Hail the King

: 1178, the master of the Zerg?

A terrible existence has emerged.

It’s just a breath, it’s enough to drown the heavens. Those who almost broke the stars and the scorpio, in front of such a breath, are just like the little children who just learned to walk, stumbled and flew out, like the next The dumplings fell from the sky, and the big mouth spit blood out.

All the creatures were shocked by this devastating temper, and they began to shudder.

A shadow slowly descended from the worming wormhole, and instantly attracted all the attention of this star field.

Then... what is it?

Did the Zerg ruler appear?

Has the destroyer of the world appeared?

This kind of breath is really a terrible wife.

Everyone feels suffocated.

All eyes are on this shadow.

The horrible atmosphere of Wang Yang is exactly from this shadow.

But on the mainland of the Star Battlefield, everyone in the Azeroth Continental Coalition was almost in an instant, completely slumbered, like a thunder, and the eyes were incredible.

Because that figure...



Humanity? ? ? ! ! !

It is not tall and not embarrassing.

What makes everyone sluggish is that it has a human appearance.

The height is about one meter seven, the body line is extremely beautiful, the slightest flaw can not be picked, the green is like a waterfall, and the long hair is combed into a very delicate and beautiful twist, gently floating behind the head, the white is like the world. The most perfect jade general skin, sturdy body, exquisite face, soft and pitiful temperament, a light red body armor, like the most beautiful fairy in the world.

Countless Zerg, this moment stopped squatting, as if the courtiers saw the king and worshipped at the feet of this woman.

A zerg of the main **** level, a hundred meters tall body trembled at her feet.

The woman stood above the head of the giant worm and glanced through the stars in a cold eyes.

There is no power in this gaze, and there is no amazing dawn, but it contains a kind of icy cold that will instantly be frozen. This kind of gaze is not seen when you see the Zerg and Azeroth Continental coalition forces. The difference is that there is no meaning for oneself and the enemy.

This is the gaze of the conqueror.

At this moment, the coalition forces on the mainland of the Star Battlefield were stunned.

There is no doubt that this guy is the noble existence of the Zerg, and may even be the ruler's level, but why is there a human appearance, and it is still a woman... What secrets are hidden behind this?

"Low... creature... a bunch of nasty ants..."

The woman's lips with long green hair moved slightly.

A string of old and mysterious notes that sounded clearly in the ears of everyone.

This language turned out to be the language of the gods and aristocrats in the era of the ancient gods.

Among the Azeroth mainland coalition forces, there are many famous and strong people who have studied this language, so the first time, they understand the meaning.

And as the woman's voice fell, a tangible green wave suddenly spread from her body.

At that time, the dark universe of the universe was like being thrown into the mirror-sliding lake of a boulder. It suddenly smashed a layer of ripples, as if the entire space had been softened by the shock, and it was shaking.

This ripple flashed from the body of thousands of bugs, without the slightest vision.



A scream of screams screamed.

The dynasty of the former generation of the empire of Barcelona, ​​Guardiola, was swept by this ripple, and the body instantly burst like a broken porcelain. A glimpse of the divine essence flows from the cracks in the body and floats toward the woman with long green hair. go with.

The green long-haired woman is like eating, taking a deep breath, inhaling all the divine and life essence into her mouth. It looks like an intoxicating look, as if it is the most delicious food in the world, and it seems to be a poison. The addiction has been deeply addicted. Jun. The son finally sucked the ice.

In a twinkling of an eye, a human-powered person of the king-level ranks into a million grains of sand, which has eternally disappeared into the world.

"Get rid of the ripples..."

The final warning sound of Guardiola is still floating in the ears of everyone.

At the same time, the same screams sounded in the ears of everyone.

Some of the strongest of the coalition forces who were still floating in the air couldn't help but be swept away by the ripples. They followed the footsteps of Guardiola. The body was like a fine porcelain, and the essence of life and divine nature flowed out a little bit. .

"Not good, just avoiding..."

"Don't be filled with the **** ripples..."

"What is going on... What power is this?"

"Damn, I can't control myself. That ripple has a strange suction..."

"Away from her!"

All the strongest people are flustered, and they have turned into streamers, trying to avoid the ripples of this life.

It is a pity that the ripples are scattered throughout the universe and cover most of the stars. It seems to be slow. In fact, it is almost at the extreme. The moment of lightning and light, at a strange rhythm, skips almost everyone, a terrible disaster. , descended on the body of each of the gods above the level of the gods.

In the roar of anger, a huge five-clawed golden dragon turned into dust.

On the other side, struggling, like a meteor rushing to the strange green long-haired woman, wanting to blew her Liverpool's great powerhouse Houllier, still close to the woman's body within 10,000 meters, burned out All the power, life and soul have turned into stardust and disappeared into the world...

Some of the lower-ranking coalition forces are directly imprisoned in the void, feeling the continuation of their own life and the essence of divine power...

"Everyone, everyone is back..."

An angry scream came from the battlefield of the stars, and then a strange force spread from the mainland, turned into a layer of silver ripples, and hit the green ripples.

It is the mainland Wusheng Maradona.

At the most dangerous juncture, the strongest of the coalition forces who returned to the Stars battlefield after Sun Fei’s army finally woke up from a deep sleep. He released his most powerful power ripple, and the power of the law was The universe is filled with air, centered on the battlefield of stars, and it is filled out and begins to fight against the murder of green long-haired women.

Where the silver ripples passed, it finally stopped the body of the coalition's strongest people from cracking.

The two distinct ripples contain the power of completely different laws. They are the most direct contest between the forces of destruction and construction. The lover of ignorance is generally entangled in the void and kills each other. This is invisible. The battle of blood, as soon as the aftermath of the power spread, is enough to destroy the stars.

The coalition’s people finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, this situation lasted for less than ten minutes. Suddenly, Maradona spewed out a blood, and his face suddenly became pale...

Make up for yesterday.

There is still more today.

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