Hail the King

Vol 2 Chapter 187: Great victory

Chapter 187 won the victory


Roman Pavlyuchenko was a little glimpse, and soon he suddenly realized.

Yes, it is ‘variable’.

In addition to this word, Pavlyuchenko can no longer find any other words that can describe everything he saw in this battle. From the beginning, when Shampoo Alexander took the woman and the children, he did not expect Those delicate women will be the magic archers like the Death Spokesperson. He didn't think there were more than 50 [Zebe] level shooters in Chambord. He didn't think that the huge black dog had such crazy ability and power. He did not think that the giant axe square of Chambord City and the body of the twenty-two steel armor were possessing such terrible power. He did not think that the famous "Imperial Iron Horse" would be wiped out after only one charge. And did not kill any of the enemies, he did not think that the personal strength of the singer Wang Alexander had a breakthrough... All these, he did not think.

This is the variable.

The fragrant king of Alexandria turned all the things that others could not think of into reality.

This kind of variable is the most terrible, because even the most wise coach, in the face of such an enemy, will be defeated by the unexpected "unexpected", you have no way to know What happens in a second, I don’t know what cards the opponent will play next time, and when you find out, you are already defeated!

this is too scary!

"Roman, remember everything you see today, maybe one day in the future, you will face it all personally..." The long princess’s words made the Cavaliers feel a bit awkward, but he nodded in response.

There are countless loyal generals under Arshavin under the Great Hall. Pavlyuchenko is not the strongest one. However, he has a calm and eager learning spirit. He is a rare wise man in the Great Prince's camp. The talent, so [Female Wensheng] long princess will always take this knight around, let him touch more as a common general can not be touched for life, which is intentional, not self-evident. For this, Pavlyuchenko himself is well aware, so he has been learning silently. Today, this small-scale battle has given him a lot of shock, he needs to slowly digest.

"Wang, how do you deal with them?"

Asked the Capricorn gold rider Paul Pierce. He had already tied the nine kings with the city management and threw it in front of the [Black Whirlwind]. After the big black, he roared and scared the kings who used to be pampered. Some of them had no bones and the guys had already gotten up and squatted. The ground is desperately crying and crying for mercy.

"To clean up the battlefield, all the armor of the armor was collected in the city, and the village was temporarily prepared. The surviving prisoners were locked in the [small black house] with heavy shackles, allowing Oleg to be strictly guarded, and all the seriously injured were executed, together with other bodies. The other party is in the back hill small square..." Sun Fei rides on the back of the **** dog and sweeps through the **** battlefield: "Whether all the horses and the red flame beasts are seriously injured, they are all locked into the royal family, and they are sent to take care of them. They are the future baby of Chambord, ah hahaha!"

"You can't do this. These are the property of Chishui. You don't have the right to be your own." The Chishui King saw a red flame beast pretending to be a prelude to the Chambord soldiers.


Pierce smiled and slammed two slaps in the past. The horrible hand was like a hammer hitting his face. The king squatted his teeth and became sore and swollen in the next second. He couldn’t speak clearly. The swelling became a seam and the bridge of the nose was split.

"Shut up, captives must have the consciousness of captives, these are the spoils of the scent of Alexander Wang, even you!" Pierce did not give these noble captives face. Among the other kings, there are already cowards who have been fainted by this barbaric scene. Still keeping the awake unlucky ones to see this scene, no one dared to resist, and honestly watched the city management of the city of Chambord clean the battlefield and swept away their belongings one by one.

The sunset is like blood.

The scavengers roamed in the sky. These black, pointed-nosed giant birds once again smelled the death and the carrion. They flew in groups from the foothills of the back of the city of Chambord, screaming loudly. It brings a burst of depressing darkness.

"Let them sign the national book, before the war reparation doubled, within a month to send to the city of Chambord, if not for a moment, you can use minerals and other materials to compensate, huh, princes do not count, now the king We can always count the words? Send my words to the countries. If any country dares to resist, on the full day, the king will take the head of their king and ask for it in person!" After a big victory, Sun The tone of the fly is tough.

In fact, he had long expected that the princes of various countries would cause a rebound. After all, the prince is not a king. It is not a big deal. Therefore, he has long expected that he will get the 'indemnity' fee, but he did not think of the joint crusade of several countries. So fast, Sun Fei smelled a little unusual taste from it.

"Let the Warden Oleg to entertain these distinguished kings and explain all the processes of their trip clearly. I need to know every detail of how the Nine countries are hooked together!" Sun Fei patted Black dog, began to go to Chambord City.

This battle won easily.

In fact, with the current strength of Chambord City, it is not necessary to abolish so many twists and turns, directly from the city to carry out a wave of simple and brutal charge, you can completely solve the problem, but Sun Fei wants to use this no challenging battle. Thoroughly hone the Champa City warriors and let them adapt to the details of the war, coordination, assault, listening orders, etc., and let them really get close to killing, death, and blood. It is absolutely impossible to know that an army has only powerful strength, but it does not have the courage and will to match its strength. Sun Fei can use the [Hulk Pharmacy] and other items in the Dark World to enhance the strength of the soldiers, but they cannot adapt them to the **** and cruel scene of the battlefield, and they cannot have the will and courage to match the power. Only in the real battlefield can you understand that the city of Chambord is a small city with a frontier fortress. It has not been in contact with real war for many years. The previous battle of the black armor was counted once, but that time it was forced to fight, and this time to take the initiative to meet the enemy. different.

Therefore, Sun Fei only spent a full two hours to complete a battle that could be completed in ten minutes with 100% confidence.

Sun Fei walked slowly toward the gate and his eyes swept across the faces of the soldiers.

Facts have proved that Sun Fei’s painstaking efforts today have not been in vain, because in the eyes of the soldiers, except for a little panic, Sun Fei saw more firmness and courage... They have begun to adapt to such a battle.

Blood and fire are the easiest to grow.

This embarrassment has won a great victory.


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