Hail the King

Vol 2 Chapter 199: Dramatic change (2)

Chapter 199 is a dramatic change (2)

The magic array was stimulated and started to work. I saw a red flame shining on the ruby. The energy fluctuations flowed strictly along the lines. A red fine line appeared on the ground and finally gathered in the middle of the magic array. Then the whole magical array radiated red brilliance, rising from the sky, a huge suction and vortex fluctuations came out from the array, the ground began to tremble slightly, a few minutes later, a faint orange yellow flame from The middle circle of the magic array slowly emerged.

"Come out... Haha, look at it, it really is [the heart of the earth]!"

White beard and wretched grandfather jumped excitedly, but soon, just like the **** that was screaming and screaming suddenly was caught in the neck, his cheers stopped short because it was at this crucial At that time, I don’t know why, the magical array on the ground instantly dimmed, and soon lost the magical fluctuations, and the orange-red little flame that started from the long-awaited screaming disappeared.

"Ah, the level of the Sorcerer is not enough..." Uncle Kane walked over to check it out, and was frustrated to find that the six [cracked rubies] were exhausted and turned into ordinary gray stones.

"There is no way. I don't have six higher-level rubies for the time being. I will try again tomorrow!" Sun Fei saw this scene and suddenly thought of the magic that was printed in the stone wall of the stone wall in the distance. The map is immediately taken out to the magical madman in front of him.

"Hey? What is this? Strange, well-familiar patterns..."

Uncle Kane’s occupational disease has already occurred in an instant. He has such a habit. When he finds something he is interested in, he immediately enters a frenzied madness. If he does not make things transparent, he will not care. Anyone, so he decisively stood next to the results of Sun Fei hanging aside, turned and drilled into the distant portal, back to [Rogge Camp] to study the magic array above the rubbing map.

Sun Fei looked back and saw that the nun Akara still greedily climbed over the mountain of Bone Bone to pick the bones. She shook her head and returned to the [Rog Camp] through the portal.

In the next five or six days, Sun Fei’s exploration was relatively smooth, and there was no new discovery.

In the Rogge camp, he used the [Hradic Square] to synthesize a sufficient number of perfect gems, and then returned to the stone wall of the stone wall opposite the cold abyss, inlaid with the perfect level of gems on the five small stone pillars. Inspired all five small magical arrays, and indeed there have been new changes. In the middle of the no-word stone monument, there is a crystal blue pattern that Sun Fei can't understand, and it looks like a rough look. A huge magical array, but obviously not, not only has no circular circle of aliens, but the trend of the magical circuit is completely different. It is not so much a magical array, but rather a map that does not know the meaning. The fine lines are covered with complicated routes, just like the circuit diagrams of previous life. A small red dot attracts attention and appears on the blue lines.

Unfortunately, all the findings are limited to this.

Sun Fei simply couldn’t figure out the meaning of the pattern on the stoneless stone. The function of the five stone pillar magic arrays seems to only motivate the pattern on the stoneless stone. In addition, no matter how to motivate the magic array on the stone pillar, Nothing found. The wretched grandfather Kane is still continuing to study the rubbed version of the five magical maps. He just guessed that this might be a type of magical auxiliary map of the transmission type, lacking the central part and difficult to operate, and during this period, Sun Fei also visited the stone room with the nun Akara, but unfortunately there is still no additional discovery.

Sun Fei had to resist the temper, step by step.

In the next ten days, Sun Fei took a day out to explore the thousands of ramps on the stone wall to see if he could find the right path through the stone wall and see the mystery hidden behind the maze. Although the progress is not great, it is also deepening step by step. Sun Fei estimates that there will be more than ten days, and maybe you can really find the right path. In addition, he carefully searched the entire mysterious space around him and found that the space on the three sides of at least tens of square kilometers turned out to be all the dark and abyss of the bottomless, except when it came in, the side was connected with the stone wall, others All three sides were isolated by the abyss and showed a horseshoe shape.

In addition to exploring the mysterious space, Sun Fei certainly did not forget the upgrade of the killing monster in the dark world.

After fifteen days, the first two tasks of the second difficulty [Lu Gaoin] have been completed by him in seven major occupations. The barbarian character level has risen to level 27, the mage level has risen to level 27, and the Amazon rank has risen. At 26th level, the Paladin level rose to level 26, the Druid level rose to level 25, the Assassin level rose to level 26, and the Necromancer level rose to level 24. The strength improved significantly, and the skills of the major professional gods did not have the same skills. Sun Fei's comprehensive combat power has approached the five-star mid-level, even if the leap-level challenge five-star peak master, you can also try.

In addition to the upgrade, Sun Fei will switch to the Assassin mode every day, experience the flow path of the true gas force in the body, constantly refer to the martial arts cheats obtained from the storage ring, create a new fighting channel, and create all the new ones before. In the fifteen-day period, Sun Fei improved the cheats of the electric system, and also created several new different cheats and cheats. After his own practice and experiment, he improved I gave it to Irina and returned to [City of Heroes] and gave it to a specific cultivating practice.

Sun Fei has been working hard and no one else has relaxed.

In the same fifteen days, the wretched grandfather Kane used five perfect levels of gems to spur the magical array, and finally brought out the legendary [the heart of the earth] from the underground stone crevices and handed it to the woman. The blacksmith, Chasi, used to smelt the "black iron essence" ore, and successfully extracted a large number of high-purity [black iron essence], this legendary magic metal and 'demon bones' is simply a perfect match. Chasie used [Black Iron Fine] to cross the devil's bones, successfully forging a large number of pure black armor and weapons, so that you can hide the white bone image of the 'Devil's bones' Baisensen, avoiding these armor weapons After being equipped with the generals of the Champa City soldiers, the image is too horrible, becoming a country of the undead, suffering from the martyrdom of the Holy See in the mainland, and will not reduce the magic and vindictiveness of the demon bones. These bone armor plated with [Black Iron Fine] are all stored in Sun Fei's storage ring.

The wretched grandfather Kane and the nun aunt Akara spent most of their time on the screening of the classification of the 'devil's bones. These ranks are high and low, and the two are in addition to the call to the [Hero City] University. For the first batch of college students, they have been sorting out the day and night, and the 'Devil's bones' are brought back to the Rogge camp according to the rank of the product.

Time passed by, and when Sun Fei’s exploration of the stone wall bee colony channel reached two-thirds, the mysterious space finally changed.

"What happened? I want to feel that the temperature is slowly rising?"

With the help of Rogge, the female blacksmith Chasi, who used the smelting of the heart of the earth to extract [the essence of the black iron], frowned at the doubtfulness. As a talented blacksmith and forgemaster, her sensitivity to temperature Far beyond the average person, even a little temperature change, can not escape the feelings of Chasi.

I heard that Chasi said that the female Rogge who was helping me also stopped the matter. There was a small loli with long seaweed and long hair, and looked at the dense cracks on the ground. : "Oh, look, there is heat coming out from here..."

When everyone looked at it, it was discovered that a trace of hot air slowly emerged from the dense cracks on the ground.

Sun Fei gently put his hand into the crack, you can clearly feel that the temperature from the underground is slowly and evenly rising, the whole mysterious space between the eyes is a bit stuffy, and at this time, he pays attention When it came to a strange phenomenon, the sky actually had a thin layer of white mist?

“Fog? How can it fog?”

Sun Feiyi, immediately thought of something, his face changed, a bang, the stone under his feet burst, his body image was shot like a cannonball, flew toward the icy abyss defense line at the edge of the distant space, turned into a Phantom, at the same time, his voice clearly sounded in the ear of Chassy and the female Rogge: "Hurry up and pack things, and immediately return me to the camp within ten minutes, don't delay!"

No one dared to violate the command of the Supreme Leader. Chassy and the female Rogge felt the dignity in Sun Fei’s words, quickly packed up the tent and the finished and semi-finished armor weapons that were built around them, and withdrew to the Diablo World through the portal. In the [Rogge Camp].

In a twinkling of an eye, Sun Fei came to the dark cold abyss at the edge of the space.

Not as he expected, the coldness of the abyss was soaring, and the moisture of the ice was madly coming out of the bottomless abyss, and the cold air of the abyss and the hot air in the cracks under the feet rushed. A lot of white fog was generated, and the rapid flow of air hedged and began to produce wind...wind?

A flash of lightning flashed in the brain of Sun Fei, almost in an instant, and he wanted to understand how the huge suction that he encountered when he first entered the ramp was coming. He was still strange. Although the air flow was smooth in this space, there was no large-scale air flow. How could it produce wind? The root of the original problem is here.

Just a short time in Sun Fei’s thoughts, there was a horrible whistling sound in the bottomless abyss. Like countless ancient devils screaming and screaming underneath, it sounded terrible, followed by countless icy The debris was sprayed out by the cold air. Sun Fei grabbed it in his hand and watched it carefully. It turned out to be fine and dense ice. However, he did not wait for him to figure out where the ice debris came from, suddenly bursting into a loud noise. I saw that there were countless huge pieces of ice like rocks that screamed out of the dark abyss and squatted on the earth around me.


Sun Fei was caught off guard and rushed to dodge.

Time flies, the ice cubes ejected from the abyss are getting bigger and bigger, from the size of the disc to the hills, like an invisible raising hand throwing them out, the horrible cold flies with the ice, Sun Fei The eyebrows and hair immediately formed a thick layer of hoarfrost, and even the nose hair was frozen and frozen. He hurriedly switched to [Mage Mode], wearing the [Akana's Track] suit, a thin layer. The magic of the flames worked to dispel the cold.

However, the chill was quickly intensified. With the strength of Sun Fei 27, it was difficult to resist this cold and there was a danger of being frozen.

Sun Fei quickly flew back.

The hot air in the cracks under the feet is getting stronger and stronger. All the cracks are red flames, and even the little orange flames are in the air. The hot air and the cold air meet in the air, and the moment is a large white. Thick fog, followed by the hail in the sky, mixed with the raindrops of the beans, slammed into the head... The mysterious space actually burst into a rainstorm.

Rumble -!

Rolling thunder came, and there was a flash of lightning in the dense fog.

Then, the convection of the air in the mysterious space turned, and Sun Fei quickly pushed to a huge stone pillar near the mountain of the bones to avoid it. He looked up and saw the scene that made him eclipse...


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