Hail the King

: 1124, under the universal sky, only one person

"This is the Lord of the Protoss and the Lord of the Mozu. In that mythological era, the two strongest and most powerful people on the entire continent, forced to use the blood of the gods, summon and motivate the creation of the sacramental set, they consume Exercising all the energy and flesh and blood of the body, even the body of the main god's peak level, there is only one empty shell left. In addition, summoning the creation of the sacramental set, it also consumes the existence of more than 20 Supreme Lord God levels. The blood of the sky..." Staby sighed and said: "This is why they only make such choices when they are forced into desperation. Of course, before this, the hatred of the Protoss and the Mozu let them It’s hard to abandon the cooperation between the Gogo and the mainland, and the mainland is falling too fast.

Everyone at this moment has a feeling of loss.

When looking at the pictures of the pair of men and women, thousands of pieces of debris fluttering away, Sun Fei's heart, suddenly there is an unexplained distress, as if lost relatives of relatives.

Especially the gentle woman gave Sun Fei a very strange familiar feeling.

"It turns out that the winners are really the gods and the demons!"

"It turned out that after the collapse of the gods and demons, the human civilization can continue, but it is good luck!"

"It is true that because of the battle to the end, the powerful vassal races such as elves, dwarves, and dragons have the ability to build their own small world. Even the orcs have fled the mainland. Only the people are unable to escape because of their strength, but they have just obtained The last life."

"A thousand years of rest and recuperation, the Terran gained the hegemony of the mainland."

All are incomprehensible.

After Sun Fei knew the existence of [Pollution], the heart that had been hanging all the time, finally relaxed at this moment, the body seems to have removed a heavy load, suddenly felt that the whole person has relaxed a lot.

All along, in the heart of Sun Fei, [Pollution] has always been like a nightmare that can’t be beaten, giving him endless pressure behind the buttocks, even if he became the master of the Northern Empire. After fighting against the power of the Holy See, even after defeating the Goblin and killing Platini, he did not really breathe a sigh of relief.

Now, the sword of Damocles, which has been hanging over the head, has finally disappeared completely.

The original imaginary enemy [polluter] was completely eliminated before the millennium.

The so-called annihilation of the world has finally ceased to exist.

Although there is still some confusion in the heart, Sun Fei still chose to believe in Starby.

Because these scrolls are definitely from the era of the gods and devils of the millennium, the red sigh of anger is definitely the power of the millennium. There is a power that the human race does not have. This should be the source of the power of the gods and the demons. Others can't imitate it.

Sun Fei has a feeling of losing the goal of struggle in an instant.


Everyone around, could not help but show a relaxed expression on his face.

At this time, the center of attention has returned to the opposition between the Northern Empire and the Holy See. The attitude of the Northern Territory and the Starbucks has made everyone see the hope of peace on the mainland.

Sun Fei thinks so too.

Since the threat of [polluter] is no longer there, the expansion of the Northern Empire will lose its meaning.

Sun Fei is not the kind of enthusiastic person, and the blackened Holy See has a tendency to return to the right path because of the appearance of Stabi, which also makes there is no too much conflict of values ​​between the two.

As for the relationship between the two Big Macs in the future, it will not be known.

"In fact, my main purpose today is not only to take advantage of this opportunity, but to completely solve and restore the mistakes of the Holy See in the Blatter and Platini era, and to uncover the fog of the millennium. The purpose, in fact, is to attract the most powerful people of the entire mainland to gather in Meazza by means of the prestige and influence of His Majesty and the mainland Wusheng, and to clarify the mystery of the Demon Age, especially the Protoss and the Mozu. The Lord’s words before the fall, I think, have a very profound meaning for the current situation in the mainland. I hope that war and killing can stop, hope that the Terran can cherish the right to exist in the continent of Azeroth today, we must unite In order to avoid repeating the same mistakes, after all, there are countless planes in the world. Perhaps one day in the future, a plane invader like the "polluter" will appear. We must have the power to defend the mainland."

When Starbie came here, she looked a little excited.

His face is radiant and extremely sacred.

After a pause, he continued: "I hope that the degeneration of the gods can bring us thinking. My purpose is very simple. The mainland people must be united in a power center with real authority and power, the Holy See and the Northern Empire. The so-called peace situation in which the other empires survived in the cracks is not what I expected, nor is it the best choice."

This sentence is screaming.

Everyone around them is also discolored.

The atmosphere that had been eased, because of a word, suddenly became nervous.

What does this mean from Starbie?

Is the mainland unified in the only power center?

Ending the situation in which the Holy See and the Northern Empire Chambers resisted?

Is it that Stanby is going to conquer the Northern Empire? Want the Northern Territory to surrender to yourself? Want to recapture the [Black Temple] Pope? Want to establish a single ruling that completely rules the entire continent?

This is really... great ambition.

However, some people faintly feel that with the ruins of the era of the demon era, Stabbi’s statement seems to have some correct points, and it is indeed a good choice.

However, the Northern Territory will agree to such a provocative request?

Will this young master easily give up the power of his own hands?

The eyes of everyone can't help but concentrate on Sun Fei's body.

At this time, Sun Fei was quietly watching Stabbi. While thinking about the true intention of the old man, he smiled and asked: "Since you say this, maybe your heart, the unification of the mainland and the human race. , already have a good idea?"

Starbie really nodded.

"Yes, the Holy See and the Northern Empire can be combined in a peaceful way. It is the perfect choice. It is also the situation I am looking forward to. It can be qualified, powerful, and capable of doing this. Next, there is only one person," Speaking of here, Stilby’s face showed a smile of inquiring and said: "This person is you."

"I?" Sun Fei stayed -

Second, there are more

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