Hail the King

: 1195, lightning speed speed punch

The majestic golden flames like the boundless sea waves, expelled half of the sky, dark ink and dark fog, forming a confrontational trend.

Sun Fei is full of golden flames. He stands on the majestic Throne of the World. He is a magnificent majestic [Chuangshi Wangju], holding the creation of the scepter, just like the gods of the gods, and in him By the side, the eleven gold Saints stood on both sides, burning with flaming golden flames, and the golden battle sacs were gorgeous and noble.

In this scene, all the coalition forces on the mainland of the Star Battlefield almost burst into tears with excitement.

Sure enough, [People] has a backhand.

Sure enough, everything is under the control of [The Emperor].

Sure enough, [People] is never disappointing!

The sound of cheers that is difficult to contain, at this moment, it seems that the underground flame suddenly erupted, the magma roared from the sky, the thunder was generally resounding for nine days, and some people even jumped excitedly, always exaggerated. Mourinho clenched his fists and frantically roared in the same place, and Ancelotti, who had always been calm and sane, also frantically jumped up with the people around him.

The emergence of the eleven gold saints at this time is undoubtedly the recovery of the situation that is about to collapse, for the Terran, for the coalition, and for the Azeroth continent to bring back hope again!

In the legend, there were twelve golden holy warriors under the shrine of the shampoo. It was cultivated from the time he first started to grow up. Many of them were born in the grasshoppers. They were once unknown grassroots warriors. They are called The strongest warrior who used to be around the Champa King had also participated in the performance contest of the Zenit Empire in the past, but at that time, these warriors had not yet emerged, and they did not show the amazing talent and potential...

Even when Sun Fei was famous in the world and visited Azeroth in the name of [Northern Emperor], the twelve golden Saints did not shock the world. Among them, only [Golden Lion] Frank Lampard Defeated the sacred sect of the Holy See, the head of the Knights of the Knights [Silver Grey] and fame...

In the past six months or so, the twelve gold holy warriors rarely showed up, did not participate in any battles, and did not have any earth-shattering record, so they were ignored by many people, even in the most intense time when the battles in the mainland of the stars were carried out. Few people think of these warriors.

Nowadays, the stone is shocked, and the former shampoo king, who is now the strongest warrior of Azeroth [The Emperor], has finally lived the title of 'the strongest warrior', showing unparalleled power and momentum.

Hope, re-envelop Azeroth!


"The Warrior of God?" The noble look of the jade face is condensed: "Is this the last hand left by the hypocrite?"

With his strength, it is natural to see at a glance that the strength of the eleven gold Saints is really terrible. It is not inferior to his own black warrior machine. What is even more terrifying is that the eleven gold Saints also Preserving your own mind, with fighting wisdom.

"Wow, hahaha, this is Laozi’s own means.” Sun Fei laughed.

At this moment, there is finally a sense of accomplishment that is difficult to contain. When the twelve golden holy warriors were the kings of the small Chambord city, they were cultivated out of the evil tastes, and later cultivated all the way, most of them, It is all he has been watching from the small star warrior to the realm of today, the satisfaction of this cultivation is really no less than his own strength.

During this time, the reason why the Golden Saints rarely appear is actually to sharpen their strength in the [City of the Sky] and use the power of the Sky City to enhance their strength. Under the effect of [Grace] miracles, Communicate the power of the stars, temper themselves, and under the catalysis of the strange power of the Holy Spirit under the stars on the battlefield, thoroughly communicate the stars and realize the complete communication between the stars and their bodies.

"The original voice of the soul was not only for the reinforcement of your strength, but also for the awakening of those ghosts and ghosts, but for these so-called **** warriors?" Emerald green human face monsters thoughtfully: " It seems that before I was careless!"

"Wow, hahahaha, how? Service?" Sun Fei took advantage of the situation and deliberately spurred: "Look at the soldiers of Laozi, one by one, the golden light flashes majestic and luxurious, at first glance is the hero image of the positive character, then look at your soldiers. One by one, the black and white sloppy sloppy, sloppy, sloppy, at first glance, is a scum, haha!"

This is what I said.

The golden Saints standing next to Sun Fei almost fell to the ground.

On the mainland of the Star Battlefield below, all the coalition forces laughed happily. All the relaxed and tense atmosphere between the words of the Emperor was seemingly swept away.

And the noble is really excited and angry.

Sun Fei guessed well. This person has some relationship with the earth and can understand some ridiculous words on the earth.

"Kill!" The jade face strange snarls angrily.

Sun Fei laughed happily, remembered a scene from the previous world tour of the Westward Journey, hit a ring and smiled and said: "Let him kill!"

The streamer flickering, the golden flames are full of clouds, the black mist is raging, and the battle begins.


Eleven gold Saints and eleven black armor warriors catch and kill.

Sun Fei and Gao Shang are far away from each other and are holding each other.

Sun Fei is very confident in the soldiers he has cultivated, so he does not intend to intervene in this battle.


The golden lion Frank Lampard is on the same front of the [No. 1] black armored warrior machine - this is a guy who uses a pair of giant swords, about two meters and three or four meters tall, all in black, like ink, black The ink spurs seem to be able to swallow all the glory, exude a violent scent, cold and bone, completely a fighting machine.

Up and down the whole body, only a pair of red-red pupils, no scorpion, no focal length, only killing.

"Kill!" The hoarse and cold voice lingered from the mouth of [No. 1].

He turned into a group of ink and rushed up.

Lampard stood still in the ground, with a smile on his lips, his right fist slightly retracted his elbow, and a touch of pure gold, like the source of the light at the beginning of the creation, bursting out on his right fist. Then, as his fist slowly swings out, the light bursts into thousands of tiny lights...

"Flash - electricity - light - speed - punch -!"

Many people are familiar with the light drink, which is heard from Lampard's mouth.

The next moment is the endless golden light, like a sword with a handle, suddenly piercing the sky.

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