Hail the King

: 1171 endless killing

Like a group of crazy locusts, the worms pass through the universe and all the planets along the way will be looted.

It has evolved to the present day, even the most common insects can survive under vacuum.

The dense body image is a complex of stars in the universe like the sea of ​​smoke. When they pass through, the number of sun-covered days covers almost a large number of galaxies. The lower-level zerg parasitizes on some huge asteroids. The huge, incomparably large Zerg drives the planet and moves forward in space.

It's like a huge galaxy moving around.

Their way forward is almost exactly the same as the legendary super fleet. Every once in a while, the high worms will work together to open countless huge wormholes for time-space transfer.

Along the way, they also encountered some life planets and encountered resistance.

Unfortunately, in the face of this brutal looters, all resistance is pale and powerless.

One by one planet fell, and countless lives were slaughtered. The Zerg gradually recovered energy during these cruel and cruel looting. Their power became stronger and stronger, and the variety became more and more fast. The sooner you come.

As the highest controller of the Zerg, the top of the pyramid, the [mother] is mysterious and powerful, in the middle of the Zerg array.

As their destinations get closer and closer, the fluctuations in mental power that surge in the universe begin to become frequent and exciting, and even the mysterious [mother], also emits a burst of excitement, as in the universe. A hurricane was rolled up.


Sun Fei and Maradona's figure appeared in the universe.

All sides are endless voids, distant stars sparkle with starlight, making everything look beautiful and mysterious.

"Is it here?" Maradona looked at the surrounding stars and looked back. He calculated for a while and said: "From the battlefield of the stars, there are millions of miles away. If your coordinates are wrong, then we The preparations are all in vain."

"According to the memory of the sea called Dikanio, it is definitely right here." Sun Fei nodded and suddenly seemed to be aware of something, smiling: "Hey, prepare, the guests are coming."

The voice has not fallen.


A series of slight spatial shocks appeared.

In the darkness of the stars, almost tens of thousands of light spots appeared at the same time, as if tens of thousands of raindrops suddenly hit the calm water at the same time, the ripples suddenly swayed, and an invisible force tore the fine black The space, the disordered space elements are ejected like an erupting well, and then suddenly expand.


The wormhole appeared, and the army of [Polliters] came.

Rao is Sun Fei and Maradona are the lords of the imaginary side, and at this moment, they are a little nervous.

The appearance of [polluter] means that the war has come.

Sure enough, when the disorganized space element slowly calms down and the space frame of the wormhole becomes stable, one of the wormhole exits with hundreds of kilometers of light flashes, a stream of light Point, got out of it.

That is a lower zerg.

It is like a wind blowing sand, and black pressure gives a suffocating feeling.

Through the wormhole, the number of worms is increasing. In the blink of an eye, tens of millions only appear in this star field.

Sun Fei and Maradona stand in the void, in isolation from all breath, and the worms cannot detect it.

"Do you do it?" Maradona looked serious.

Sun Fei shook his head: "Wait again, these low-level polluters, even if you kill more, you can't shake their roots, and they won't hurt them."

Time passed slowly.

There are more and more insects in this star field.

The low-level zerg is attached to some small meteorites, asteroids, and even some giant zerg bodies. Together with these small celestial bodies, they appear slowly from the wormholes. They are extremely vigilant and begin to gather regularly in each wormhole. Around, then spread out to the surrounding radiation.

It is a pity that the strength is really too different to discover the existence of Sun Fei and Maradona.

About an hour or so passed, the entire star field was almost the existence of the Zerg.

The lowest level of these guys are also above the star warriors. The innate physiological structure makes them survive in a vacuum. Some of them have giant horses that are several kilometers long and have a great level of success.

As time goes by, more and more high-ranking zergs appear.

"The time is almost up, clean up a batch first." Sun Fei nodded and began to act.

Maradona’s face was full of excitement: “Haha, just wait for this sentence, kill, start.”

The voice has not fallen.

The two turned into streamers and slammed into the endless Zerg ethnic group.

A terrible power frenzy that blooms in an instant.

Until the edge of the hundreds of thousands of worms, under the fluctuation of the power of the two people, the worms instantly became the powder, and the worms perceive the existence of the enemy. At one time, various ultrasonic screams and intense mental power spectrum began to flood the whole. Starry sky.

The Zerg launched a counterattack in the first place.

The Zerg group, the closest to the two, madly launched a charge and surrounded it.

"Haha, kill separately, the fastest time, solve these guys."

"it is good."

The two killed the machine and shot, no longer hiding their own strength, and turned into a streamer to kill, this is simply a one-sided slaughter, powerful power fluctuations like the boundless turbulent roar, the lower level Zerg is not an attack, just approached Within two kilometers of the two, they were smashed by the power fluctuations and became sand.

The flame of Maradona is getting brighter and brighter. He is like a moving sun. Wherever he goes, the crazy nest becomes a fly ash.

Sun Fei also bloomed his own strength. As soon as a boxing out, the huge boxing flame instantly hit a vacuum zone with a diameter of several kilometers and hundreds of kilometers in the boundless insect tide. Millions of bugs instantly Will be minced into a powder.

The worms that appear in this star field, the strongest ones are only the semi-god-level behemoths. They are not enough to look at the two strong players. In the face of the horrible boxing flame, there is no difference between the lowest level insects and the moment. Will be spiked.

“Hey!” Sun Fei shouted, and thousands of kilometers of worms around him were shattered into a group of green blood.

"Ha ha ha, enjoyable, I like this kind of slaughter!" Maradona's body shape turned into a sly stream, constantly moving back and forth among the swarms, and instantly cleared up tens of thousands of kilometers of space.

The Zerg was completely beaten.

They did not expect to be attacked like this here.

Hundreds of millions of worms were annihilated in less than ten minutes.

The attack here has obviously been transmitted to the world behind the wormhole through some means. The zerg is madly stimulated, the transmission speed in the wormhole is suddenly accelerated, and the zerg strength is getting higher and higher, and the shape is getting more and more. Strange, the volume is getting bigger and bigger, and it is constantly coming from tens of thousands of wormholes.

"Haha, it’s like licking a horse's nest." Sun Fei laughed.

In the next moment, the figure swayed, and thousands of avatars emerged from the body, turning into a stream of light, killing each impulse exit.

At the same time, his body was even more punched, with the flame of the horrible law, breaking the void and directly exploding an impulse.

Rumble! !

The terrible explosion of space caused the entire space to vibrate violently, almost triggering a chain reaction of all wormholes.

A huge worm-like zerg with a tens of thousands of meters in shape, at least six days in the true gods, just popped out half of the body, but because the wormhole explosion annihilated, the latter half of the body was completely shattered, with The wormhole disappeared together, and it screamed fiercely. Even if the strong body was seriously injured to this extent, it would not die for a while, and the ultrasound spread, and hundreds of thousands of worms around it were instantly shredded.

In the heart of Sun Fei's heart, he issued a golden two-color order chain sword, and detained the giant worm in the realm of real gods, and he got a pure energy light group.

“The higher zerg is really an energy source that can be absorbed, great!”

This discovery makes Sun Fei very excited. As long as he kills the advanced Zerg, he can continuously obtain pure energy to increase the degree of integration between himself and the world of the gods. Once thoroughly integrated, the strength will increase greatly, and the Zerg will be more sure. It is.

Time passed quickly.

The massacre in the entire star field is still going on endlessly.

The stray limbs, corpses and blood float in the dark space.

In the past four hours, Sun Fei and Maradona have killed at least more than 40 billion large and small worms. The bodies of a large number of high-grade zergs float like dark hills in the dark void. I don’t know how to float. Going there, the entire star field is polluted...

However, the worms continue to emerge from the wormhole.

One wormhole was blown up by two people.

But more wormholes, but they are constantly appearing in the stars.

Even if they occupy the absolute advantage of slaughter, Sun Fei and Maradona are also secretly surprised. This kind of killing, dead worms is equivalent to the total population of a super empire, but obviously only the entire zerg Part of it, not even the most high-end part, really has a feeling of killing.

Anyway, drag them here for a day.

How much can you kill?

Both of them gave their magical powers and killed them without any scruples.

Finally, the insects appearing from the wormhole are getting stronger and stronger, and the volume is getting bigger and bigger. Gradually, there is a little resistance.

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