Hail the King

: 1120, the secret of the disappearance of the gods

"Grateful for the creation of the gods to let everything happen in the dark, the Terran has a real leader, the child, although I have only returned less than half a year, but I have heard your name countless times, still With your legendary deeds, I am honored for you!"

Sun Fei smiled humbly: "Your Majesty praises you, you are the role model for our younger generation."

Staby smiled and nodded, then turned to look at a group of silver-smelling mainland Wusheng Maradona: "Old friends, why not come and talk together, but also put a rejection Is it a gesture of thousands of miles away?"

"Haha, I really didn't think of dreaming. You have been living for 800 years, and you have come alive again, good!"

In the bold laughter, the silver flame that haunts the body has finally disappeared, revealing a chunky figure, a thick black scorpion and curly long hair, a very ordinary appearance, the cigar does not leave, sucking in one bite.

A flash of light.

Maradona came to the side of Starby and was amazed.

Maradona even reached out and touched the skin and hair of Stabbi, a very curious look.

Such a haha-like look frowns directly at Batistuta and the other Holy See's mighty, but considering Maradona's status and his seemingly shallow relationship with Staby, it is still Forbearance did not scream.

And the other strong people in the void, they have grown up one by one.

The name of Wushang in the mainland is unbeatable. It is the idol of countless warriors in the whole continent, but because Maradona has always been a dragon, the gods are not seen, and there are few ghosts. Very few people can see his true face, many people. They are all wishful to imagine Maradona's deified as a perfect and masterless figure of handsome, graceful, dazzling, white and snowy.

However, at this moment, I saw the appearance of a mainland warrior. Some people suddenly felt a broken heart of an idol.

This is clearly the image of a third-rate mercenary leader, and the mainland Wu Sheng, whom everyone admires, is really too far away.

But it is clear that the facts are in front of us, even if we don't believe it.

Fortunately, the strength of Maradona is really strong and unbelievable. Just now, the flash of light has reached the extreme. No one has seen it. What is this technique?


"Hey, you old guy, since you are alive, let's say, it is better to go to your Sicily Bright Mountain. It is said that there are many beautiful women in the choir, why do you want to make a fool of you? Will Alexander and I come to this place?"

Maradona said with a big thorn.

This sentence is said, and countless people around me feel once again that something is broken in their hearts. ,

Is this really the idol of the mainland warriors? It is clearly a wretched uncle.

However, this sentence, but asked the idea.

Sun Fei is still waiting for the answer.

Staby came to laughter and said: "If I directly invite you to the bright mountain of Sicily, will you go? After all, it is the headquarters of the Holy See. What traps do I set, which is bad for you?"

"This is also true. If you don't see your old boy live, you will not believe in the Holy See, nor will you go to the bright mountain of Sicily, haha." Maradona snorted and suddenly frowned. Asked: "No, your old boy, used to be a personal person. Today, I made such a big voice, invited me and Alexander, and attracted the top powers of almost the whole continent. I am afraid there are other things. What about it?"

Sun Fei snickered in his heart.

He simply loved this mainland Wusheng.

Maradona seems to have no good haha, but in fact, he has raised a few questions, and he has clearly and clearly put out the puzzles he and everyone wants to know.

Speaking of this topic, the look of Starbie, a little dignified, nodded and said: "Indeed, I did use a little strategy today, borrowing the influence of the two, the masters of the same family on the mainland, They are all here, just to say something."

Speaking of this, Staby came to see the magnificent [City of the Sky] floating in the distant sky, and paused, saying: "Since everyone is here, some of the past that has been dusty for more than a thousand years. And the mystery must be unveiled, and then a very important thing I want to say is also related to this."

Having said that, he said something to a holy Holy Seeker around him.

The latter turned and went into the temple of flying to get something.

"Everyone knows that more than a thousand years ago, Azeroth was at the peak of vindictiveness and magical civilization, the protoss who ruled the light, and the demon who dominated the night, the masters of the entire continent, who ruled the people and accepted worship. It is powerful to the extreme power, but it is these two powerful two races, but almost overnight, from the peak of civilization collapsed and disappeared on the mainland. About this history, the mainland has aborted each There are various kinds of legends about the disappearance of the gods and the demons. Today, I will talk about some of them."

Staby came to his face with a meditation color and said slowly.

Almost everyone has an interest in their hearts.

Indeed, regarding the speculations of the era of the gods and devils, there are countless people on the mainland who have different opinions, but it is difficult to reach a unified view.

The gods and the demons are powerful races. The magical powers are incredible. They have the power to open up the world. They are well-deserved hegemons, and they have incomparable splendid civilizations. There is no sign of decline, but at the most prosperous time, incredibly in extreme times. The gangsters disappeared.

For a thousand years, no one knows the mystery of their disappearance. It is obviously difficult to convince the two people to speculate on each other.

In the eyes of Sun Fei, there is also a hint of interest.

In fact, Sun Fei vaguely knows the reason why the two demons disappeared.

Whether it is the blood book diary of the dwarf emperor in the last ancestral land of the dwarf family found in the back of the city, or the orc family [the beast temple] Pope Zhong Dajun’s remarks point to the mysterious enemy [polluter].

I don’t know if Stabie is coming in, is it related to [polluter]?

"Many people think that the gods are tired of the war, so they have left the mainland, and some people think that the gods and the demons were simultaneously extinct in the war, or they fell into a long sleep, and there are other kinds of speculations. However, in fact, such speculations are not correct. The real reason is that they have encountered enemies that are hard to resist."


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