"Yes, it's you." Staby gave the answer that surprised everyone.

Under the gaze of amazed eyes, he smiled: "Although I have been out of the heart of the prison, it is only half a year, but the children, I have already understood you very well, I am even more than many northern areas. The empire your admirers know more about your deeds. I know that you are a natural [child of God] attribute, with the purest golden sacred power in the world, which makes you the Pope of the [Black Temple], and according to In the doctrine of the Holy Scriptures, the Pope of any sect of the Holy See is eligible to compete for the position of the Pope of the Holy Mountain of Sicily, so you are of course qualified to become the Pope, and, from the current fact Nowadays, the [Black Temple] is full of vitality, and with the strength of your peak, I can’t think of anyone in the world who can compete with you for the Pope."

Sun Fei nodded subconsciously.

Batistuta also suddenly realized that he began to understand the meaning of the old man.

Just listen to Starbie and continue: "At the same time, you are the supreme master of the Northern Empire. Your will can determine the entire Northern Empire. If you are both the Holy See and the Northern Emperor, then The Holy See and the empire can be justified and merged into one, becoming the most powerful existence of the unity of politics and religion in the world. At that time, unifying the entire continent of Azeroth is nothing more than a matter between you."

Having said that, everyone understands the meaning of the old pope.

Actually... let xian?

Undoubtedly, he made a very terrible idea.

Once this vision has become a reality, then the historic reunification of the entire continent will be just around the corner, not just an unreachable fantasy.

The special identity of the Northern Territory makes this crazy idea, but it seems to have absolute operability.

While people were shocked by the plan, they also admired the generosity of the old pope.

In this world, not everyone can do it as easily as he gives up the right to control the Holy See. To make such a decision, it is necessary to explore the vicissitudes of the world and the temperament of a small world.

At this moment, Staby came to the old, ugly body, which looked incomparably holy and holy.

This is the most outstanding wise man in the history of the Terran.

If he is sincere in making such a choice, then the great people who will probably completely change the history of the Terran will be remembered forever.

However, is there really such a great person in the world?

Some people doubt it.

“Why not you?” Sun Fei was surprised and had a hint of temptation. He asked: “You are the old pope of the predecessor [Black Temple] and the actual controller of the Holy See, if you Such a wise man, to become a leader of the mainland people, may have a better future."

"Of course I thought about it. Many years ago, I also wanted to be the first person to control the whole continent," Staby sighed. "But you can see that fate is not good for me." In the 800-year prison of the earth, it completely changed me, let me explore the secular temptation of the world, and it will become more old. My life will be only half a year, and you, the child. You are like a rising sun, and there are endless glory and miracles. Waiting for you to create, you are the only suitable candidate."

In the words of Staby, there is an unparalleled determination.

Repeatedly and repeatedly, let everyone realize that the old pope is not in a state of guilt, but truly unselfish.

Moreover, the interpretation of one's own life has completely dispelled the last suspicion of those psychologically conspiring conspiracy theorists.

An old man who is going to be a wooden man, there is no need to compete for power that cannot be grasped at all.

At this moment, Sun Fei finally chose to completely believe the old man in front of him.

I also fully understand the real reason why he wants to carry out the gathering that attracted the attention of the whole continent today.

The reason why Stabie came to the scene so much, it took so much time to tell the story of the era of the gods and devils, and took out the samples of the scrolls and the polluters. In fact, all these pains are to promote The ultimate unity of the human race.

Only the **** facts can make those stakeholders feel touched.

In order to make the mainland unification possible in the real sense.

Everything that happens here today will spread to every corner of the mainland with the help of countless powerful people around.

Perhaps, the glory of the Terran, a new era, really want to come because of the gathering of the three giants today?

Even the martial arts of the martyrdom of Maradona, who has been laughing and joking, can not help but reveal the meaning of looking forward to the sorrow.

"I still have half a year. Before I die, I can lay everything for you, do everything, clean up the remaining parties of Blatter and Platini, and rectify the entire Holy See, children. I hope that you will be in this half year. In time, I can do everything well. Although the plan is good, but there are all kinds of resistances in implementation, I hope that in my lifetime, I can see you stepping on the five-color ladder and embarking on the Pope of the Holy Mountain. throne."

The Stabbi language has a long heart.

Sun Fei thought a little, did not do formly humility, but nodded seriously.

Although not greedy for power, if the confrontation between the Holy See and the Northern Empire can be disintegrated, the lion’s thousand-year-old court of the whole continent can re-enter the road of light, and Sun Fei will not show it. Your own generosity.


Meazza, the three giants who were shocked by the world, met and ended up with an ending that no one had thought of.

The final result of this meeting was quickly spread throughout the Azeroth continent. The combination of the two holy behemoths, the Holy See and the Northern Empire, made several happy families.

For the veteran pro-Platini, such as Barcelona and Juventus, the imperial aristocracy and the rulers of the Blatter camp, this is a nightmare. They have already formed a deep hatred with the Northern Empire. Once you lose the patron of the Holy See, you can imagine what kind of fate will be waiting for them.

In addition, there are many independent empire, beginning to worry about their independence.

If the northern kings want to unify the mainland, they must ban all the empire, and they will become the target of the knife. It is inevitable.

Of course, those aristocrats, strongmen and some families who chose to follow the Northland emperor very early, this time became extremely excited. The higher the power of Sun Fei, the more stable their status.

For a time, the submerged stream on the mainland was surging.

Maradona and Staby came to the headquarters of the Holy See in Sicily to deal with the complicated things.

Sun Fei returned to the northern domain.

Throughout the continent, the war has completely disappeared in a short period of time -


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