Hail the King

Vol 2 Chapter 202: Explosive growth of national power

Chapter 202 Explosion of National Power

At the moment when the bell rings, almost everyone in the city of Chambord has a long-awaited impulse, only to feel a lot easier.

This time, the bell sounded not to have an enemy attack.

Instead, the king is back.

People saw the two golden knights under the throne of the shrine, as well as the leaders of the military and political circles, rushing toward the direction of the palace. The streets suddenly became silent, and all the aborigines in the city came out of their homes. They raised their hands and looked at the palace in the north where the terrain was slightly higher. Now they have been completely convinced by the young king, not to mention the fight against the black armies and the nine-nation coalition forces, even if the retreat of Alexander Wang temporarily disappeared. Within a short time, the whole city was able to clearly feel the influence of Alexander Wang.

During this time, Chambord City has had a lot of big things happening.

The first one is said to be the order left by Alexander Wang before the retreat. The large amount of **** piled up in the garbage area of ​​the city was handled by the warden Oleg in this more than a month. It is a very The strange treatment method was not understood by many people at first, but then I saw those who were soaked in the pool and soaked in thick slurry and processed through some simple processes to become a fluffy paper. It’s almost boiling.

These large piles of **** are a small tumor that has accumulated in the city over the years. A summer of recycling, flies and mosquitoes fly, is the root cause of mess and disease. It was suggested that the city be re-planned more than a month ago. In the various functional areas, all the garbage was dumped into Zu Lijiang, but at that time, the shampoo king blocked it. No one thought that the dirty smell that even stray dogs would not be close could one day become paper.

Azeroth is not without paper, but in a remote place like Chambord, paper is a rare thing. Even when the royal family usually records or orders, it is basically a soft cloth or It is a good skin made of nitrates. Paper is a small luxury. Now, with a large amount of garbage being immersed in thick pulp, the poor in the city can use paper.

For many of the poor people in Chambord City, the disappearance of garbage and the emergence of paper have brought them tangible benefits, because everyone who wants to go to the 'Xiangbo City Paper Mill' to help work, every day You can get two silver coins. For many people, this is a difficult opportunity to make money. Now that time has entered the late autumn, the busy season has passed. If you can earn some winter money in the safety circle in the city, who is willing to take the money? Dangerous life with a guide to take the mercenaries into the city of Chambord, where the mountains are stretched and do not know where to go to hunt for Warcraft?

The second one is that some of the urban drainage systems that were previously blocked due to poor use have been repaired and put into use. These well-connected sewers and drainage systems existed long before, but the kings of the past did not pay much attention to repairs. Later, these drainage systems were blocked, and they were ordered by Alexander before the retreat. Legg has worked hard to clear the drainage system that has not been known for how many years have been blocked. At the beginning, some people didn't understand it, but anyway, they could get the silver coins every day, so they went to work happily. After the drainage system was completely dredged, every household added some very simple water pipes. It was discovered that after the drainage system, life suddenly became so easy, and the city people looked at the fat man’s official Oleg’s eyes. The old guy was the smell of the city. The discoloured torture method and the dark representative, but after the two major events of the paper mill and the drainage system, people discovered that this dead fat man has no idea when it will slowly change.

The third thing, more than a month, finally allowed the city people of Chambord to adapt to the twelve copper warrior codes before the temple. Even if they adapted, even the recent influx of people from Chambord also adapted. Codex - no way, have to adapt, at first, there are a lot of people who don't have long-eyed eyes, and they deliberately break the law. The result is surrounded by the holy warriors and city management of Chambord, and they catch the black house. 】 Zhongguan for a few days, all the outsiders have learned a few times, the first thing to come to the city of Chambord is to go to the shrine of the 12-copper warrior in front of the temple, the code of the shampoo city, free to accidentally violate the Those arrogant law enforcers have become dead dogs.

In this process, the cohesiveness of Chambord City has rapidly increased.

In the past, every time in the late autumn, there will be some mercenaries, caravans, sergeants, diners and thieves thieves rushing into Chambord, because autumn is a good season for hunting, many World of Warcraft will produce young cubs in autumn and spring. It is a good time for adventurers to take wealth. These foreigners are arrogant and barbaric, often clashed with the indigenous people of Chambord. With the national strength and status of Chambord before, they could not protect their own people. For the subjects of Chambord, these outsiders are the source of nightmares. But now it is different. The reputation of Alexander Wang of Xiangbo began to be prominent. His two golden knights, samurai saints, and two hundred city managers, like wolves, have already conquered those **** outsiders with fists, except for the first few days. People dare to make troubles in the city. The indigenous people of Chambord City walked down the street. They could raise their chests and enjoy the awe and gaze of outsiders. Even if they met a stray dog ​​on the street, those who used to be arrogant and arrogant. The outsiders have to be polite to avoid the three points at this time!

This powerful and protected feeling makes everyone feel like a member of Chambord City. It is a blessing from heaven.

Everyone understands who brought it all.

Today, that person is back.

There are still more than half a month to be the biggest event of the Zenit Empire - the date of the Wushu Battle Contest. Almost every Champa City, from the oldest to the young, is convinced that for the Chambord City It is a disaster-fighting performance competition, this time will be turned into the first cornerstone of the amazing rise of Chambord City!

Everyone’s eyes are cast on the palace.

There is a figure there that makes their confidence.

It is also their belief.

Champa City Palace.

The king's parliament hall.

On the top of the White Stone Throne surrounded by the huge double lion Warcraft stone statue, Sun Fei’s eyes are like electricity, overlooking the group of ministers.

The atmosphere in the hall made Sun Fei feel satisfied.

In the past month, no one was lazy. With the strength of Sun Fei at this time, you can clearly see that the strength of everyone in the hall has grown by a long time.

The strength of Drogba and Pierce has grown to the peak of two stars. The breakthrough is just around the corner, and even one foot has entered the level of the Samsung Warrior. If they add the Taurus helmet and the holy sword they had before, the strength of the two. Even if it is a samurai who has endured the strength of Samsung, there is a fight.

The strength of the Saint Seiya leader Peter Cech is even more shocking to Sun Fei. At this time, he has broken through to the level of the three-star mid-level. This former two-star peak was smashed by the commander Bazer. The warrior who became a waste man, after getting the quenching of the "Hulk Pharmacy", the recovery speed is simply shocking. At this time, let Cech play against the former senior black swordsman Swordsman, and even kill the opponent in an instant. However, for Cech's real combat ability, Sun Fei is not easy to estimate, because the Saint Seiya leader is said to be a genius defensive master. In the past, when he was at the top of the two-star peak, he could resist the attack of Samsung masters. Among the affiliated countries, there is a small reputation. Now, Cech’s vindictiveness has reached the middle level of Samsung, and after he passed the [Hulk Pharmacy], he is far superior to the general level of opponents. It is definitely worth looking forward to.

Champaign's military giant Gordon Brooke is now at the mid-level of two-star. Although this growth rate is much worse than those of Drogba, Pierce and Cech, it is also amazing compared with the general warriors. Sun Fei naturally knows that there is a reason for this situation. Brooke ruled the two military forces of the Champa-Saint Seiya and the urban management. The busy day was busy, and he worked hard to complete the establishment and strength of the Chambord military system in accordance with Sun Fei’s design. The time of cultivation will naturally be less, but Brooke’s loyalty is absolutely beyond doubt. He is more meticulous than Drogba and Pierce, and he is more intelligent than a cultivator who is a cultivator, such as Cech. The glory and quality, whether before or after the rise of Sun Fei, Brooke has won the love of the city of Chambord. Such a person, perhaps his strength is not very high, but he can serve the public and use himself. The personal charisma infects others, which is why Sun Fei appointed Brooke as the first person in the city of Chambord.

The prisoner Oleg's strength has also skyrocketed at this time, and his temperament level is close to the two-star mid-level. However, he seems to prefer the close-knit violent warfare that favors Drogba and others. The low fat man, unbelievably in the secondary development of the [Hulk Pharmacy] residual power, the height is more than one meter nine, the fat is all still there, but it is more obvious, no longer In the past, the charming flattering looks like a glimpse.

Of course, among all of them, what surprised Sun Fei most was Frank Lampard, the former master of the former Champa City. At this time, Lampard was still slanting behind the black giant sword, but he was just a watery temper. There is a tendency to dissipate. Instead, it is the electric suffocation of the squad, and Sun Fei can feel it. Lampard’s temperament level is faintly four-star mid-level... too fast, even in one During the month, he rebuilt the electric system to fight the gas, and jumped to the four-star middle level. How did he do it? Even if you have the help of the electric system's martial arts cheats [Lightning Lightspeed Boxing] that you have created, it is absolutely impossible to achieve such an achievement. What kind of secret is hidden behind the former master? Sun Fei is a bit curious.

In addition to these newly rising martial arts masters, Sun Fei’s personal bodyguard Fernando Torres has also made progress. This young man with a chivalrous heart has been honed through this period of time, and finally there is a squad of soldiers. The gas, this is a very adolescent boy, talent is also good, before Sun Fei, Toilina gave this boy an ice cheat cheat called [Aurora], which is a possession of twenty-five vindictive The three-star cheats of the channel, it seems that Torres is a good practice, Sun Fei can feel it, this young man's body contains an amazing hail power, the ice system should be cultivated to the second-star stage.

These people are the masters of Sun Fei's key training, and they are satisfied with the progress of Sun Fei.

In addition, the strength of several Hercules who have participated in the Battle of Stone Bridge has also grown, because they have been tempered and remodeled by the Eclipse Agent. The strengths have reached a one-star mid-level, but not everyone in these people has the talent to cultivate vindictiveness. Although the vindictive channel is widened, there is no progress in the cultivation of vindictiveness. The best temperament is in one star. Around the level, almost even now, there is no temperament and anger.

In addition to the aborigines of these Chambord cities, the masters from the dark world, such as Jelena, Chasie, Kane, Akara and Kasha, also appeared in the king’s parish hall, because they were already in the back mountain. As a university teacher in the underground caves, there have been college teachers, so everyone is not surprised by the appearance of the dark masters.

In the case of Wenchen, Best is busy, but because Sun Fei once quietly arranged Angela to give the old man a bit of a slap in the diet [full recovery of medicine], so the energy is very good, even a little rejuvenation, but unfortunately old White face has no interest in cultivation, and until now there is still no power.

In addition to Best, the administrative talents of Chambord City are more embarrassing. The assistants of Best are a few well-respected fathers, white hair and white whiskers, and aging is serious. At present, Best is also the left and right of Xiangbo City. The six heads of the leaders are all temporarily employed by these elders. Sun Fei can only wait for the number of talents in this field in the city of Chambord, but fortunately, the city of Chambord is temporarily weak, and there are not many subjects. It is not difficult to manage, plus in the previous battle of Dongshan. Sun Fei’s use of knives to kill people has completely eliminated the nobility and privileged forces of Chambord City. Therefore, the decree of the decree is smooth, and there is no difficulty for the time being.

Sun Fei’s line of sight slowly swept away from everyone in the hall of the House of Representatives, and a sense of accomplishment came to life.

In just over four months, who can think of the explosive growth of Chambord City?

At this time, the national strength, even if the black armor once again committed, Sun Fei is completely confident, no longer need to shrink to the city to use the terrain to defend, do not have to go to death, as long as a charge, you can the black armor Under the city, those black knights who were originally unattainable, the Saint Seiya of Chambord City can kill them casually.

"The martial arts battle is coming, I know, everyone has been waiting very hard, can't wait..." Sun Fei smiled, full of majestic voices ringing in everyone's ear: "This time in the battle, we have to use ourselves Hands, take everything that was once lost, all!"

Sun Fei said, suddenly stood up: "The order of the king of the king, three days later, the whole army dispatched, went to the capital of St. Petersburg, to participate in the military competition!"


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