Hail the King

: 1140, what Sun Fei is looking for

Only Wang Jian, succinct, and Liu Yun’s old generals, not strange, have become accustomed to the performance of Sun Fei’s shocking customs.

Soon, everyone saw the terrain below.

Jinguang carried all the people, such as flat, the quality of the special forces was very strong, and soon adapted to this suspended life, moved out some high-tech military equipment, contacted military satellites in the sky to determine the region.

"Below is Las Vegas, the largest base city in the United States." Liu Yun veteran said: "The Las Vegas is surrounded by deserts, the number of insects is relatively small, and the US government uses the shortest time. Here, there are fortifications and a large number of underground military bases. After the fall of New York and Washington, this is the last line of defense of the US government and the only city with supernatural capabilities."

Las Vegas is the goal of Sun Fei this time.

Before the mental power scan, Sun Fei was here and found everything that was extremely interesting.

It can be seen that there are fewer bugs here than in other parts of the United States.

More importantly, in the sky above and around the city, there is a very strange energy, definitely not a certain kind of technological energy wave of the world, it is more like the magic of Azeroth continent or the energy of vindictiveness. But a little bit different.

"Send a new number to the US government, contact us, we will continue later."

Liu Yun told the entourage around him that military technicians began to get busy, took out some strange signal instruments, and began to emit radio waves.

After a while, I got a response.

"They doubt our identity and ask us to land outside the city..." a correspondent-like officer.

"Outside the city? This group of arrogant guys..." Liu Yun's old general patted his hand and looked at Sun Fei.

In fact, the Americans demanded to land outside the city. It is not too much. After all, the insects have blocked the ocean and land. Even the flying insects have evolved. The Chinese army has to be located far away from each other. It is theoretically not possible. OK, it is normal to have doubts. Obviously, American investigative methods cannot detect that people have already appeared in the city. They may think that the Chinese are lucky enough to come here through some flying tools. Of course, they may be bugs. The trick.

The reason why Liu Yun said this is that he is worried about the anger of Sun Fei.

Who knows that Sun Fei just nodded slightly and said: "Outside the city, just outside the city."

The voice has not fallen.

Everyone has a flower in front of them, and they have already landed on the ground.

Sun Fei is very interested in some of the things he found, and Zhong Dajun is likely to be missing in the United States. Maybe he needs the help of Americans. Sun Fei still tends to solve problems peacefully without having to use force.

General Liu Yun’s general is even more familiar with Sun Feigao.

According to the information already known, this young man is an unprecedented noble emperor in the world of eccentric faces, who ruled thousands of times the fields and people of the earth, and has the power of the gods, and countless legends among the superhumans. The warrior, such a noble existence, has such a patience and kindness, is not cruel, and has a special feeling for the earth.

For Earth humans, this is obviously good news. Otherwise, once the ectopic plane invades, it is definitely more horrible than the worms.

In front of us, it is the largest base city in the United States, Las Vegas.

It can be seen that the temporary construction of the cement wall of more than 50 meters, the entire city is surrounded, there is no such thing as the ancient city wall, but rather the existence of a lift, or even Combat tanks and armored vehicles are transported through this kind of thing, and the bugs will not use the elevator anyway.

Of course, the most important thing is the energy shield that can't be seen by ordinary people around the city. It can defend against all enemy attacks in the air. The worms rush to the side, as if they hit an invisible layer. Like the steel plate, it is impossible to break through.

There are countless bugs around.

But Sun Fei did not open the killing.

He just released a series of strange spiritual fluctuations, and then the worms automatically avoided this group of people.

This is the mental power fluctuation spectrum of some insect commanders copied by Sun Fei in the underground caves in Beijing. A small part of the deciphering is now only an experiment and finally worked.

Soon, the military finally got in touch with the Americans.

The powerful firepower tore the surrounding insects, a giant elevator was released from the city wall, and Sun Fei and Liu Yun were carried up. The Americans were alert to these uninvited guests. They could not understand what the Chinese were. The means to come here is basically impossible in theory.

When the elevator door opened, everyone faced an elite American soldier of at least 500 people, fully armed, like the SEAL fighters that Sun Fei had seen on TV before. It’s a name but it’s definitely a cow. The weapon that is forced, the muzzle of the black hole, is aimed at everyone.

"Sorry, guys, you have to be checked." A muscle that is abnormal and looks like a commander's pot. The middle-aged American soldier said: "Now, let go of your equipment and put all your weapons on the ground."

Liu Yun and others looked at Sun Fei.

Sun Fei nodded slightly.

All the people put down all the weapons.

This scene is in the eyes of the Americans, but it is extremely strange. They inexplicably see that the Chinese people looked at a transparent air, as if they were asking for an invisible person, then Only made a decision.

The middle-aged American soldiers were puzzled and asked a few words in a loud voice. They said that they had raised their guns and slammed them in the direction of the Chinese.


The bullet penetrated and hit the ground in the distance.

There are no abnormalities.

But in the eyes of the Chinese, it is obviously another look - the bullet hits Sun Fei clearly, but it seems to hit a group of ghosts, through the past, and landed on the ground.

Sure enough, it is a means of immortality and cannot be speculated.

The American technicians checked the equipment of the Chinese soldiers and carefully checked the identity of the Chinese personnel. Everything was normal, especially the general Liu Yun, a representative of the Chinese military. The US military is also familiar with this performance. It is also polite.

After some inspections, I didn't find anything wrong.

However, these equipments were still not allowed to be retrieved, but were concentrated on an armored vehicle, while Liu Yun and others went on another armored vehicle, under the strict encirclement of more than 500 soldiers. Walk in the center of the city of Vegas.

Sun Fei has been in an invisible state and has not appeared.

He spoke and smiled, and everyone on the Chinese side could hear it, but the Americans could never find it.

The general Liu Yun received the instructions of Sun Fei, and he always tried to cooperate with the various inspections of the Americans. To be honest, he was very curious, what Sun Fei wanted to get here?

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