Hail the King

: 1128, cause and effect

"I? An ordinary person who just returned home." Sun Fei smiled.

I didn’t speak Mandarin for a long time, and suddenly I said that there are still some oysters, just like the city in front of me, which has been completely alienated.

He identified the few people in front of him, all Chinese.

For the first time, this man wearing a military green tactical vest is strong and strong. It should be a well-trained soldier or a policeman. Others have good physical fitness. One of them is wearing hot shorts, a small vest, and ivory skin. Beauty, it looks like a bodybuilder and the like.

These few people are stronger than ordinary people, get together, and have got a few conventional weapons and police supplies, but they have a little bit of fighting power, no wonder they can survive.

"You...you are really human? Chinese?" Super hot shorts with vigilance and curiosity, tempted to ask: "You...will not be the gods sent by God?"

Sun Fei smiled and said: "Maybe, don't be so nervous, I am really just an ordinary person. I don't remember some of the things before. What happened here, who can tell me about it."

Although I was very curious about the origins of Sun Fei, perhaps it was the spirit of Sun Fei’s performance, and the appearance of human beings, which finally won the trust of this group. They took fear and worship and sat next to Sun Fei. The hot beauty, called the simple figure, began to introduce what is happening on the earth.


The disaster, the coming is too sudden.

About half a month ago, the astronomical monitoring agencies of various countries in the world were surprised to find that the energy pop in the solar system suddenly became unstable, and the activities of sunspots, flares, and solar winds became extremely intense.

After twelve hours, even the space structure became unstable.

After a day, the disaster happened.

In the sky, suddenly there is a huge space transmission channel that is difficult to explain with science. It seems to be a sea curtain hanging upside down in the sky. It is like a legendary time-space wormhole. I don't know where China Unicom is.

All countries have sent out detectors, unmanned planes and even people who are flying planes, and they are deeply impulsive to explore the truth.

However, all efforts have failed.

Eighteen hours later, a huge black giant ball emerged from the passage, violently rubbed in the air, bursting out of the flame, falling like a meteor on the ground, and smashing out of the bottom. Giant pit.

Then, the worms in the tide began to emerge from the craters and hit the major human cities of the earth.

The end of the sci-fi movie has arrived.

If you don't have time to prevent humans, you will lose a lot when you touch.

A large number of cities were instantly invaded, unarmed civilians were slaughtered, a large number of people died, cities fell, disasters spread like plagues, and infinite panic caused human society to collapse instantly.

The number of worms has increased rapidly, and all life will be destroyed when they pass...

The system and order of the human civilization have completely collapsed.

Although the army began to fight with the worms, it was unable to destroy it, but it was defeated step by step.

Conventional weapons can't work with these hard-shelled bugs, and once they hide in underground nests, weapons of mass destruction—in addition to ground-drilling tactical missiles—can't effectively kill bugs.

Human beings are instantly caught in life and death.



"Is this really okay? In case the bugs find us..." Wang Jianhe and his companions followed behind Sun Fei and walked toward the bottom of the building.

They are lucky.

In the outbreak of urban disasters, some common equipments of the police station were obtained, and there was no large-scale insect population. It survived for three days at the top of the building and was never found by insects.

But now, the food and water in the reserve have been used up. When Sun Fei suggested that they go with them, they eventually overcome the fear in their hearts and followed Sun Fei.

Seeing Sun Fei as a tourist vacation, walking on the floor of the building, there is no slightest defense. Wang Jian and others are still shocked and stunned, for fear of creating a sound, attracting insects lurking in the shadows.

"Reassured." Sun Fei walked in the front and waved his hand.

Since coming to the earth, Zhong Dajun’s call has completely disappeared. Perhaps because of the existence of insects, there are countless strange energy fluctuations over the earth. The space and energy laws here are gradually changing. Sun Fei’s spiritual power At this time, although it is already possible to scan most of the earth, it is impossible to accurately find where Zhong Dajun is.

For the sake of the present, I can only find it slowly.

Of course, survivors in these cities cannot be ignored.

Sun Fei decided to take them out of the city and look for those city bases that have not yet been compromised to arrange them.

Throughout Beijing, naturally, there are not only a few survivors of Wang Jian, but Sun Fei wants to bring them all together and bring them out.

Sun Fei was not too anxious, thinking about some puzzles that bothered him, and slowly went downstairs with these people.


On the front stairs, a series of sharp screams suddenly came, and then the ground vibrated. A worm that was more than two meters high, the lightning flashed out, the sharp leg spurs, and the pears on the concrete floor opened a dozen centimeters. Deep impressions.

"Ah, lifesaving, bugs!"

"be careful!"

The survivors screamed frantically.

But in the next second, everything screamed and stopped.

Because they saw it incredibly, they could tear an elephant's bug in an instant. When the singer Sun Fei gently reached out and grabbed it, he grabbed it in his hand, as if he was floating in the air without weight, and could not move. Even the worm's red eyes filled with killings have a rare look of fear.

Sun Fei reached out and gently touched the body of the bug.

"Strong skeletal organization, developed nervous system, mental fluctuations with intelligent life, about the level of thinking of children aged three or four years old, en? seems to be part of the mental power that is removed from fear, strength, quite The level of a two-star warrior in Azeroth..."

Sun Fei said, as he reached out, he broke the long bone thorn at the tip of the long leg of the worm and observed it for a while.

At this time, the vibrating sound of the insect running came from the next door.

Sun Fei raised his hand and a Umman flashed away.

The bone spurs turned into a hidden weapon, flew out, penetrated a layer of cement wall behind the inside of the 20th, and directly shot the three or four worms that were rushing over 50 meters away.

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