Hail the King

Vol 2 Chapter 194: terror! Mountain of white bones

Chapter 194 Horror! Mountain of white bones

Sun Fei rushed fast and quickly came to the end of the martyrdom, and his eyes suddenly opened up.

A huge and incredible space appeared in front of Sun Fei. At first glance, it gives people the illusion that it is like walking out of the martyr and leaving the labyrinth to the ground. This is a better than [The City of Heroes] I don’t know how many times the space is huge. I can’t see the margins when I look up. It’s just dark. But with the faint light that I don’t know where I’m coming from, I can see that there is a place outside the kilometer. Up to five or six hundred meters of white pyramid-like tower, the diameter of the base is at least about a kilometer, the smaller the upper and lower, the top is a tip less than one meter, the whole body is white, and it is also faintly flashing. The flame of the blue color, when the time is hidden, the whole scene has an indescribable horror, very infiltrating.

Hula -!

A chaotic element flickering, shot from the short-handed staff in Sun Fei's hand.

In the next second, the sound of the flapping wings flapped, and a huge crow with a black body and a wingspan of more than one meter suddenly appeared on the top of Sun Fei’s head. He circled a few circles in relatives and landed on Sun Fei’s shoulder. Relatives screamed in the ear of Sun Fei, as if the child was coquetry with his parents, Sun Fei smiled and teased the crow, and then said a few words in a very mysterious language, the crows cheerful The ground screamed and then fluttered, the higher the flight, the sooner it fell into the darkness of the head.

The three white giant wolves also got the instructions of Sun Fei, quickly broke into the distant space and began to search around.

Sun Fei began to carefully look at everything in front of him.

This space is not a darkness. The white tower in the distance emits a slight fluorescence, and the earth under the foot also splits some fine and dense gaps. Each road has a width of about a punch and a width. Evenly, like a carefully weaved spider web, these gaps are very deep, and there is a faint red flame coming out of it, which also provides some light for this mysterious open space.

With these faint light, Sun Fei began to carefully observe this mysterious space.

Soon he discovered that, unlike the previous monotonous squats, there was finally a trace of the existence of the building in this space. There were many huge stone pillars with a diameter of about ten meters in the ground. There are some simple horizontal and vertical lines of stone, which are obviously carved up by the day after tomorrow. The style of the stone pillars is also complicated. Some are diamond-shaped columns, some are cylindrical, some are square, and each of these stones has at least twenty or thirty meters high and complete. One of them has at least tens of thousands of pounds of weight, and it is sparsely laid in the space. If you look closely, you will find that they are distributed in a very strange way, just around the horror of the center of the space. White tower.

Sun Fei carefully observed these magnificent huge stone pillars, and soon discovered some strange things - all the stone pillars that fell to the ground were actually knocked down by some kind of great power, and some fell to the ground and then broke into several Cut, covered with sword scratches, and some scratches seem to be drawn out by the claws of some kind of animal, Sun Fei even found several obvious punches on several stone pillars.

The stone of these stone pillars is very hard. Sun Fei has not seen it before. He turned into a "big bear state", concentrated on the top of the stone pillar, and the 21st-level druid has a three-star peak. Power, after the transformation of the bear man state, the force doubled, which is the power of the five-star initial stage. This power is already very amazing. What surprised him is that this palm went down even with a white stamp. Did not stay on the stone pillar.


Sun Fei took a breath of cold air. This discovery made him feel shocked. He wanted to leave a punch on such a stone pillar. It seems that he has at least a six-seven-star master. Who is it? And it is obvious that the swords and the punches on the stone pillars are so dense that they are definitely not the same person. This means that there have been countless six-seven-star masters who have been fighting here... What is this?

With such doubts, Sun Fei continued to observe, and the more he saw it, the more he was shocked.

Because on the stone pillars behind him, he found more traces of fighting. Some huge stone pillars were even directly hit by two people and collapsed on the ground... To create such traces, What level of master can do it? Strongman? Japanese Supreme?

The complexity of the matter seems to have gone far beyond Sun Fei's thoughts.


Just then, the voice of a crow was heard.

Sun Fei’s heart moved and switched the vision to the crow.

In an instant, I saw a sinuous mountain rock appearing in front of me, covered with the entire top of the head. Sun Fei commanded the crows to fly thousands of kilometers back and forth, but the entire head was still boundless rock, like a huge The rock dome is buckled over the top of the head - Sun Fei did not guess wrong, here is still some space underground, or a mountain space that is a huge mountain.

Unexpectedly, the depths of the martyrdom turned out to be such a strange place.

Sun Fei observed the environment around his head and the surrounding environment. The line of sight finally settled on the magnificent white tower in the center of the space. Perhaps there are more clues here.

However, when Sun Fei slowly approached the white giant tower, he gradually found out that something was wrong.

The looming blue flame above the white giant tower has no slight temperature, it is... WISP! ! Sun Fei was shocked. He walked quickly to the giant tower and looked at it with the flame of armor. He was shocked. This is what the white giant tower is. It is a pile of dense mountain bones. The seven or eight hundred meters of towers are all the mountains of white bones accumulated by countless white bones.

Sun Fei only felt that there was a cold air on the back of the ridge. It was like having an invisible cold hand gently touching it. The hair was erected. The horror films of the old villages and the old corpses seen in previous lives were all I rushed into my mind, how many bones needed to complete the accumulation of such a big bone mountain? I am afraid that it is impossible to kill thousands of human beings.

Slightly stabilized a little mood, Sun Fei watched carefully.

Who knows not to look good, the more you look at it, the more shocked, Sun Fei found that the bones that piled up into this mountain of bones are extremely hard, and Sun Fei’s strength can’t be crushed, as if it were white bailian steel. Moreover, the stacking of the Bone Mountain is very neat, and the layers of white bones are like being piled up by oneself, firmly stuck in the bone mountain, full of the harmonious beauty of architecture and art, white bones. There is no trace of dust, and the cleanliness is as fresh as it is. It is definitely not formed naturally. It seems to have just been built by artificial construction.

"Is this white bone actually built up soon? Doesn't that mean that there are other living people or creatures here?" The idea came out, and Sun Fei was a cold sweat. He was busy with white bones. The mountain turned around and did not find that there was a ladder or the like on the top of the mountain to the top. It did not find any gaps in the bone mountain or the existence of the passage, and bite the teeth. Sun Fei switched to the sum of the giant crows that were summoned. Then the crow was commanded to look around the top of the bone mountain for several laps, but no signs of any living organisms were found.

"To build such a bone mountain, at least tens of thousands of labor is needed. It is impossible to leave no trace. This is really strange..." It took another hour, and Sun Fei even climbed to the mountain of Bai Bone. Hawthorn to observe, but still no discovery or the existence of living beings.

However, in the process, he also had new discoveries.

This mountain of white bones is not all formed by the human bones. Sun Fei found a lot of huge in the process of 'climbing the mountain'. It is more than thirty or forty meters of intact bones. It is obviously a certain giant creature after death. What remains, although there is no complete skeleton on the mountain of Bone, but in addition to these giant skeletons, Sun Fei also found many bones that are not human physiological structures, some are very slender, some are too thick... but These skeletons have the same characteristics, that is, the texture is very hard, and Sun Fei has not even found any bones that can be crushed by his current strength.

There is only one explanation for this kind of phenomenon - the strength of the skeleton before the main life must be far beyond the super master of the star warrior. Only such a strong can harden the bones than the steel, even after the death. The bones are decaying, but the bones can be preserved for thousands of years. They don't become loose and fragile in decades after the bones of ordinary people.

This speculation makes Sun Fei simply can't believe it.

That is to say, the white bones that have piled up into the mountain of the white bones are all the skeletons left behind by the super strong ones beyond their imagination, but the question is, where to find so many super strong people? Want to pile up a mountain of white bones of this size, at least need the bones of thousands of souls... There are tens of thousands of super strong people dead here? How is this possible, such a strong person, I am afraid that the number of Zenit has a number of palms can be counted.

This is simply a strong man!

Sun Fei took a two-meter-long scimitar-shaped mysterious unknown creature's cheekbones from the bone mountain and waved it twice in the air. He made a fierce break, then jumped up and squatted, squatting in the distance. On the top of the stone pillar, there was a spark of metal striking, reaching out and wiping the bones in his hand. He said: "It’s incredible. Such bones can be used as weapons. If you can let the soldiers of Chambord City We have one such skeleton in one hand, which is comparable to any weapon of the gods!"

Sun Fei suddenly discovered that the value of these bones does not seem small!


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