Hail the King

: 1199, the finale (4)

After half a month.

The war was finally over. When the coalition returned from the mainland of the stars, Azeroth was a sensation.

The joy of the rest of the robbery has made countless people feel that life is so beautiful for the first time, and those who have lost their father, son, and husband are caught in long-term sorrow and pride - yes, pride, Because their loved ones, in order to defend the entire continent and die, the earthen jars are inevitably broken, and the strong men are just dead. For many people, as a warrior, you can participate in this holy war, and it will be a great glory.

In the center of the mainland, the once-filled island of Paris has built a monumental monument.

[Emperor] His Majesty Alexander personally promulgated the will. Every fallen hero, whether it is an ordinary soldier, a staff officer, a logistics soldier, or a stalwart of a lifetime, will be engraved on the most sacred pillar of the island of Paris. Above.

This eternal pillar of God, about ten thousand meters high, is like a giant pillar that propped up this heaven and earth. It shines with the eternal glory of eternal life, standing in the most zhongyāng of Azeroth.

Shenzhu has [People's Emperor] Alexander, the **** of the creation of the gods who have no previous generations, and the power of the gods, even if it has been through thousands of years of wind, frost, snow, and years of inundation, there will be no damage.

At the back and left and right sides of the pillar of God, the densely-spoken head is engraved with the name of every warrior who fell on the mainland of the Star Battlefield.

On the front side, there is a personal inscription by the Emperor.

"After the month, the heroes of Azeroth who died in the battlefield of the Star Battlefield are immortal!

In the past five years, the heroes of Azeroth who fought for the temptation and survival of the mainland have been immortal!

From this, thousands of years ago, in the era of the demon war, in order to fight against the "polluter", against brutality, against slavery, against the darkness, in order to protect love and justice, in the wars and battles for the sake of all the goodness of Azeroth Ordinary people and samurai, wise men and peak powers are immortal! ”

This inscription will shine forever, shining on Azeroth, and inspiring every race and every creature in this magical land. In order to protect this beautiful and rich, this martyr uses life and blood. Struggle with the land where the soul is poured!


After the war, Azeroth was in a hurry.

The fall of a large number of elites, officers, administrators, and wise men commanded the continent's civilization, force, and various orders to retreat to a shocking level. Fortunately, before the war began, Alexander was strong. The entire Azeroth, from the city of Chambord to the Zenit Empire, and then Zenit to the Northern Empire, and then by the Northern Territory, the Azeroth Empire, a new giant empire has been born.

The benefits of a unified empire to all Azeroth people are obvious.

In the entire plane, there is no prestige, [Emperor] Alexander, under the order, the follower Jingyun, even some speculative generations, some ambitious generations, some speculators try to be in such a chaotic environment. In the interests of darkness, there is no way to get the soil for the implementation of the plan.

Moreover, from the mouths of the returning heroes, the current [Emperor] has been promoted to the position of the **** of creation, and his eyes are like the stars in the sky, monitoring every corner of this vast land, any conspiracy and evil. There is nothing to be seen.

No one can challenge the status of the Emperor, and no one dares to question every decision of the Emperor.

At this time, Sun Fei, in the minds of all people, represents an unprecedented and powerful, unquestionable majesty, which combines imperial power and moral power, and is the most powerful existence ever since ancient times, not to mention Azeroth. Even if it is the entire plane, I am afraid that no one can challenge him.

With the shock of Sun Fei, the mainland smoothly passed the traumatic period.

After a short period of six months of rectification, Azeroth began to be on the right track.

At the same time, the earth has also been reorganized.

The technological civilization of the earth and the magical civilization of Azeroth, under the impetus of the nuns, the uncle Kane, and his gang of disciples, Neymar, Oscar, etc., began to collide with the spark of integration. The earth has experienced After the Zerg invasion and the great changes in the world, the tides of power have changed, and people can cultivate magic and martial arts.

More interestingly, the Earth people are more immersed in supernatural powers such as magic, and Azeroth has a wave of earth technology products. For a time, many Azeroth nobles have a TV set. Refrigerators, mobile phones or Apple computers are proud of it. It is as if the ancient Chinese porcelain and tea spread to Europe.

Such a phenomenon has naturally promoted the vigorous development of bilateral trade.

Once the orc clan, Zhong Dajun, changed his mind and became the only sales agent of the Earth in Azeroth to authorize Apple's electronic products, and finally decided to withdraw from the Azeroth mainland prime minister. However, it has become the largest salesman of magic products in Azeroth.

Best has not repaired the martial arts. At this time, the hair is already white, but he is still a handsome old man. After being extended by his life, Sun Fei has extended his life. He is happy to tease his grandchildren every day.

Although retreating from the prime minister's prime minister, but the father is still the right to sway, joking, the son-in-law is the emperor, the daughter is the queen, the old and the students under the door are all over the world, who dares to provoke?

Twelve gold Saints are now the main gods on the side of the town. Brooke, who once mastered almost the entire mainland army, also retired from the army. This straight man has been valued by Sun Fei and has been assigned a heavy responsibility, but also because of heavy military affairs. After his own martial arts practice, the situation on the mainland is now clear. He decided to hand over military power and practice the martial arts with one heart and one mind.

Gold Lions Lampard and Cech, Inzaghi and others incarnate mortals, wandering around the world, free and easy, for Sun Fei to inspect the world, once one day, [sky city] zhongyāng Shenshan bells ring again, they will re-apply Gold armor, fight for [People]!

The mainland Wusheng Maradona was originally extremely injured, leaving only the soul body. Fortunately, after Sun Fei entered the position of the creation god, he could heal such an injury and restore his strength. The wind and dustman left his mark. Still in the red demon, the dragon is not seen at the end, there are legends on the mainland!

Such an example is simply inexhaustible.

Numerous people who followed Sun Fei from the very beginning have become the target of countless singers and poetry, and Chambord City has become a holy place among countless people in the mainland, because it is this Among the small cities and towns, the "Emperor" who saved the entire continent was born, and it became the birthplace of the new civilization of Azeroth because of some decrees issued by Sun Fei.

Orcs, dwarves, elves, gnomes and dragons, and even the icy seas, have rarely entered an era of harmony.

Every alien is respected as Sun Fei as the ancestors, and dare not have the slightest rebellious heart.

And they also got all the rights equal to the human race, and got their most ideal dwelling place, began a new ethnic reproduction, and entered the most golden life era in their history.

Everything is in the strength of Sun Fei’s efforts and is developing prosperously.

The Holy See has been extended, and the branches of the various chaotic sects have been integrated by Sun Fei with iron fists, unified the doctrine, removed the dark power in the church, and became the power of true salvation. The gods and the knights wandered around. To promote the doctrine and kindness of the Emperor, to save the suffering of the people, has become a symbol of light and justice.

At the same time, [Undead Temple] was re-established under the special approval of the Emperor, and the tears of the undead sorcerer Hasselbainke and his partner Undead Gulong Arthur, who had been chased, Become the main **** of the Temple of the Undead, they also have believers, the power of the undead is used for the purpose of justice, this misrepresented magical genre, also renewed.

A beautiful life has been opened to every race in the continent of Azeroth.

There is a "People" Alexander, such a lord of the world, who ruled this plane, war and smoke, will leave this beautiful, enchanting land forever.


"So, after that force returns to your body, you suddenly understand a lot, and understand that you are actually a goddess turned around, the body is stored in the power of yin, only the yin and yang can meet, can truly advance to the creation **** Position?"

Sun Fei took Angela's white hand, standing next to the Valkyrie Elena, and the witch Paris.

"Well, maybe before the creation of the **** God Gaode, you have already planned everything. He will divide the power of the creation **** into two parts, one part of which falls on you, and the other part. Divided into two, in my body, part of the storage, and the daughter of the Protoss and the Lord of the Mozu, stored another part, noble in order to achieve the supreme god, launched the war before the millennium, got that A protoss girl, he could not turn the power of the girl into his own use, but he had to turn the girl into a half-worm with the devour and pollution control of the Zerg, in the hope of slowly..."

Angela explained with a smile.

"Unfortunately, people are not as good as days, although Gao De's squatting into the void, but he was once the representative of this world, so the left behind, after all, still defeated the noble..." The witch smiled.

The female Valkyrie who has been talking for a sudden suddenly said: "I suddenly felt that the noble is really pitiful."

Valkyrie did not participate in the battle of the stars battlefield. On the one hand, Sun Fei was selfish and did not want the beloved to fall on the battlefield. On the other hand, once the coalition forces defeated themselves, Sun Fei also hoped that the Valkyrie could protect Angela and so on. My closest relatives and friends, leaving Azeroth, live a safe life.

After all, Sun Fei is not a complete saint. He is still selfish.

"Haha, now we should go to the last puzzle." Sun Fei laughed and glared at the three sweethearts, and his body flashed into the world of the gods.

In addition to a sun shining in the sky, there is a huge light egg.

This is the seal of the 108-year-old demon blood seal, which is the most zhongyāng and the largest.

"Let's guess what will be inside?" Sun Fei released a golden light that melted the blood chain around the seal giant egg. The four people swayed and entered the interior space.

It is dark in front of your eyes.

There was a patter of light rain in the sky. Several old hens giggled and looked for insects in the wet grass. They looked around, surrounded by giant wood walls, broken tents, and a blacksmith shop. A long-lasting breath of vicissitudes pervades the air.

"how could this be?"

The Valkyrie Elena was stunned.

Here, it is actually the starting point in the world of Diablo, Rogge Camp.

"Ha ha ha, now I am finally balanced. It turned out that the founding **** Gaode was not a complete saint. He created a new world by means of anti-sky, and placed his descendants in it. Maybe it’s a long time after the long time, there will be a catastrophe, I hope future generations will avoid the disaster here, well, and I guess, Irina, I am relieved, you are not cold data npc It is the descendants of Gao De's squad... He created such a dangerous world. It is estimated that he hopes that his descendants will breed here, but he does not want you to lose strength. The existence of those **** monsters is his specialization. Create to sharpen you, he hopes that you can remain brave..."

Sun Fei laughed.

Valkyrie is a descendant of Gao De.

The npc in this original Rogge camp has wisdom and thinking, which is different from other scenes in the future. This shows that Grandpa Kane, nuns and other people are also living people, not data npc.

This is also an understanding of Sun Fei's heart disease.

His previous life was pirated and stunned to the outside world. He should be selected by Gao De, so he can enter the dark world and gain the power of the world to become stronger. In the real world, he can absorb the undead and the zerg. The mysterious and pure energy is estimated to be the means of the creation of the gods. He created a physique that can absorb the consuming of different kinds of energy, thereby restraining the zerg.

All of this is for the sake of restraining the noble and staying.

"Maybe, we should go and see the once-created **** Gao De," Elena, let's go see your distant ancestors."


I don't know which one is the plane.


The 21st century.

Two boys, about one meter tall and seven meters tall, walked happily on the way to school. They were orphans and lived together. The two brothers had a very good relationship. They wore the same school uniforms, washed cleanly, and sang pop songs. Full of youthful vitality.

In the sky above, Sun Fei and three beloved women appeared.

The power of the law is pervasive and no one can see them.

But one of the two little boys suddenly seemed to be sensing something in the darkness, looking up and smiling into the sky, revealing white teeth.

"Brother, what are you looking at?"

"Nothing, just suddenly, I feel like there is something very kind in the sky looking at myself..."


The testimony and some related information will be released tonight, and the king is here, even if it is finally over.

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