Hail the King

: 1041, the road to the gods (2)

Sun Fei was surprised to find that there is still a very subtle but unnegligible power of faith. It is actually from the Bemon orc family. It is also incomparably pure and firm, like the same blue smoke, but it is continuously imported into other In the power of faith, come to yourself.

"Among the orcs, there are still people who worship and believe in me? It seems that the dark konjac Basturk is a monk, and this time is not bad!"

This discovery is really a windfall.

Zhong Dajun said that he would let himself inherit the position of the Pope, the original Sun Fei feels unreliable, but now it seems...

After sensing the power of great faith, Sun Fei began to slowly collect and condense these invisible forces.

The next step is to condense into the field of faith with the power of faith, and to turn the field into a 'world' through the power of faith - this is a very important step, because according to the records of those ancient books, the gods Therefore, the biggest mystery is different from mortal people. It is because they control the power of the world. They are the ones that dominate the world with the power of one world. How powerful mortals are, they are only their own bodies. Therefore, they are not the opponents of the gods, and they cannot master the gods. Magical.

Transforming the field into the world is an extremely difficult process.

Just like the high-rise buildings on the ground, it needs to be step by step. The semi-god-level powers master the power of the field, which is equivalent to casting the foundation. Next, build a high-rise building on this foundation. This is the road to God. And the tools and materials needed are the power of faith.

How to integrate the power of faith into the field, then transform the field into a small world, expand step by step, and become a true independent world. In the era of the ancient gods and gods, there have been many ways of different ways, books given by Ernst. Among them, more than twenty kinds were mentioned, each with subtleties. Sun Fei thought a little and chose one of them to be slightly neutral.

The basic principle of transforming the 'domain' into the 'world' is to make a point.

The power of faith will be condensed into a little bit, and then fixed in the field. As more 'points' become more and more, the framework will eventually form, form a grid, form a basic, form principles, form rules, form basic forces, an initial A small world model with a prototype will slowly appear in front of your eyes.

After thousands of times of painstaking modifications, decoration, perfection, and advancement, the model can be turned into reality.

Of course, how to quote the power of faith in the specific process, the magic is infinite, the language is difficult to describe.

Sun Fei opened the field of banned magic in the "barbar mode", and then moved the method to start building the field.

At the beginning, the process of condensing the power of faith into the field was very smooth. Sun Fei, who has such a great belief, has a natural advantage in this respect. Within an hour, all areas have been thoroughly integrated. The power of faith.

But then, when Sun Fei wants to gather 'points', the incredible things happen – these forces of faith that are integrated into the field, suddenly disappeared without land, like a glass of water poured into In the midst of the desert, there is nothing left to disappear.

"How is this going?"

Sun Fei suddenly retired from the state of mysterious.

How could this happen?

Among those ancient books, there has never been a mention of such an abnormality in the process of coagulation and the power of faith - in those quaint ancient books, the process of attacking the true God may be encountered. There are more than a thousand variations, problems, dilemmas, and things to be aware of, but never mentioned that this would happen.

It’s just a blink of an eye, and the power of all faith in the field has completely disappeared... What is the situation?

Sun Feijing came down and thought carefully about every step before him.

"Without any mistakes, the whole process is done in strict accordance with the methods and methods mentioned in the book. There is no wrong place before... Why?"

After thinking hard for a long time, I could not find the reason. Sun Fei decided to try again.


After an hour.

"I still can't, how could this be? After the power of faith has condensed into the field, it will be inexplicably disappeared without a moment. It is really strange, as if it was secretly absorbed by something or It’s the same as taking it... Where is the problem?”

Sun Fei’s face is full of doubts.

It may be a coincidence that the same situation occurs, but if it occurs twice in a row, it is bound to have a cause.

Sun Fei can be sure that he must have problems in a certain link, or he has a certain speciality in his own body, which has led to such an abnormality that has never been seen by others for thousands of years.

"Wait, my own particularity..." Sun Fei suddenly thought of something: "Yes, my strength comes from the Diablo world. It is not like the average person who cultivates through himself. Is it because of this? The reason, so the ordinary person's path to God is not applicable to me?"

It must be for this reason!

This is my own particularity. Because of the special nature, it is impossible to apply the method of commonality.

"If this is the case, then it will be difficult..."

Sun Fei frowned, which means that all the experience of the predecessors is ineffective on his own body. If you want to be a god, you must follow your own methods. Unfortunately, if you explore it yourself, so far, he has no clues.

Temporarily stopped the power of sensing faith, Sun Fei once again withdrew from the state of mysterious and mysterious.

When I think about it, it seems that I can only start from the world of Diablo.

If you can really find the opportunity to become a demigod, then Sun Fei determined that this opportunity belongs to himself, and it must be in the world of Diablo.

Therefore, after a month, he once again entered the world of Diablo.

Although Sun Fei has achieved all the customs clearance of the seven major occupations, this world completely polluted by the power of **** seems to have not changed compared with the past. The place where Sun Fei appears is the [World Stone Hall] - killing The place where the final BOSS Barr died.

The grand and beautiful hall is empty and lonely, filled with eternal silence. Only the shining flame of the purple portal that leads to the mysterious reward world in the center of the hall adds some to the world that has no value for Sun Fei. charm.

Ghosts made the difference, Sun Fei came to the purple portal.

The world behind the portal is beautiful and quiet. It has always been a difficult mystery for Sun Fei. It seems to be a reward for the completion of customs clearance for the seven major occupations, but this award has not shown any value to Sun Fei.

After a pause, I don’t know what kind of mentality, Sun Fei entered the portal.

The feeling of short-term weightlessness and the time and space of the shuttle came, and then the eyes lit up, the green hills and the endless grassland forest appeared in the eyes of Sun Fei. Everything in this world is so beautiful and fresh, just in Sun Fei. When I was intoxicated by this beautiful scenery, suddenly, the mysterious cold voice that had disappeared for a long time sounded without warning in Sun Fei’s brain.

"Hello, young people, now we should be able to talk about it." -

Recently, it is easy to fall into the violent negative emotions. It is hard to believe that everyone has been knives for more than two years, and there are no more than ten people who know each other... I feel that I am completely out of touch with the whole world.

A daughter-in-law is also a person who does not run her own circle. Too simple, in the next four years, the people I know are limited to my colleagues, and I just nod my head.

Sometimes, I suddenly feel that I am poor and lonely. I have no friends, no relatives, no playmates, no entertainment. Even the landlord has not enough for a table. The entertainment that I can think of has only been visited over and over again. The shopping malls and cat and dog markets that are hundreds of times want to spit.

The reason why people are human is social, and I am separated from society.

I made a complaint, and the brothers forgive me a lot because I can only talk to you. I only have you.

Today, I have lost a chapter and I will try to make up tomorrow.

Goodnight everybody.

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