Hail the King

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"Stupid, the world's high and low, is born with you, in front of me, is the ant ant!" Green jade face strange insects issued a low grotesque laughter, sight across the entire star battlefield mainland , said: "Not to mention, I am sitting in the power of sweeping the world, my deployment, you can resist a group of ants, today, you are going to die!"

The eyes of all the coalition forces swept over the hundreds of powerful masters of the Lord God, and their hearts were secretly anxious.

[People] can resist the [mother].

But they can't resist the hundreds of Zerg gods, even Maradona, the strongest under the Emperor, is only the strongest of the main gods. At this time, there is only the soul. Basically lost in the power of fighting again...

In this battle, the coalition forces are still in a crisis.

Unless, [People's Emperor] can defeat the Zerg [mother] in a short period of time, and then turn to hand to deal with the Zerg Lord God, so the Azeroth Continental Army may still have a chance.

However, this seems unlikely.

Because from the two hands of the supreme existence of the confrontation process, they seem to be quite equal!

"Since you know that my name is noble, so you are the so-called "sports son", haha, Gao De was not my opponent before, but left a bureau, after the picture, to deal with me "I am so infatuated!" [Mother Huang] sneered: "So, the few saints left by Gao De are in your hands, or kill you, they are mine, and since then, I You can sweep the universe!"

Sun Fei did not speak, and his body was shining.

The next moment, [Creation Throne] appeared at his feet, [Creation Scepter] held in his hand, [Creation of the King of Heaven] covered him.

[Female Emperor] The green eyes flashed with sly and greedy eyes, and immediately laughed.

In the next moment, among his big laughter, hundreds of the main **** zergs around him turned into a stream of light and rushed toward the stars.

Sun Fei screamed, and hundreds of gold and silver two-color order chains were like a smattering of flowers.

The foremost dozens of Zerg gods could not escape, and were covered by this gold and silver two-color sword. They instantly collapsed and turned into powder, and the pure energy group floated out and fell into the body of Sun Fei.

The existence of the main **** level is unattainable for countless people, but it is spiked in an instant. It can be seen that Sun Fei’s strength has reached the point where he can’t.

But in the next moment -

Numerous green jade fires hit the gold and silver two-tone sword, blocking them all.

The shape of the [Mother Emperor] appeared in front of Sun Fei in an instant. He was surrounded by crisp and crispy flames like the most perfect ice-like jade, enchanting and beautiful, the bottom of a pair of zerg moved, with Unparalleled momentum, like the king walking in the universe, directly toward the [World's Throne] at the foot of Sun Fei.


Sun Fei laughed, [The Throne of the World] uttered a lot of light, and shrouded himself and the [mother] directly.

Within the space above the Throne of the World, Sun Fei is the first in the world, and he is the uncontrollable master. Since the [mother] is so big, Sun Fei does not mind including it, the fastest means. Solve the enemy.

In the next moment, the silver light completely enveloped the figure of the two, and everyone could no longer see the battle.

The remaining hundreds of Zerg gods, but in an instant, from the stars of the battlefield mainland, but hundreds of meters away, as long as they come down, they can kill the coalition forces on the mainland up and down.

The strength of the two sides is too great, and there is no possibility of confrontation at all.

However, at this time, the change suddenly occurred -

In the center of the stars, a layer of transparent cymbals suddenly and slowly swayed, saying that when it was late, a magnificent silver giant city emerged in the sky.

Castle in the Sky!

The city of the sky has long been hidden here.

With the hidden power of this **** city, the Zerg gods are actually able to detect.

At a crucial moment, among the temples above the mountain in the center of the city, a huge energy light column, which is indescribably described by the majestic road, instantly took away all the brilliance between the heavens and the earth, and broke all space obstacles and distances. Unbeatable, suddenly sprayed out!


The terrible energy beam is fleeting, just sweeping through the Zerg gods.

The speed of this light column is simply incredible. Even the strongest of the main gods can't detect and avoid it. After being swept by this light column, the four or fifty zerg masters turn into flying ash, and even the chance of escape is not obtained. .

The other three or forty Zerg Lord Gods were wiped by this beam of light. The huge body like a hill suddenly lost half of it and was seriously injured.

It was only this blow that almost killed a small part of the Zerg Lord’s power and achieved remarkable results.

The Zerg gods were stunned by this sudden change.

How can it be?

How can these low-lying ants have such power?

This power makes them shudder.

The next moment, on the mainland of the Star Battlefield, hundreds of extremely terrifying energies vacated and launched into the Zerg gods.

However, such an energy column is far worse than the energy column that was launched before [Sky City].

The Zerg Lord God recovered from the shock and released their own power. Hundreds of beams of light suddenly bounced out, but there were also a few unlucky ones, who were seriously injured by the previous light column and swept by these beams of light. In the middle, suddenly smashed, the soul escaped.

There was a burst of cheers on the mainland of the Star Battlefield.

This blow is very exciting.

Many coalition soldiers do not know that the original [Emperor] is still preparing to put down such a backhand. It is really unreasonable. If [the city of the sky] blasts a few light beams just like this, maybe it will be a sigh of relief. Eliminate these Zerg gods.

But in the next moment, [City of the Sky] did not immediately destroy the light column.

After a blow, the mountain in the city is as weak as it is, slowly accumulating energy. Obviously, once it is launched, it will take some preparation time to launch such a ruined beam.


Dozens of Zerg Lord Gods slid into the sky above the Sky City, and the terrible power bombarded them.

The existence of [City of the Sky] gives them an incomparable threat and must be solved first.


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