laughed awkwardly: “Haha, I forgot, you still have the great sword of the gods under your arm, not as good as your shoulders. Today, I have done a lot of work and killed this Barcelona god!"

"Good!" Lampard's answer, only a simple word.

The voice has not fallen, his figure has been rushing into the sky like a lightning, still a sword that is not working, but with a terrible power that has never been seen before, especially the black one. The Great Sword, suddenly like a resurrected god, bursts into a roar, exploding a force comparable to the realm of the demigod, smashing the night sky.

"How is it possible?" Pedro's pupils swelled.

This red-haired man, the strength that he showed before is clearly only in the middle class of the big-day sage. It is difficult to connect himself with a fist. How can he suddenly explode the power that he feels threatened?

Shou, Pedro's eyes gathered on the black sword.

He suddenly understood something.

"It turned out to be a sub-god fighting soldier? A sword-shaped Asian **** fighting soldier? This red-haired man, what is the origin? Is there such a treasure?" Pedro was surprised, the Asian **** can be It’s not the cabbage on the side of the road. Even in the Barcelona Empire, there are only a few super-powerful super-powers. Pedro is the supernova military representative from Barcelona, ​​and he has such a militia. .

After a slight shock, Pedro’s mind became alive.

"Well, this seat is missing a weapon. Since you sent it to the door, then I will laugh, haha!" Pedro did not retreat, and the flames soared, like the vast ocean swept toward Lampard. And go.

"I really don't dare to flash my tongue when I say big words. Kid, today Grandpa cut your dog's head and let the Barcelona robbers know that the Zenit people will not be bullied."

On the side of Hasselbaink, he was afraid that Lampard would be lost. He immediately helped each other with two-on-one.

The fierce battle started again.

Lampard has a huge secret hidden in his body. His strength is growing fast. He is a metamorphosis. He is the most important of the Golden Saints. At this time, he is already a big Japanese-level powerhouse in the Rising Sun class. At the beginning, Sun Fei obtained the soldiers from the last ancestral land of the dwarf family. After many years of erosion, the order retreated to the eighth order.

However, during this time, Lampard was warm and warm by his own source. At this time, he re-advanced to the ranks of the Asian gods, and the one-man sword was combined, which is comparable to the semi-god-level powerhouse.

Hasselbaink is an old-fashioned strongman. In addition, he has received the teaching of Sun Fei [The Necromancer Mode]. His strength has long been the peak of the great-day sage, and he is a half-step and half-powerful.

The two men joined Pedro and quickly gained the upper hand.

"Hey, little guy, you seem to be okay, haha, today Grandpa hangs you and makes Barcelona people suffer for three days!" Hasselbaink and Sun Fei have been together for a long time, inevitably contaminated with the King. The bad taste, deliberately distracting the opponent's attention.

"Hey, do you really think you can win more? You are too small to see the essence of a nine-level empire."

Pedro couldn't bear it. In the end, he made a decision. He suddenly snorted and flashed out of the battlefield. When he looked up, he swallowed a bottle and didn't know what potion. The next moment, the strange change appeared, and his anger suddenly soared. The red flame of the sky is also like being dyed by ink. It suddenly becomes a horrible thick black ink, and the breath is soaring and horrible.

He doubled out and the sky was collapsed. "I rely on, despise, and actually take medicine!" Hasselbaink quickly backed away.

In a twinkling of an eye, Hasselbaink and Lampard were actually suppressed.

"Mom, I didn't expect this kid to hide his wife, and the old man's card should be taken out..."

Hasselbaink knew that he could no longer delay, and his hands were gripped in the void, pulling out a huge exaggerated death weapon with a slashing sword. The backhand stroked and stabbed, immediately like a tear. Thin paper generally opens a long crack in the dark ink of the void.

Is it another Asian soldier?

This meeting is the turn of Pedro.

The strength of Hasselbaink was already terrible. At this time, another Asian soldier was brought out, and the two men joined together to make the high school student of the Royal Military Academy of La Masia immediately understand that today’s battle, I am afraid that it will be more or less defeated and then delayed, but it will be dangerous.

He made a quick decision and regretted Frank Lampard's sword of lightning. His body slammed backwards, and he took out a magic scroll from his arms and swayed in the wind.

A cyan column of light sealed in it was suddenly shot.

At this moment, even the Tiandou was shocked. The light-blue light column was shot at Lampard. The latter only had time to go to the front of the Asian gods, only to feel a huge earthquake, and the blood was flying. Go out.

Among the magic scrolls, it is a seal that does not belong to human power.

Pedro hit the ball and hit Lampard. He didn't dare to fight back. This was his last resort. He immediately got out of the battlefield.

Who knows that at this moment, a sharp knife around him broke through.

When he noticed, the knife light was already on the back, and it was almost at the extreme. It was difficult to reflect. There was only a slight sideways in the rush, only a half back was cold, and a blue jade was broken. Also dodge to a distance of kilometers.

"I want to run? It’s too late, let’s stay with Laozi."

Hasselbaink laughed, and the death sickle in his hand made an unpredictable mysterious trajectory. One hit, like the bones of the bones, the knife light formed a dense net, and suddenly disappeared. Greeting around Pedro around.

The undead magician is also very puzzled.

Just a move has clearly been successful, but did not put this Barcelona strong waist, opponents, seems to hide some magical props that can block the kill.

At this point, Pedro was completely passive.

The coolness of the back has been completely transformed into severe pain. He knows that he has been seriously injured and must be treated quickly, but under the pressure of his opponent, he can not recover his energy.

For ten minutes, a large sweat of a soy bean could not help but smash out from Pedro's forehead.

The Southern Expedition has been in the North for decades. This is the first time Pedro has encountered such a dangerous situation. The cold tentacles of Death have already caught his throat.

"Ah, ah, damn, how can this be? What should I do? There has been a desperate look.

Who knows, just in the next moment, happiness suddenly comes.

The opponent's pervasive savage knife suddenly disappeared inexplicably, and the knife-light net appeared extremely obvious flaws.

"Opportunity!" Pedro's eyes are on the verge of death.

At this time, he has no time to think about whether this is the flaw or other thing that the opponent deliberately reveals. He tries his best to move forward and burn his own power. The whole person turns into an unreachable fire, a flash, already Into the void disappeared without a trace.

Under the threat of death, the proud general of the Barcelona empire eventually threw down the four or five thousand Barcelona soldiers below, and also abandoned the glory and dignity of being a military lord, and fled alone.

"Mom, it seems that the magician is a bone, and playing a melee is a must!"

Undead Magister Hasselbainke shook his head in disappointment.

This set of death sickle knife method is from the dark konjac Basseterk where it is squeezed, very fierce, is suitable for this huge incomparable death sickle, but unfortunately he is a magician after all, the strength of close combat is too More, a set of sickle knife method evolved to the end, the physical strength has been difficult to support, and there must be a trace of flaws.

For a supreme person like Pedro, even a fleeting flaw is enough for him to escape 10,000 times.

"Unfortunately, I can't show my undead magic, or I will kill the grandson." The Undead Magister shook his head helplessly.

Although the Holy See has encountered provocations, the notice of the mainland faith is not as strong as it used to be, but the undead magic is still a taboo topic for the mainland people. He can’t show his true strength, otherwise it will not be It’s been a long time with Pedro’s back, and he’s still teaming up with Lampard.

"I don't know how Frank is this guy?" Thinking of Lampard, Hasselbaink thought of the red-haired middle-aged guy who was shot by the power of the scroll, and his heart was tight, he would turn and look at it. .

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Just then, a dull voice suddenly came from the undead wizard.

"Scratch, can you suddenly appear by my side without being silent, scared to death!" The undead magician shrugged and then swooped down like a bomb, laughing happily: "Since the main players are Escape, then kill the ring today and let the Barcelona taste the taste of tears, hahaha!"

Hasselbaink turned into a stream of light, flying against the ground. Wherever he passed, a Barcelona soldier burst into the air like a firecracker. Even the screams were too late to die, and he died completely.

The massacre of a big Japanese-level peak powerman who is fully committed is not something that these ordinary soldiers can resist.

Even if there are some vindictive players in the Barcelona army, they can't hold on to the hands of the Undead Magister.

Lampard looked at the horrible situation below, hesitated, did not stop the behavior of the undead wizard.

According to the tradition in the history of Azeroth's continental war, the original self-powered people should not kill ordinary soldiers in this way. However, since the invasion of Zenit, the Barcelona people have pursued a genocidal policy in southern Xinjiang. Nite civilians, even the old man and the three-year-old child are not let go, burning and robbing, is simply a group of devils in the human skin, no evil, for this opponent who has broken the basic rules of war, is not worthy of sympathy .

In fact, this is one of the reasons why the Undead Magisters killed the massacre.

Without the power of the strong, the fate of this Barcelona army is already doomed.

Therefore, the two emperors Domingos and the old Aryang did not command the Zenit army to counterattack, but still retreat in an orderly manner.

The battle, which lasted for less than thirty minutes, completely collapsed and retreated, like the sand that was washed away by the flood, and soon disappeared into the vast plains, like a fish that slipped through the net. Can not be all day long, the wind is screaming, and the escape of life.

This is the first such large-scale defeat in Barcelona after the invasion of Zenit.

Some soldiers and officers who could not accept that they had lost to a small first-class empire only felt that the beliefs in their hearts had collapsed and committed suicide. For these militarists, failure was unacceptable, and it was lost. Your own glory and pride as an Imperial soldier.

It was only after the squadrons escaped from the battlefield and ran away for nearly 500 kilometers, only to meet the support of the follow-up Barcelona army.

"Oh, it’s really a laugh. Pedro doesn't claim to be the blood of the Catalan royal family. It has a sense of superiority. It doesn't always look down on us outsiders? Now?"

The Barcelona commander who led the reinforcements sneered.

"I heard that Pedro has already lost his life..." someone said.

"Hey, the Lord will escape. Why did the sergeant not fight to defend the glory of the Empire? It is unforgivable to escape. It is a man who will retreat and kill me all!" The commander looked sullen, pupil Deep, with the dawn of the devil.

He seems to be not afraid of Pedro's prestige, murderous, to kill his own defeated soldiers.

"Alice adults, is this too..." Someone tried to persuade.

"My order, never repeat the second time." Alves's tone of ice, smashing in the light.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

No one dares to stop.

The history of later generations is recorded as follows -

On the same day, Barcelona’s [Pear of the Sea Pose] Legion and the [Decision Hand] Legion were unbelievably defeated by the Zenit South Xinjiang Army in the confrontation of the same military power. Commander Pedro was seriously injured and was not known. Alves, the head of the military army that Luo and others did not, took the opportunity to restore the glory of the imperial empire, killing and retreating nearly 10,000, blood and red land, and the bodies piled up like mountains.

However, the pace of the invasion of Barcelona has not slowed down, and the endless army that has been incessant has landed from Byzantine Harbour and embarked on the territory of Zenit with more than 500,000 troops.

At the same time, the situation of the Zenit who had returned to the victory was slightly relieved. The Zenit army finally reacted to the 10th army and 300,000 troops entered the battlefield of South Xinjiang. It is worth mentioning that Yassin and The Zenit army **** Arshavin did not appear in the reinforcements sequence.

For the Zenit, a victory in a war is not enough to dispel the crisis of the empire.

More terrible wars are waiting for them.

Throughout the mainland, no one believes that this weak first-class empire can stand under the iron hoof of the angry Barcelona, ​​and for more than a month, the demise of the Zenit Empire seems to have been foreseen.



at the same time.

Distant [exile land], bad water swamp.

Sun Feizheng was immersed in the joy of the birth of the first batch of one hundred secret warriors.

"You did a good job." His Majesty took a very satisfactory shot of Hasselbaink. The latter was flattered and slammed into the ground. Sun Fei shook his head helplessly: "Go, take [1] No.] Go to [100], carry out the next plan, help me get back 20,000 silver spar before the sun rises tomorrow. How do you know it? Don’t force the soul in these spar, I I want them to return to Azeroth with my willingness."

"Understand, the great and noble master, you can rest assured!"

Although Basturk is a stockpile, it is also an absolutely capable stockpile. Soon there will be a way to bring a hundred powerful and powerful horrible beaters to the depths of the bad water swamp.

Sun Fei calculated the time: "Almost, you should return to the city of Bi Meng."

Big chapter

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